Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 714: neutral army village

Chapter 714 Neutral Military Fortress

"The notice is out, the notice is out, the new notice is out!"

Qiao Ye was thinking about how to make up for the last 300 points of meritorious deeds, but at this moment, someone in the military stronghold shouted loudly.

Alarmed by the man's shout, almost everyone walked in the direction of the notice.

Qiao Ye's speed was quite fast, standing in the inner circle, and then saw a new announcement appear on the notice board.

"A neutral military stronghold appeared on the battlefield. It is located in the central river area. The east and west armies can attack. After the attack is successful, the power ratio will be increased by an additional 10%. It will last for three days. If you pull out the city wall army flag, you can get 100 meritorious deeds. There are three points in total. If you pull out the military flag of Wengcheng, you can get 300 merit points in total. If you pull out the symbolic military flag of the neutral military village, you can get 800 points in total. If you pull out the military flag symbolized by the neutral military village, the attack is considered a success. ."

"Neutral Army Fortress?"

Qiao Ye looked at the newly posted notice, showing a bit of confusion. How did he come up with a neutral military stronghold?

However, Qiao Ye quickly remembered.

Special areas will be opened from time to time, and each opening time is three hours!

The last of the special rules!

This neutral military camp is obviously a special area, only open for three hours, and...

From the point of view of the notice, this is completely a merit!

Qiao Ye immediately turned around and left, constantly pushing, regardless of the scolding around, quickly left the notice board, and then ran towards the outside of the military village.

Meritoriousness, this is a meritorious service delivered to the door, and the 300 points of meritoriousness that I am missing is almost complete!

Qiao Ye quickly left the military village and ran quickly towards the central area, while his thoughts flew in his head.

First, the Eastern Army and the Western Army have to fight again.

This neutral military stronghold belongs to the two sides attacking at the same time, but simultaneous attack does not mean a cooperative attack, that is to say, there is only one neutral military stronghold, and there are six military flags for different meritorious achievements.

Everyone wants to...

Then hit it!

Going back, not only the neutral army village has to be fought, but the second army may have to fight for the main army flag of the neutral army village. After all, increasing the power ratio by 10% will be 30% for three days. , and the neutral military stronghold lasts for three hours, and there is no possibility of being recaptured. As long as the attack is successful, the 30% can be considered secure.

Second, who will defend this neutral military stronghold?

Qiao Ye thinks that it should be impossible to have no one to defend. If no one defends the neutral army, the difficulty will drop sharply. people will have an absolute advantage.

Therefore, there must be someone defending the neutral army village. Then, who will defend? Is it the old people trapped in the gladiatorial tray? The defensive strength of the neutral army village obviously has an absolute influence on the attack.

Third, even if the Eastern Army and the Western Army are not in separate formations, the reason is very simple. Attacking the neutral army will definitely benefit the whole army. However, everyone who pulls the flag will get merits, and this Merit is personal.

That being the case, who wouldn't want to be the one pulling the flag?

The general direction is the same, but there is a lot of competition in the dark.

Qiao Ye thought about it, and thought for a while in his heart. His goal was a thousand meritorious deeds, that is, to ensure that the flag of the Wengcheng should be pulled down. This is the only good news, even if the neutral military stronghold is eventually occupied by the Western Army. , but if Qiao Ye got the Wengcheng military flag, the three hundred meritorious deeds would still be counted, and it would not be lost because the neutral military stronghold fell into the hands of the Western Army.

Therefore, it doesn't matter whether the Eastern Army wins or not, the important thing is that you have to pull the flag!

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye quickly crossed the battlefield and quickly reached the river area.

Qiao Ye ran out at the first time, of course, because the sooner you arrive, the better, because the more people there are, the more chaotic it will be, but when he got there, Qiao Ye found that he was still slow, and the central river area of ​​the battlefield was already densely packed with people. .

In the middle of the river, a huge military village has been erected at this moment. Outside is a huge fence of wooden stakes, about eight or nine meters high. The river is opposite to east and west, but it is very thief. Inserted on the north and south sides, it is obvious that the two sides are not allowed to win the military flag "friendly".

Because there are three military flags on the wall, two on the south wall, and one on the north wall. If each of them goes to get a military flag for the wall, who will go to the wall with only one flag?

Obviously, no one wants to suffer!

And behind the wall, there is an urn city. There are towers on the north and south sides. Each of the towers has a military flag. As for the inner part of the urn city, it should be the main business. The main business is not visible from the outside. In addition, the tower of Wengcheng is almost fifteen meters high, and it is impossible for the line of sight to go over it.

As for the guards...

It's not human!

The soldiers guarding the fence turned out to be apes in armor, holding various weapons in their hands, including knives, guns, and sticks.

That is to say...

The guards of the city turned out to be a large group of apes and royal beasts!

Qiao Ye's eyes lit up and he murmured, "Zhu Yan!"

Zhu Yan is an ape-like imperial beast. If this place was created by Zhu Yan, then it is not impossible to send a large number of apes to guard the neutral army fortress. These apes should obey Zhu Yan.

This is definitely good news.


Originally, Qiao Ye wanted to arrive earlier, so that he could force a rush to the neutral army camp when there were not many people, even if it was just to pull off a military flag on the wall.


Dreams are beautiful, reality is cruel.

Taking the river as the center point, at this moment, there are already densely packed people on both sides, and some even sat down directly by the river, with the people from the east army on one side and the people from the west army on the other side, so there is about a gap between them. Only ten meters, the water depth is just over the knees of the river facing each other.

Qiao Ye sighed and was helpless. Obviously, these people could not have come after seeing the announcement. They should have been discovered directly when the Neutral Military Fortress appeared, and then more and more people gathered. As for whether most people knew the rules, It's hard to say, Qiao Ye was not there, so I don't know the situation, it would be nice if someone could ask.

"Boss, I haven't seen you for a day, it's like every three autumns!"

Qiao Ye was thinking, when suddenly there was a shout from below the hillside on the side of the river, and then Qiao Ye saw King Zhang Li climb up from below with a smile on his face.

Qiao Ye has a question mark in his head, has he awakened some strange ability? Just think about it and it will come true? If you want someone who can ask, you come to someone who can ask, or...

Is this guy too haunted?


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