"Copy, brother Kun!"

After Li Shuang made a promise, he immediately ran into the No.1 warehouse and cried to the gang of camouflage clothes who were still resting and drinking herbal tea, "brothers, the leading role is coming. We'll listen to director Liang's order for a while. As long as he calls for action, we'll try our best to greet the leading role!"

"Isn't there a knife or a stick in the movies, brother Chang Ji? Are you going to let us fight barehanded?"

The glasses man who came with Ma Minghui asked curiously.

"Of course not. The props have already been ready for everyone!" Li Shuang went to several snake skin pockets in the corner of the warehouse, quickly took out a 40 cm long stainless steel rod, held up one of them and said loudly, "everyone hurry to get the props!"

"Brother security, line up and take the brothers out!"

After delivering the so-called props, Li Shuang gave Ma Minghui another command.

Although Ma Minghui doesn't know what medicine this guy sells in gourd, he can only follow his advice now.

The red Ferrari has a low chassis and has to pull over soon after entering the broken gate.

Xiaosheng, who had hair as firm as a pine needle and shoes as polished as a mirror, pushed the door open and went to the car eagerly.

Fifteen black T-shirts in three Audi cars jumped out of the car one after another and stood respectfully behind the powder life of Armani.

"Cao Shao, the other side seems to be ready."

A Kang, the leader of the bodyguard, saw that Li Shuang had locked the gate with a small iron lock, and then he ran quickly to a warehouse. He immediately came to Fenmian Xiaosheng and cautiously reminded him.

It turns out that this little noodle student is no other than Cao Wanchun.

"Damn it, Liang Hongkun now wants money, no money, no power. Even if he is ready, what can he do? Can't you elite No.15 beat a mob? " Cao Wanchun glared at a Kang.

Kang immediately assured, "don't worry, Cao Shao. As long as he dares to play tricks on Liang Hongkun, I will break him up today."

"It's not necessary to break up, the lesson is OK! After all, he's still my brother-in-law! "

With a bad smile, Cao Wanchun immediately raised his legs and walked to the door of a room with a sign of "general manager's office".

A Kang followed Cao Wanchun with a group of bodyguards.

"Brother in law, brother in law - I've come to pick up my wife! Are you all in there? "

Cao Wanchun yelled as he walked.

"Who's your brother-in-law? Don't yell!"

Liang Hongkun couldn't hold his breath when he heard Cao Wanchun's dissolute voice. He opened the door of the office and came out from inside.

At this time, Li Shuang also took those Pro performers to stand behind Liang Hongkun.

The two sides set up a battle in the open space outside several dilapidated rooms.

"Oh, brother-in-law, are you bringing people to welcome me, or are you giving me the upper hand?"

Cao Wanchun felt funny when he saw the camouflage clothes behind Liang Hongkun.

"What do you think? Cao Wanchun, my surname Liang has nothing to do with you. Please don't be so kind. "

Liang Hongkun also glared at Cao Wanchun. There was no flattery on his face.

"Damn, show us less respect!" In order to earn performance in front of Cao Wanchun, a black T-shirt bodyguard pointed to Liang Hongkun and drank a lot.

Standing beside Liang Hongkun, Li Shuang waved the stainless steel bar in his hand and replied, "boy, respect our general manager Liang! Or I'll beat you all over the place for a while! "

"Damn, a group of bumpkins, dare to be arrogant here, and beat you all down in a moment!"

Although Li Shuang and his group are numerous and powerful, ah Kang, who retired from the special forces, did not pay attention to them at all.

"Come on - stop yelling at me!" Cao Wanchun yelled, and the black T-shirt bodyguards around him did not dare to speak. The boy turned and said to Liang Hongkun with a playful face, "brother-in-law, where is my wife now? I've been here for a while. Why don't you let her come out to see me? "

Is this bastard married?

Ma Minghui, who was standing in the camouflage team, looked at Cao Wanchun and was still a little puzzled. Liang Hongkun spat on the ground, "bah, I'm Cao. Do you want to be shameless? I tell you, even if I marry my sister to a cat and a dog, I will not marry you! You will die of this heart

Originally, Cao Wanchun came here with a group of bodyguards to rob people, not to pick up his so-called "wife" home!

"I bah --" Cao Wanchun spat on the ground and glared at Liang Hongkun. He said angrily, "what's the name of Liang? You're a dog in a sedan chair, don't you? Please hand over Liang Luodan, or your five million project funds will be gone! "

"Cao Wanchun, if you want to rely on the five million project funds, I'll go to the court and sue you. Even if I sue you, I'll fight you to the end!" With two eyes staring at Cao Wanchun, Liang Hongkun's face is almost green.

"Well, in that case, don't blame me for turning away from others! Kang, what are you waiting for? I'll get rid of these bastards! "

When Cao Wanchun was angry, he was very fierce.

Li Shuang could not get used to the boy's virtue for a long time. With a wave of his big hand, he cried to the camouflage suit behind him, "brothers, work!"

Although many people have realized that they have been cheated by Li Shuang and Liang Hongkun, seeing the arrogance of Cao Wanchun and his henchmen, they decide to fight with them anyway, so that they can get rid of the evil spirit in their hearts.

So in an instant, the two sides yelled and fought.

Ma Minghui was cheated by Liang Hongkun and Li Shuang, so although he couldn't stand Cao Wanchun's arrogance, he didn't rush to do it. Instead, he found a corner where people didn't notice, smoking and watching tiger fighting.

Although Li Shuang recruited a large group of people temporarily, these guys did not have formal training at all. Cao Wanchun's bodyguard team not only trained every day, but many of them were ex servicemen of special forces before. So they fought for less than two minutes. Those camouflage clothes with steel bars were chased everywhere by a group of black T-shirts.

Soon, Li Shuang and 20 or 30 exhausted camouflage clothes were knocked down by the black T-shirts.

The rest of the people see the situation is not good, have lost the guy to flee around.

Liang Hongkun saw that Li Shuang was defeated, and his two bodyguards were also put to the ground. The boy had to run away with his head in his arms.

With quick eyes and quick hands, a Kang rushes to Liang Hongkun's back, grabs him by the back collar, carries him to Cao Wanchun, kicks him and kneels on the ground.

Looking at Liang Hongkun's tragedy, Cao Wanchun couldn't help touching his hair. Yinyin said with a smile, "where did you hide your sister, liang? If she doesn't come out to see me again, I'll break your dogleg and cut out your eyes! "

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