Farming Space: The Lucky and Lovely Lady Come to Farm

Chapter 396 How can a firefly compete with the bright moon?

The ladies nearby heard what they were about to say, when an old man with gray hair came over and asked, "How about I be the final judge?"

He sat in the back and was curious for a long time, not knowing what the painting that Master Yun admired so much looked like.

Everyone bowed their hands and said, "Shan Chief."

Chief of the mountain?

Is that Qin Ying's grandfather?

Gu Fei looked at Shan Chang, who was also looking at her. Gu Fei smiled and said, "Of course that's good. When it comes to virtue and respect, there should be no one here who can compare to Shan Chang."

The mountain chief stroked his beard and smiled, "Little girl, aren't you afraid that I will favor my granddaughter?"

Gu Fei shook his head, "How could a person like the chief of the mountain show favoritism in such a trivial matter?"

The mountain leader smiled and said nothing more. He looked at Qin Ying's paintings first.

He has looked at Qin Ying's paintings frequently. The current painting depicts a woman leaning against the window with her chin in her hands. The woman is a bit melancholy. The sycamores and bananas outside the window are painted in detail, and her painting skills have improved a little compared to before.

I can't say it's good, and it's definitely not bad, just average.

Looking at Gu Fei's paintings again, at a glance, I just feel that the paintings are dirty.

He patiently took a closer look, and the more he looked, the more he could see the clue. The figure seemed to have come to life, with every feature of the face, eyes, nose, and mouth being lifelike. Looking at Sister Dan again, it was like a stamp had been painted on it.

The more I read, I feel that Master Yun is right. This is indeed the creation of a new school.

Maybe many people still don’t know what this means, but it will go down in history!

Gu Fei didn't know yet that he was about to change history, and he wouldn't care if he knew it. Later generations have almost confirmed that there are countless parallel spaces in the universe, but this space is different from the space that ordinary people understand.

The mountain chief looked at it for a long time and then raised his head, "The techniques of these two paintings are different. There is not much comparison at first. It's just that the benevolent have different opinions."

"However, I agree with Mr. Yun's statement. Miss Gu's painting is definitely not inferior to Qin Ying's painting skills, and it has created a new school. For this reason, the significance of this painting is far beyond Qin Ying's. paintings.”

"How can a firefly compete with the bright moon?"

The mountain chief’s words were the final word.

When everyone heard what the mountain chief said, they all bowed their hands to Gu Fei, "Miss Gu is a great talent!"

The master who gave Gu Fei two points before had a look of shame on his face. The mountain leader gave him ten points and he gave him two points. Does this mean that he is short-sighted?

Qin Ying looked at the mountain leader with a pale face. Her grandfather spoke highly of her. In his heart, she was just a firefly, while Gu Fei was a bright moon!

And just because of what my grandfather and Master Yun said, this new painting method will definitely become popular in the future.

One of these two people is a leader in the literary world, and the other is a leading figure in the painting world. Who in the world dares to question their words?

As the founder of this new genre, Gu Fei will surely become famous.

How ironic. Gu Fei keeps saying that she doesn't care about these false reputations. She is undoubtedly the biggest winner in this year's Lotus Festival.

If she had known this, why would she compete with her in painting? It was better than playing chess!

He originally wanted to defeat her and trample her under his feet, but he didn't expect that it would help her!

No one could know the annoyance in Qin Ying's heart, her nails were dug into her flesh.

Her good upbringing made her sensible and rational. She knew she couldn't lose her composure at this time. She quickly calmed down and walked over to Gu Fei with a stiff smile, "Congratulations, Miss Gu."

Gu Fei also smiled at her and looked at her quietly.

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