Fantasy: So I Am a Peerless Expert

Chapter 923: King of the World

Hearing this, Li Yixi also became interested. After all, this is the first time Li Yixi has heard of practitioners who are concerned about people's livelihood.

Even Li Yixi gradually broke away from ordinary people's thinking and did not continue to pay attention.

"Girl, what's your plan!"

At this moment, Li Yixi looked at Zhao Feixuan with curiosity, and looked at this woman who had thoughts and might do something shocking.

Hu Qingyun and Xiao Fenghuang, who had been indifferent at first, heard Li Yixi's words, and their ears were instantly pricked up.

The disdain on Little Phoenix’s face disappeared without a trace. Hearing Zhao Feixuan’s words and Li Yixi’s questioning, the little Phoenix who wanted to think about every sentence of Li Yixi felt that Li Yixi When I came to the Qinglong Fairy City, I came to the Shushan Book Club, I was afraid that there would be major events to be arranged.

In the mind of the little Phoenix at this moment, Zhao Feixuan's words were constantly echoing, "Establish a heart for the heaven and the earth, establish a life for the people, for the sacred and inherit the knowledge, and for the peace of the eternal world."

"What the **** is the master laying out, establishing reincarnation, dismissing this low level of heaven and earth, and talking about the matter of conferring gods, does the master want to establish heaven and earth to make this heaven and earth the highest plane in the Journey to the West?"

"This Shushan is holding a book meeting. It seems that the saint Feixuan Zhao, seems to want to do something for ordinary people. Does the master want to create a real prosperous world?"

"Do you work for mortals?"

Little Phoenix was breathing involuntarily at this moment, fearing that he might have missed something.

Hu Qingyun on the side also looked at Li Yixi thoughtfully.

I felt that Li Yixi had a big layout, and while pouring Li Yixi, he listened carefully, and felt that if there was a chance, I would also participate in Li Yixi's layout.

Zhao Feixuan originally thought that her idea was absurd, that she was a man with a man's arm as a car, and she wanted to die, but she was overjoyed when she heard Li Yixi's words.

Feeling that such a terrifying existence as Li Yixi came here, it is very likely that he valued his plan.

So at this moment, Zhao Feixuan had a look of excitement. She originally thought that Shushan might be destroyed by implementing the plan, but now, Zhao Feixuan felt that if Li Yixi's instruction was given, then the plan would definitely reduce the resistance.

After taking a deep breath, after the thoughts, Zhao Feixuan smiled at this moment: "My son, to tell you, I have a stupid idea. I think that all people are equal, but some people are born with spiritual roots. With the blessing of heaven, he successfully became a cultivator, pursuing immortality."

"But there are some people who seem to have been forgotten by heaven and earth. They have no spiritual roots, no resources, even if they have great ambitions, and no chance to display them. After all, all rights in this world have been usurped by practitioners, and Those powerful beings also stretched out their invisible big hands, manipulating those mortals, making those mortals ignorant, and returning those mortals to the era of slash-and-burn cultivation, even causing some people to starve to death."

"All ordinary people, all become tools, because those invisible big hands want to rob the ordinary people of the power of faith, so that ordinary people become ignorant, easy to control, and can easily gather the power of luck. Practice with the power of faith and luck."

"Extremely cruel, in order to win luck, I did so."

"I think that practitioners have received the blessing of heaven and become the chosen person. This should not be the case. They should feed back the world and all sentient beings."

"So Feixuan studied Caolu and preached the world, but Feixuan and Caolu are different. Caolu gives ordinary people the opportunity to enter the literary way, but there are also some people who are hopeless, and these people should not become Desperate, numb, and let the powerful beings take control of everything. They should have wisdom to make the common and prosperous. I hope that all beings are equal. I decided to awaken them. I want to develop education and promote agriculture and technology."

Zhao Feixuan plucked up her courage and said her general idea in one breath.

After Li Yixi listened, his heart was greatly shaken.

The strong fools the people for better control, better absorption of the power of faith and the power of cohesive luck. To put it bluntly, just like Zhao Feixuan's transformation, mortals are the tools of practitioners.

At this moment, Li Yixi looked at Zhao Feixuan in shock, and said: "Li is not as good as a girl. The girl is the saint who lives in the world. If she succeeds, Feixuan will become the king of the world."

"If the girl needs help, Li Yixi will not let it go. If you give these things to the girl, it may be useful to Feixuan."

With Li Yixi's thoughts moving, he took out some books from the system space.

Many books are related to agriculture, technology, and education. Li Yixi has always found it useless. After all, this is a fantasy world. But at this moment, Li Yixi suddenly felt that the rewards of these systems are of great use. .

There are still people who cannot practice in the fantasy world, and there are still some people who are surviving.

After doing all this, Li Yixi stood up at the moment and smiled: "I heard about Feixuan's dream today, and Li feels that I need to go and see what is invisible in the world, and say goodbye."

Li Yixi felt a little ashamed. He came from the Blue Star, but he was a little bit out of the identity of a mortal.

Zhao Zuzhi and Zhao Feixuan have been accompanying Li Yixi out of the mountain of books.

Seeing that Li Yixi was gone and disappeared, he withdrew his gaze.


At this moment, Zhao Zuzhi dared to release his nervous mood.

"Fei Xuan, from today onwards, you are the lord of the mountain of books. I fully support all your decisions, ancestors."

"Even if it will make the mountain of books irreversible, so what? At least we have proved it."

"Moreover, if an expert makes a move, Shushan will rise to the top."

"After all, the power of an expert is beyond imagination."

In the Temple of Heaven, at the table where Li Yixi was sitting just now, two figures appeared, but no one noticed them.

The Lord of Hell at the moment, staring at the book in front of him, an incredible color appeared in his eyes.

His breathing was so fast that even the side of Nie Zheng's eyes showed a look of horror. Nie Zheng could feel that the ordinary books in front of him, books that have nothing to do with spiritual practice, were so powerful that they were beyond imagination. Hell's active content, even some difficult to control their own breath.

Nie Zheng found that the Lord of Hell at the moment saw the books in front of him, and his body was shaking.

However, Nie Zheng found that the books were unremarkable.

There is nothing outstanding.

At this moment, the Lord of Hell couldn't help it anymore, and said shockedly: "This book turns out to be the treasure of luck, the treasure of luck, and it can bless races, countries, and all souls."

"There are so many treasures of luck in front of me, I'm afraid it can protect the common people, what exactly is the master planning."

"This Mountain of Books is about to rise, and it may soon threaten the Central Immortal Court. At this moment, all the power of luck is shifting to the Mountain of Books." The Lord of Hell, with a shocked look on his face, as powerful as the Lord of Hell, At this moment, covetousness was also born, but thinking of Li Yixi's strength, the lord of **** immediately curbed his greed and gave up the books that contained the power of luck.

Thinking of the important event that I had come here, I hurried to pursue Li Yixi.

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