"At 9:11:23, officer, you see, I parked at the gate."

When Chen Ming according to Liu Bing's command, called out the monitoring video at the gate of the community, Zeng zhenggui immediately laughed.

"Do you have any reason to block the roads in the community?"

Liu Bing looks up at Zeng zhenggui. This guy realizes that his words and deeds are not right, and immediately droops his head.

After Chen Ming turns on the monitor, he stands with Ma Minghui with a smirk, while Li Xiaowei stands behind Liu Bing and stares at the computer screen.

From 9:11 a.m. to 9:28 a.m., the black Ford was still under surveillance.

But after 9:28:39, the monitoring screen moved away slowly.

"Officer, you see, someone has tampered with the surveillance. My car must have disappeared at this time!"

See monitoring screen slowly shift, Zeng zhenggui immediately yelled.

"Is that what you did?"

Liu Bing asked Chen Ming and Ma Minghui with a black face.

Chen Ming immediately explained seriously, "police officer, the probe in the community will move automatically. It must have moved its own perspective."

"How can the monitor move itself? It's obviously you who have done something For Chen Ming's explanation, lawyer Zeng is not convinced at all.

"Lawyer Zeng, you have to tell us something. What evidence do you have to prove that we have done something wrong? Besides, I'm not a member of this community. I'm here to watch the excitement. Don't drag me in, or I'll sue you for slander and slander! "

Ma Minghui had been ready to fight Zeng zhenggui, so the boy stood by with his chest in his arms, and he was gloating.

Those old men and women who knew the truth of the matter couldn't get used to Zeng zhenggui, so at the moment, no one stood up to help him.

"You - you've been talking to this security dog! Don't you have a pair of pants? "

Zeng zhenggui said that Ma Minghui, however, was so angry that he wanted to roll his sleeve and beat people.

Chen Ming glared at his big eyes and yelled, "don't think you can bully people just because you are the owner here! Although I'm a security guard with low status, you can't call me a dog! "

"Watch your words!" Liu Bing stares at Zeng zhenggui at the right time. Zeng's lawyer immediately feels that he has been wronged. He almost doesn't cry.

At 9:31, the monitoring probe turned back to the gate of the community, but at this time, the Ford in the middle of the road disappeared.

Liu Bing and Li Xiaowei naturally understand that someone has tampered with the monitoring, but they are disgusted with Zeng zhenggui's evil deeds and naturally will not help him speak.

Zeng zhenggui yelled in front of the computer, "in just three minutes, my car disappeared. It must be them - the security guard did something wrong!"

"Lawyer Zeng, why do you think I did it? If you talk nonsense again, I will sue you for slander! "

With Ma Minghui's support, Chen Ming's head has come to life.

"I'll leave a proof that he slandered you!"

Ma Minghui grinned out his mobile phone and quickly turned on the video.

Zeng zhenggui quickly raised a finger to Ma Minghui and said, "don't mess with the video, otherwise I will sue you for invading other people's privacy!"

"And you, even if you didn't do it, you as a community security, my car disappeared in the community, you also have unshirkable responsibility!" After pointing to Ma Minghui, lawyer Zeng angrily pointed to Chen Ming.

Liu Bing got up and said, "didn't you just say that your car was towed to the traffic police team? What's the matter? "

"Well - they didn't get me outside before they were dragged away by the traffic police!" Seeing that Liu Bing didn't speak for himself at all, lawyer Zeng cried quickly. This is the most difficult thing he has encountered since he became a lawyer for so many years!

"But you can't prove that they got your car out? What's more, do you have any reason to stop and put in the gate of the community? According to the public security punishment regulations, we can take you to the police station for tea. " Liu Bing said word by word. Zeng zhenggui didn't dare to talk to him at all. Now the boy is completely disillusioned. Does the police help others!

"Today, it's clearly your fault. You go to the traffic police team to hand in the ticket and drive back; If you have any objection to my opinion, you are welcome to call 110 again to complain. I'm sorry for your company

After saying this with a black face, Liu Bing turned and went outside the guard room.

Li Xiaowei knew that vice captain Liu was going to close the team, so he immediately followed him.

Looking at lawyer Zeng standing on one side, Ma Minghui waved to Liu Bing with a smile on his face, "police officer, take your time, don't send him away!"

"You - come out with me!"

Unexpectedly, without taking a few steps, Liu Bing suddenly turned back and hooked Ma Minghui.

Zeng zhenggui thought that the dawn of hope appeared, and quickly followed Liu Bing.

Liu Bing suddenly said with a black face, "I didn't call you!"

"Ha ha ha"

The old man and the old lady who watched immediately laughed when they saw Zeng zhenggui's bear like appearance.

Zeng zhenggui ate a face of embarrassment, eager to dig a hole in the ground; It's no good to stay here now, so I have to insult myself. So the boy said hello to the ancestors of the 19th generation and went out with his tail in his hand.

Ma Minghui walked to Liu Bing with a smile and asked, "officer, what else can I do for you?"

"Come out and talk!"

Liu Bing saw that there were still people around the guard room, and immediately went out with her hands on her back.

Ma Minghui didn't say much, but just went out with him.

Until the gate of the community, Liu Bing stopped, turned around and asked seriously, "did you pick up my sample?"

"Officer, what did I pick you up like?" Ma Minghui knew it, but he pretended to be extremely puzzled.

Liu Bing's eyes slanted and her mouth pouted, as if she was even more angry, "don't pretend to me! Needless to say, I know that man's car was driven out by you! "

"Officer, are you going to take me to tea?" Ma Minghui knew that he couldn't hide from the girl, so he didn't want to carry it to the end.

"I don't have time to go to tea with you today! I just want to say - well done, I didn't disgrace my master. "

With this sentence, Liu Bing gave Ma Minghui a fleeting smile, then turned around and got on the patrol motorcycle that Li Xiaowei rode out.

"Ha ha, this method was originally created by Lao Tzu. It's only now implemented. How can you become my master?"

Looking at the back of the two policemen, Ma Minghui grinned again.

"Paralyzed, don't be proud. The white people can't cure you. I'll let the black people come!"

Hiding in the flower garden, Zeng zhenggui, who closely watched Chen Ming and Ma Minghui's actions, immediately took out his mobile phone and started calling

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