Fantasy World of the Plane

The Fantasy World of the Plane Chapter 308

"Oh, it's better to say less about this! Okay, I will explain my current situation later. My master and his elders won't let me talk about it, so you can just let me go! Okay, I have something to work on. , I'm leaving first!" Lan Qi said that he drew away and left. Lan Qi really couldn't say that he had gone to many worlds and experienced a lot of danger?Lan Qi could only put the reason on his own unnecessarily master, anyway, his master didn't exist, so Wang Dongtian could think about it.(To be continued...)

Chapter 276 The Opening Ceremony and Base Construction

Walking into Maoshan, Lan Qi was inexplicably relieved when he saw Wang Dongtian hadn't followed.

Lan Qi is still very worried about this. After all, he is indeed a bit scary, and I have to think of it. Although I only left here for a few days, I have already experienced the curse of grievances. In the infinite horror, I counted down three years. In three years, my strength went directly from the peak of Qi training to the initial stage of Jin Dan. This process, to whomever is placed, even if it is not a genius for a few decades, it is impossible for ordinary people not to be impossible for hundreds of years. It has reached the Golden Elixir stage, and it is not the ancient time when aura can be seen everywhere, but the era of lack of aura, belonging to the era of the end of the law.

Walking into the brand-new hall of Maoshan, Hu Miao was holding a feather duster to clean the statue of Patriarch who had been clean.

It may be that Hu Miao turned his head when he heard the movement. When he saw Lan Qi, Hu Miao stopped his work and walked towards Lan Qi. "Who are you looking for?"

Lan Qi smiled and shook his head, "Okay, I don't even know me anymore. Where are the two of Xing Bing and Huo?"

"Are you?" Hu Miao frowned and looked at the vaguely familiar Lan Qi.

Lan Qi looked at Hu Miao with a smile, but wanted to see if Hu Miao could recognize himself.

"Are you the head?" Hu Miao thought of something, looked at Lan Qi in disbelief, and asked tentatively.


"En!" Lan Qi nodded in default.

"Really the head? You? How could you?"

Lan Qi shook his head, "It's nothing, what about Xing Bing Xing Huo?" Lan Qi didn't say much, it's better to say less about becoming younger.

Seeing that Lan Qi didn't use it, Hu Miao understood that he didn't ask more. Hu Miao understood some things.Lan Qi has no background, no matter how pure he is, he cannot be the head of Maoshan.

"Xing Bing and Xing Huo went to buy things down the mountain, the boss. Since you gave them money, in fact, as long as you are not there, the two will run down the mountain to play."

After hearing this, Lan Qi shook his head helplessly, "Well, since they are not here, forget it."

"What's the matter?" Hu Miao asked suspiciously when he heard Lan Qi's words.

Lan Qi shook his head and turned to leave. Suddenly thinking of something, Lan Qi turned around and said, "Hu Miao can think about it now."

"Thing?" Hu Miao was a little puzzled, looking at Lan Qi puzzled, not understanding what Lan Qi was talking about.

Lan Qi smiled when he saw it, and turned to look at the empty Maoshan Hall, "I should re-emerge Maoshan, and be famous for the world. Let's prepare! Next month, on the 4th, Maoshan will hold a mountain opening ceremony and publish famous posts!" Lan Qi went out after speaking. .

Hu Miao didn't react at first. When he did, Lan Qi had gone away. Looking at the ordinary Lan Qi, Hu Miao was stunned. Then Hu Miao laughed, turned and walked to the statue of Grand Master and knelt down.Piously bowed his head, "Master, bless you! My Maoshan is finally going to rise!" Hu Miao has been in charge of Maoshan for decades. He understood Lan Qi's ideas before. At that time, Lan Qi did not refuse, but he did not agree.Hu Miao understood that Lan Qi was not sure, but now Lan Qi put it forward by himself, what does this show.It shows that Lan Qi is confident of resisting resistance from any force. In Maoshan's situation, there are two enemies.One is Longhushan, as the saying goes, one mountain cannot be two tigers.Companions are enemies. Longhushan absolutely does not want Maoshan to rise. The second is the country. The movement almost made Maoshan disappear in the long river of history. In terms of hatred, the country is the greatest enemy of Maoshan.

After leaving the Maoshan Hall, Lan Qi thought about it and headed back to the mountain. Lan Qi wanted to hold the opening ceremony of the mountain.

The current situation in Maoshan is very bad. Maoshan must show its strength and let some people with ideas completely cut off their thoughts. Otherwise, Maoshan's troubles will only continue to flow, and Lan Qi naturally understands who Maoshan's enemy is.

Therefore, in the world where the god of death is coming, Lan Qi asked Liuxian to purchase equipment and materials from the United States in that world, in order to fight against possible countries. There are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests. Lan Qi understands this. , I also know that no matter how powerful you are, you can’t fight against the country. It’s an age of peace, not an age of war. No matter what your purpose is to fight against the country, there is only one result, and that is death.

What Lan Qi has to do is to show that the country does not easily use its own strength. It has science and technology on the surface, and secretly its own golden period. Lan Qi can now deter all enemies. With his own understanding of his own world, although better than his own Strong people exist, but they are all hundreds of years old monsters, they will not come out easily, and from Wang Dongtian’s tone, Lan Qi can probably guess that there are such old monsters in Maoshan, so in this way, it is like Chaoyue Jin It is impossible to fight in the Dan stage, so the most powerful is the Jin Dan stage, and now it is the existence of the Jin Dan stage, so no matter whether Maoshan shows enough strength, no one will fight against Maoshan. The idea, because the consequences cannot be bearable by anyone or organization.

At first, Lan Qi planned to talk about it for a while, but now that it has been said, it is necessary to prepare for the opening ceremony, and the power behind Maoshan is necessary.

When he came to the back mountain, Wang Dongtian sat quietly on the rocking chair and enjoyed the sunshine.

"What are you doing here, kid!" Wang Dongtian glanced at Lan Qi angrily and closed his eyes again.

"I'm going to hold the opening ceremony. I have already asked Hu Miao to prepare. The time is the fourth of next month!" Lan Qi solemnly said to Wang Dongtian.

"What?" Wang Dongtian stood up instantly, flew in front of Lan Qi and pointed at Lan Qi tremblingly, "You, you, you are too impulsive!"

Lan Qi shook his head, "I have thought about it. I understand the threats Maoshan faces. That's why I want to hold the opening ceremony. Maoshan needs to show his strength, otherwise the trouble will only harm Maoshan."

Wang Dongtian frowned and looked at Lan Qi "Since you understand why..."

"Oh!" Lan Qi sighed and turned to look at the sky. "Maoshan now has two enemies, one is Longhushan, and the other is the country. Longhushan is our counterpart, and the counterpart is an enemy, plus the lack of cultivation resources. Longhushan is absolutely unwilling to see the rise of the center of Maoshan. The second is the country. The country must be worried that after Maoshan rises again, it will retaliate for what the country did to Maoshan."

"Well, what do you still do?" Wang Dongtian saw Lan Qi understand that it was even more strange why Lan Qi continued to do it.

"Elder, what do you think of my current strength?" Lan Qi burst out the strength of the Golden Core Stage.

Wang Dongtian frowned, feeling Lan Qi's strength. At first Wang Dongtian thought that Lan Qi's strength was forcibly improved, but now he felt that Lan Qi's strength in the Golden Elixir Period was undoubtedly stable. This made Wang Dongtian very puzzled.

"Is the Golden Core Stage? It's actually enough, but it's not enough for the country!" Wang Dongtian sighed. It is true that the Golden Core Stage is very strong, but some weapons can still be dangerous to the strong of the Golden Core Stage. , Secret arrows are hard to defend.

Lan Qi smiled, "Don't worry! Jin Danqi's strength is only to deter Dragon and Tiger Mountain, and I will deter the country in terms of technology."

"Oh? Do you have a plan?" Wang Dongtian looked at Lan Qi in surprise.

Lan Qi withdrew his breath and nodded, "I won't mess around without a plan. Now that I have taken over as the head of Maoshan, I won't take Maoshan deeper. Maoshan needs to regain its former glory."

Lan Qi's words reminded Wang Dongtian and closed his eyes, "I understand, I don't care what you do. Next month, I will let those old people come out to support you, but you have to understand the extent to which this support is built. "

After listening, Lan Qi nodded silently, "I understand, I will let you see it!" After saying that, Lan Qi turned and left here.

After Lan Qi left, Wang Dongtian sighed, "I hope you are right. Otherwise, I have to use that method. The inheritance of Maoshan cannot be broken!"

After leaving the back mountain, Lan Qi left Maoshan directly, and his sword flew over the valley where he had traveled before. Lan Qi waved dozens of soul crystals and flew out. Soon the soul crystals formed a series of trajectories over the valley, and the valley disappeared directly. not see.

Lan Qi saw it, nodded in satisfaction, and went into the valley of the earth.

After descending into the valley, Lan Qi released Liuxian.

"Head, are you here?"

"En, Liuxian, what do you think of this place?" Lan Qi said to Liuxian, pointing around.

Liuxian heard that he kept scanning the surrounding situation. At first, Liuxian had nothing to do. After scanning the underground situation, Liuxian flashed a series of calculations.

"Master, is it a suitable place, do you want to carry out base construction?"

"Well, let go, the base should be built below!"

Liuxian nodded and walked away.

Lan Qi stepped forward, and the Heart Slaying Sword flew out, spinning at a rapid speed.

Lan Qi pressed his hand, and the Heartbreaking Sword plunged down like a drill bit. With the strength of the Heartbreaking Sword, it was easy to drill through the earth mixed with soil and stone. But soon, a deep hole appeared in Lan. Before Kai.

Lan Qi took back the Heart-Mending Sword, "Let's go! Let's go down."

Liuxian nodded and jumped down with Lan Qi.

After falling on the ground again, the colorful world around him suddenly surprised Lan Qi. Although he knew it was a karst cave, he did not expect that there was still a cave with colored stones. The entire cave was hung on the top of the cave with various stones. The different colors add to the entire cave with an extremely beautiful scenery.

"Liuxian, is it okay here?" Lan Qi looked at the surrounding situation and scanned it out. Lan Qi didn't want the place he chose to be a spiritual beast or a forbidden place.

"Master, you can, but not enough, it needs to be expanded!"

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