Fantasy World of the Plane

The Fantasy World of the Plane Chapter 340

"The first time there was nothing, but the second time these, these pipe-like things, Optimus Prime, are you familiar with!"

"Space pillar!" Optimus Prime said with complex pain on his face looking at what was shown in the photo.

"Yes, the Decepticons have discovered this spacecraft a long time ago. The space bridge technology used to defend against natural enemies has long been in the hands of the Decepticons, but it has never been used for decades. Now that it has been used, the situation is very doubtful. It's no use, I will try my best to explore, you guys prepare for war! I believe it's not far away!" (to be continued)

ps: I have been preparing for new books these few days, my hands are too tired, I haven't gotten over it, it has been updated, there is not much!

Chapter 310 King's Landing-Battleship Missouri

John just wanted to ask something, the red light on the Lanqi watch came on.

Lan Qi frowned and pressed the watch. "Master, it's not good. The deep-sea base was destroyed. The space coordinates of the Decepticons appeared directly on the bottom of the sea. We didn't even react. The deep-sea base was destroyed. Now they are heading to Hawaii! "

According to the words of Liuxian, both Lan Qi and John's face changed drastically. No one understands the importance of the deep-sea base better than John. Since the transformation was completed six months ago, the deep-sea base on Midway Island has provided the United States with very stable nuclear batteries. For protection, the United States stationed a small fleet to Midway Island and added an F23 squadron to Midway Airport.

Lan Qi turned around and walked to the plane, "Mr. Minister, I'm leaving now, Hawaii can't have a problem!"

John nodded, "Yes, I will inform the military, and the local support will be over soon!" Before the change, John believed that Hawaii's power can withstand all attacks, but now that space technology appears, John understands that he is already on his side. The disadvantage is that with the support of space technology, the Decepticons can continuously send troops. Although Hawaii is strong, it is also strong. Now John will not bet on the strength of Hawaii.

"Mr. Lan, wait!" Optimus Prime stopped Lan Qi who turned around.

Lan Qi turned around and said, "Wait! You can still resist with the power of Hawaii now. You still need to look at other places. If you can't resist it, I will ask you for help. I am worried that the Decepticons will be in other places. Another space wormhole is opened in the place, and it will be troublesome when all the power goes to Hawaii!"

After Lan Qi's words, Optimus Prime nodded silently, "Be careful!"

Lan Qi smiled and nodded, "Don't worry!"

Lan Qi turned and walked towards an F23. Now he was on the east coast, and it was too slow to take a transport plane back to the west coast of Hawaii. Only by flying a fighter jet could he rush over in a short time.

Lan Qi went to f23, and the American soldiers did not stop him. Lan Qi had great power in the US.Let alone driving an F23, even if an F23 team is required to test weapons, the US will agree without saying anything.

Familiarly operating the f23, Lan Qi put the watch into a slot on the meter "Liu Xian. Start controlling, at maximum speed. I want to go back!"

When the words fell, the f23 that had just lifted off flew into the distance at a very fast speed, and the instant sonic boom caused a big hole in the clouds around the aircraft.

In front of Lan Qi, a barrier resisted the unsuitability at the speed of sound, "Liu Xian, report the situation!"

"The head, the situation is very bad. The Decepticons have more than 1,000 troops, and Starscream has been found that has disappeared for a year." Liuxian projected some images for Lan Qi to see.

Lan Qi frowned as he watched the madman standing on a huge ship on the sea.

"Didididi!!!" Suddenly the alarm sounded loudly.

f23 a tumble.Rolling again, a few red lines wiped past f23.

Lan Qi frowned, turned his head and looked over, and found that several F22s were chasing him.

"The head is a fighter of the Decepticons!"

Needless to say, Lan Qi has seen tattoos that are different from the American f22.

"Kill them!" Lan Qi finished speaking and closed his eyes.

The speed of f23 increased to Mach four in an instant, and the f22 was pulled apart in an instant, but they were not ordinary f22s, but f22s transformed from the Decepticons. See f23 speed increase.After reacting, he immediately increased his speed to catch up with f23.

The lid on the back of f23 opened, and countless micro missiles flew out and exploded around f23.

In an instant, strong electromagnetic interference began to start.

The nozzle of the f23 engine turned downward.The powerful I/O f23 quickly turned around at Mach 4.

The f23 just turned its head, and the four f22s passed through the electromagnetic zone under the f23 just now, making the f22's electronic equipment messy.

The cabin under the abdomen of the f23 opened, and four missiles were launched.





With four explosions, the high-penetration and high-explosive missiles specially installed for the f23 instantly exploded four f22s.

A few hours later, the plane landed in a military airport on the west side of Hawaii.

Opening the hood, Lan Qi jumped off the plane.

Fox is already waiting not far away!

"Mr. Lan!"

"How is the situation?"

Fox shook his head, "Received the report from the Pentagon, I have sent a reconnaissance plane, but no news has come!"

Lan Qi frowned, "Go!"

Fox nodded to follow Lan Qi.

Out of the airport and got into a car.Lan Qi and Fox came to the Naval Headquarters in Hawaii. Lan Qi came to this place three times a year.Three times I came to Fox for something to come here.

As soon as Fox got out of the car, a colonel ran over, "Commander. I found it, 478 nautical miles to the west, but strangely, they stopped on a deserted island. Our reconnaissance plane wanted to take a closer look. But after being shot down, the fourth batch of reconnaissance planes have been sent."

Hearing the news, Lan Qi and Fox frowned, and walked in without saying anything.

In a huge hall, several huge screens showed several important places. Hundreds of military officers were sitting in front of computers communicating with various places in Hawaii. This is the Naval Command of Hawaii.

"Ute, report the situation!" Walking in, Fox put down his hat and propped his hands on the guardrail, looking at the central screen and asking a forty-odd major.

Hearing Fox's words, the person called Ute operated the computer, "Commander, according to the location of the reconnaissance plane, this is a picture taken by mobilizing the satellite. Unfortunately, the place was disturbed and no image was taken." A picture was displayed on the screen. The sea, but a black shadow on the surface of the sea blocked the satellite's detection.

"What about the fleet?" Fox continued to inquire.

"The defensive circle has been opened, the satellite side has fully supported this side, all the submarines have been launched into the sea, and the air force has all been prepared, and we are waiting for the target!"

Fox nodded with satisfaction.

"Not good!" At this moment, a major stood up.

"Commander, the Okinawa base was destroyed, and just received a signal from them!"

Fox's face changed sharply, "Quickly release the image of the Okinawa base."

Soon, the image of the Okinawa base transferred from the satellite was placed on the central screen.

After seeing the Okinawa base displayed on the screen, everyone fell silent.

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