When spring comes, the capital becomes more and more lively.

Students from all over the country came to Beijing to take the exam, and young ladies from all over the country came to Beijing to apply for candidates, all gathered in the capital.

The official posts and inns in the capital were all full.

On the ninth day of April, the examination begins.

The gate of Gongyuan was crowded with candidates from all over the country who came to take the exam.

There is a stand next to the door, and someone is calling the names on the stand. The officers and soldiers check the physical characteristics of those whose names are called, and issue a sign before they are sent to the tribute courtyard.

Entering the Gongyuan, Gu Qing stood in the crowd with an examination basket and a bag against the bedding, waiting for the officers and soldiers to search.

It is said to be a test basket, but it is actually a three-layered suitcase made of bamboo strips.

Inside were placed pens, inks, paper, inkstones, water injection, nails, hammers, knives, fire folders, and candles.

There are plenty of footcloths, face towels, toothbrushes, and tooth powder.

There are also rice bowls, teacups, tea leaves, moxa sticks, ginseng, sliced ​​bacon, ham, pickled vegetables, longan meat, rice, pancakes, roasted chicken cut into pieces, eggs, and a small pot.

After waiting for a long time, it was Gu Qing's turn. An officer and soldier motioned for Gu Qing to take off his hairpin and clothes.

Gu Qing took off the hairpin, and his hair spread out and fluttered in the wind. Then he took off two of the three pieces of clothing on his body, and the last piece of close-fitting clothing was also untied, exposing his chest to the officers and soldiers for inspection.

In order to prevent entrainment, you are not allowed to wear cotton-padded clothes or jackets during the exam, and you can only wear single clothes. Fortunately this year, it is already April, and the weather is relatively warm. In previous years, when the exam started in February, you only wore single clothes. No matter how many layers you wear, you will freeze to death.

Gu Qing took off his clothes and shoes, even taking out the insoles to show the officers and soldiers.

Another officer and soldier next to him searched through the contents of Gu Qing's examination basket. All the cakes baked by his mother were torn open and read.

You are not allowed to bring quilts for fear of being caught inside, so Gu Qing's bedding consists of two felt blankets, which were also shaken out at this moment, with the top, curtains and curtains still sandwiched inside.

After reading this, the officers and soldiers opened the bag on the ground. Inside was charcoal, which Gu Qing planned to use for cooking.

The officers and soldiers poured all the charcoal on the ground responsibly and poked it around with their swords.

These officers and soldiers are the imperial troops transferred by the emperor, and they are the direct troops who followed the emperor from Donghai County.

Because this was the first time I was assigned such an important task, I checked them very carefully.

It can be said that this is the most stringent investigation since the beginning of the scientific examination. I don't know if it is Gu Qing's luck or misfortune.

After the inspection, Gu Qing quickly put on his clothes and shoes, tied his hair, packed his things, put the charcoal on the ground into a bag, and then entered another door.

I saw low-rise rooms on the left and right sides lined up neatly in rows.

Gu Qing went in and looked around, and soon saw Su Chen.

Su Chen was waiting for him. When he saw him, he walked towards him quickly.

The two looked at each other and Gu Qing said: "Which room are you in?"

Su Chen showed him the sign in his hand, "It's the third size in the shape of a font."

Gu Qing looked at his signature and said, "It's in the shape of land, big and small."

Su Chen sighed, "Fortunately, the numbers should be in the middle, not bad numbers."

"Let's go, let's find a place first, put the luggage first, and then settle it down."

There are nearly 10,000 rooms in the Gongyuan, and they are full of people. Young people like Su Chen and Gu Qing account for more than half, and the rest are mostly middle-aged people, and there are even a few old men with white hair.

Many people gathered in groups and talked loudly.

The two of them were looking around at the room, when suddenly a young master shouted happily: "Brother Su!"

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