Farming Space: The Lucky and Lovely Lady Come to Farm

Chapter 351: He's a ruthless person

Chapter 351 He is a ruthless person

 At this moment, Gu Fei still didn't understand something, she had been tricked.

 Miss Shen didn’t know why she disliked her, wanted to tease her, or had other plans.

 The next second, Gu Fei realized that she still thought of people too kindly.

A fishy wind came from behind, and Gu Fei instinctively ducked to the side. When she looked back, a colorful tiger with a white forehead and golden eyes appeared silently in front of her.

 A pair of emotionless eyes stared at Gu Fei indifferently.

 I am a fool!

Miss Shen is a ruthless person, and this move will be a dead end.

 Gu Fei and the tiger looked at each other for a second. When the tiger kicked up its hind legs and rushed towards Gu Fei, Gu Fei suddenly disappeared from under the tiger's nose.

 Sorry, we will teleport.

Standing outside the courtyard wall, Gu Fei looked up at the high fence. No wonder this fence was much higher than other places. It turned out that there were tigers inside.

She just couldn't figure out where she had offended Miss Shen. Just for a broken Fengchai, would it cost someone's life?

Gu Fei left the yard quickly. She didn't see the girl who brought her here along the way. She didn't know if she was still inside.

The courtyard was a little out of the way. After walking for a while, Gu Fei finally met two young men who looked like scholars.

Gu Fei said to the two of them, "I wonder if you two gentlemen know where this poetry meeting will be held?"

When the two of them saw Gu Fei, there were expressions of surprise on their faces, and they rushed to ask: "Girl, are you here to see the poetry party too?"

 “We are about to go there too, why not go together.”

Gu Fei nodded and followed the two men to an open area.

 A huge flower hall was built near the water.

The flower hall has no walls, and is surrounded by floor-to-ceiling carved wooden doors and windows, inlaid with colorless colored glass. The entire flower hall is transparent and exquisite, and through the transparent colored glass windows, you can see many people sitting inside.

 The doors were open on both sides, and there were several boys standing at the door.

The two men smiled at Gu Fei and said, "You can only take a look here. You must have a VIP sticker to enter."

Gu Fei nodded, "Thank you two young masters very much."

She held the box in one hand and the post in the other. The boy at the door took the post, glanced at it, and put Gu Fei in.

This flower hall is divided into left and right sides.

 There are several embroidered screens in the middle, with male guests sitting on one side and female guests sitting on the other side.

As soon as Gu Fei stepped in, the male guests sitting on the left all turned their heads to look over.

 Men seem to have a strange feeling for beautiful women, maybe some particles in the air are calling them.

These people all stared at Gu Fei, not knowing whether they were shocked or something else. The flower hall was silent for a few seconds.

Su Chen was sitting with a few students. He saw Gu Fei the moment he came in.

He could hardly believe his eyes when he stared at Gu Fei. Her appearance was much more beautiful than the last time they met.

 It is not an exaggeration to describe it as stunningly beautiful.

Su Chen was stunned for a moment. At the moment when he was in a daze, Gu Fei had already turned to the right.

Su Chen heard someone beside him exhale slowly at this time, "What a beauty, I couldn't even breathe after looking at her just now."

Su Chen was a little annoyed and glared at him, then turned to stare at Gu Fei's back through the gap in the screen.

Unexpectedly, many men around him acted similarly to him.

 Gu Fei walked to the female guest and successfully attracted most of the attention.

 (End of this chapter)

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