Shen Shiliu ascended the mountain early the next morning. Sweating like this was beneficial to losing weight.

At noon, Shen Shiliu carried a small pile of pig grass back to the Shen Shiliu. Above the pig grass, there were still a few wild sweet potato and wild melon hanging, and at the top, there was even a handful of Gardenia flowers. Whether it was to cook rice and porridge together with the cakes, it would definitely be filled with a sweet fragrance.

"Take them off first. Mom will help you carry them. How did you manage to carry so many back?" Mrs. Zheng said as she prepared to help her.

Although he never thought that he would marry her, Shen Shiliu was still Shen Shu's younger sister. Normally, he would call her Shiliangge because he felt that it was not good to call her that way, and it was unknown who spread the word. Not only did he not have the face to see Shen Shu, he could not even lift his head when he saw Shen Shiliu.

"Aunt!" Han Shuliang had read before, so when he saw his elders, he knew how to call others, hence the Han Mei followed to call him Aunt.

Shen Shiliu glanced at Han Shuliang. Han Shuliang was the same as Shen Shu, they were both tall and big bodies, maybe because they were still reading with a scholarly air, no wonder Shen Shiliu would be so frustrated when she was rejected. Maybe the original owner really liked Han Shuliang.

He had already known that the Shen Shiliu had a good personality and was very understanding. He had seen how Shen Shiliu looked like before she became a hundred and sixty catty. She was a very obedient little girl, but now …

"Brother, let's go. Stop looking." Han Mei sighed, she still could not let Shen Shu go in her heart, but since her mother's words had spread, even if the Shen Family did not have any more spirit, they would not change their mind on the marriage.

Han Shuliang nodded, but he still felt guilty in his heart. The lady almost hanged herself because of her own matters!

After Shen Shiliu followed Mrs. Zheng, Mrs. Zheng turned her head and said, "In the future, stay away from the two children from the Han family so that you won't be laughed at again!"

"I know, Mom." Shen Shiliu promised. After all, she was the victim, and right now, she couldn't be the one to share the "understanding" with others.

Shen Shiliu still ate very little in the afternoon, so Mrs. Zheng accepted it. As long as she did not get sick from being hungry, she would let her daughter go, in the end it was because she was the mother that things went wrong. She must have let the Shen Shiliu eat the wrong thing.

Shen Shiliu went to deliver food to his father and brother after eating, and then came back to feed the pigs. Originally, she wanted to go to the mountain in the afternoon to gather more pig grass, but she was afraid that she would be embarrassed by the Han siblings, so she focused on cutting the pig grass at home.

In the afternoon, Trichoderma came over with three cannons. Originally, she thought that sending a basket of duck eggs would be considered finished, but in the end, Trichoderma directly gave a basket of duckling s.

"Ya, Trichoderma, why are you giving so much!" Mrs. Zheng felt that this thing was a little too heavy!

Trichoderma was straightforward as well. "If it wasn't for pomegranate saving people, this son of mine would have been treated as a water ghost! You must take these items! "

Mrs. Zheng looked and looked at Shen Shiliu. Trichoderma was so generous, if they accepted it like that, Shen's Father would be angry after he returned.

Shen Shiliu went back to her room and used a clean cloth bag to pack a large bag of Brine Bean.

"Take these. My family has cooked a lot of pomegranate. Don't mind them!" Mrs. Zheng said as he gave the thing to the Trichoderma.

Trichoderma hurriedly pushed the things back. "This won't do, I'm here to thank you, if you take your things, it won't be good!"

The Shen Shiliu also said, "Aunt, take it. Otherwise, this gift of yours is too heavy, we wouldn't dare to accept it.

When Trichoderma saw this, if she did not take this generation's tofu beans for cooking, the mother and daughter of the Shen family would not dare to accept her gift. She truly wanted to express her gratitude as well.

"Alright, I'll keep it!" The Trichoderma did not say anymore and dragged the three cannons over: "Hurry and thank you, Big Sister Pomegranate, for saving you!"

Shen Shiliu swallowed her saliva. Her "Big Sister Pomegranate" was not a peerless beauty!

Three Cannons' ears were tugged by his mother as he quickly said, "Thank you, Big Sister Pomegranate! Thank you, Sister Pomegranate! "

Mrs. Zheng smiled as she saved the child's ears. "They are all children, don't pull them like that!"

Shen Shiliu laughed. After sending Trichoderma and Three Cannon away, he immediately went to check on duckling. He was still young now, and could not be put into the river directly.

"Mom, I want to go to the river with big brother tonight!" Shen Shiliu told Mrs. Zheng that it was going to rain soon, the two siblings could take advantage of the opportunity to fish and shrimp and fish to fish for a net. They could come back home and eat what was left of it and mince it with corn flour and wild vegetables to ensure that the duckling would grow strong after eating it.

Mrs. Zheng was worried. "Ah? To the river again? That place is dangerous, so you'd better not go! "

"It's fine, just fish out some small shrimps and eat more tonight!" Shen Shiliu said. Now that there were pigs and ducks in the house, the need for fodder would not be small. She had to work hard to make this family free from poverty as soon as possible.

In the afternoon, Shen Shu returned a little earlier. Now was not the time to be helping the farmers, so the Shen's Father asked him to come back and help the Shen Shiliu gather the pigweed.

"Brother, follow me to the river, we have duckling, let's go catch prawns!" Shen Shiliu said.

Shen Shu nodded his head, looking like he did not care about what happened previously, he became more cheerful. In the past, Shen Shiliu would always be embarrassed to go out because of his obesity, and could only do chores at home, but now, seeing that Shen Shiliu was willing to go out, he felt that it was a good thing.

"Yes." It was still a single word, but Shen Shu still cherished his words like gold.

Mrs. Zheng took a net from the house, and quickly filled it with needles for the two siblings to take away first.

The small river in the evening was very peaceful, Shen Shiliu looked at the sky, and saw that there were already dark clouds. She hurriedly rolled up her sleeves in an attempt to get home before the rain began to fall.

Shen Shu threw the net down, and then, bit by bit, he pulled the net out. When he found a difficult place to pull, the Shen Shiliu would go and help him pull it.

"Bro, so many fish and prawns!" Shen Shiliu took the wooden bucket over and filled it with half a bucket of water. The bucket inside the net was more than half full.

Shen Shu glanced at it, and then smiled: "One more net, we're going home!"

"En!" Shen Shiliu replied excitedly.

When the two siblings finally reached home after sunset, a bucket of fish and prawns had a lot of harvest. Mrs. Zheng picked a few large and plump prawns and pinched off the heads of the prawns, then wrapped them in egg juice and fried them in a wok of oil.

Dinner was quickly served at the table. Shen Shiliu watched as they ate the fried prawns with eggs and swallowed her saliva, finally choosing to eat pickled radish. She could only eat porridge now, and endure the delicious food first …

At night, the Shen Shiliu took advantage of the moonlight in the courtyard to clean up the fish and prawns. The fish was directly dried with string, and then eaten with soy sauce, vinegar and chili sauce for a good taste as well. . The smaller ones would be dried into dried prawns. Later on, it would be good to make soup and the filling would also work. The remaining ones would be filled with the prawns in jars and then smashed into the duck food as soon as the sun rose tomorrow.

"pomegranate, why are you up so early?" Mrs. Zheng was already boiling water in the courtyard.

The weather was not cold, so the stove in the house was useless. The stove in the yard was boiling hot water. Soon, everyone could use warm water to wash their faces.

"I want to go gather some herbs while it's still warm and come back to dry them." The Shen Shiliu said as he washed his face. Then, he carried the bamboo basket and went out.

Seeing that his own daughter had become so hardworking, Mrs. Zheng was relieved. He was afraid that she would be exhausted after working so hard.

Shen Shiliu was indeed tired and had not done anything yet. Just by walking, her body's fat was like carrying a gunny sack. Actually, she also wanted to take advantage of the good morning air and train in the morning.

Shen Shiliu calculated that she had been living in this world for two months now and she had been on a diet for more than a month. She ate cat food everyday and could not sleep because of hunger in the middle of the night.

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