Pointing to Wang Teng's photo, he Zhennan frowned and said, "the information from Guo'an makes the municipal bureau pay more attention. Have you seen this man?"

Yang Ping nodded and whispered why he hadn't seen it. He almost kidnapped his wife and asked, "what kind of immoral things has he done?"

He Zhennan said with a smile: "the Min'an acquisition tragedy is related to him. We initially suspect that he is the behind the scenes manipulator, but there is no evidence, so we can only stare at him. Yang Ping, this man is very dangerous. If you encounter him, try not to act alone."

Yang Ping's face changed slightly when he heard of the Min'an acquisition tragedy. Even though he had lived and died for many years, he also knew that a heinous murder occurred in China last year. Min'an group, with assets of more than 10 billion and involving diversified industries, is a powerful private group, but all 13 members of a family committed suicide overnight. According to the police investigation, Li Min'an, chairman of Min'an group, entered into strategic cooperation with Europe, entered the real estate in the Pearl River Delta and spent 9.8 billion to buy a piece of land king. Min'an group developed jointly with a private consortium in Europe. It was ambitious, but it was finally found to be a scam. Min'an group has been cheated of billions of funds, which has become a joke in the Pearl River Delta.

Just as the police were investigating and collecting evidence, the chairman of Min'an group and his family boarded the Min'an building and jumped directly from the top floor. There were 13 people and 13 bodies, the largest 71 mother and the youngest three-year-old son.

The civil security tragedy shocked China, pointing to the European private consortium, but the final investigation found that Li Minan wrote the suicide note before he died, and carried all the responsibilities on him. Strangely, Li Minan did not show any signs of Dutch act before he Dutch act because his friends from the Alumni Association had already prepared huge sums to save the civil security group. Li Min'an has no motive for suicide, but the murder is not tenable.

This has become the most famous outstanding case in the Pearl River Delta.

He Zhennan continued: "Wang Teng came to Huaxia Longcheng on behalf of a European consortium as a foreign guest. The municipal Party committee and municipal government attach great importance to it. Therefore, the investigation is very difficult. If it is not handled well, it will lead to international disputes."

Yang Ping is aware of the seriousness of the problem. It seems that Wang Teng has an umbrella for foreign guests in China, and he is now a British citizen. If China wants to arrest or interrogate, it will lead to protests by the British Embassy in China. It's really troublesome.

"The identities of the other people are not so complicated, but they are very difficult to deal with. I have sent someone to keep an eye on them. If there is any trouble, I will inform you as soon as possible." He Zhennan looked at Yang Ping with deep meaning, patted him on the shoulder and sighed, "Yang Ping, you know my difficulties. I hope you can help me."

Yang Ping smiled bitterly and said helplessly, "what bureau means is that I'm a thug?"

He Zhennan smiled and comforted: "how can it be? Working hard for the country and the people is nothing. Right? If I have your ability, even if I sacrifice myself, it is a national event. We will never allow other countries to mess around in China."

"Those who offend me will be punished even if they are far away!"

Yang Ping was moved. He felt he Zhennan's strong determination and paid tribute to him for the first time. Although he was in officialdom, he had a just heart to eliminate harm for the people, which is extremely valuable.

"I promise you, if you can use my place, you must be duty bound." Yang Ping promised.

He Zhennan laughed and was very pleased. He said with a smile, "I heard that your relationship with Zhu Xi is not shallow. Yang Ping, are you boyfriend and girlfriend?"

Yang Ping's heart beat. He Zhennan didn't know what the purpose of this matter was. He said cautiously, "it's just entrusted by others. Director he, is there a problem with the Zhu family?"

He Zhennan hesitated and whispered, "now stay away from the Zhu family. Don't rely too close."

Yang Ping's face changed dramatically. He stared into he Zhennan's eyes and wanted to see other meanings from his pupils, but he Zhennan soon recovered calm and talked to him about the dangerous elements on the document.

Half an hour later, Yang Ping left the Municipal Bureau and thought of he Zhennan's inexplicable words. As one of the four families in Longcheng, the Zhu family is deeply rooted. There are people who can speak at all levels. Does anyone want to move the Zhu family?

Before he left, he Zhennan sent him out of the door and said, "the Zhu family is not simple, far more complex than you think."

On the way back, Yang Ping called Zhu Xi and wanted to ask about Wang Yue's health. But no one answered Zhu Xi's phone. It's strange in my heart. Is Zhu Xi still working at this time?

He tried to dial Wang Yue's cell phone, but unexpectedly, he was connected. There came Wang Yue's impatient voice: "paralyzed, my mother is sleeping. You'd better have something to do, or you'll die." Hearing Wang Yue's angry voice, he was relieved. At least Wang Yue recovered quickly.

"Zhu Xi is not around?" Yang Ping asked with a smile.

Wang Yue sneered and hummed, "you called me just to find Zhu Xi. Bastard has long known that you have no conscience. If you want to know, I won't tell you."

Yang Ping hurried to say something nice. Wang Yue relaxed and said, "Zhu Xi has gone home."

Go home!

Yang Ping was more confused and asked, "Washington apartment?"

Wang Yue scolded and shouted, "you idiot, of course Zhu Xi's home is in Linhai villa. The family called him and said there was something important. I don't know what happened. It seems to be uncle Zhu Yan's phone."

Yang Ping's face changed slightly, and there was a bad feeling. Zhu Yan, who hasn't appeared for a long time, always has an unspeakable feeling of conspiracy when he stands up at this time. Before, he inquired through many channels and didn't find Zhu Yan. He disappeared out of thin air.

"Why, why are you looking for her?" Wang Yue asked.

Yang Pinglian said it was all right. He hung up and killed Linhai villa. After the death of Lao Taijun, the Zhu family kept a low profile and even retaliated against China Airlines Group. Zhu Yulun robbed the best jade of fulushou and almost killed him. Yang Ping decided to have a look. Of course, I'm also worried about Zhu Xi's personal safety.

He came to Linhai villa, the familiar Luoshui and the familiar gate. Instead of going in through the gate, he climbed over the wall and crept in quietly. Linhai villa covers a vast area. Ordinary people will get lost by the buildings in Suzhou gardens. According to his strong memory, Yang Ping found the main hall and heard loud laughter and Zhu Yan's voice all the way.

Yang Ping also noticed that there were several strong smells in the main hall. He didn't approach, but looked at it from a distance. Before long, Zhu Yan sent the guests away. Yang Ping's heart sank when he saw Zhu Yan's guests.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Yan's guest is Wang Teng.

They shook hands and had a very good relationship. The smile on Zhu Yan's face came from his heart, grabbed Wang Teng tightly and said, "you've worked hard in recent years. Don't worry, I'll do ideological work. There is a misunderstanding between you, and I'll solve it."

Wang Teng hurriedly said, "Uncle Zhu, please stay. I believe Zhu Xi will understand my pains in the future. I love her very much. Heaven and earth can learn from her."

Zhu Yan laughed and said, "I'm relieved. Zhu Xi has no mother since childhood and has a big temper, but he is still very considerate. As a father, he knows him very well. Although he disagrees, he has always had you in his heart."

"Thank you, uncle Zhu." Wang Teng thanked him. At this time, he didn't look cold and evil at all, but a successful young man with a high, rich and handsome one. Any parents would like it very much.

When Wang Teng was sent out of the door, the smile on Zhu Yan's face disappeared, turned a few corners and went to the villa in the backyard. A two-story Garden Villa with flowers and birds walked in expressionless.

In the living room.

Zhu Xi's face was calm. She looked at her father coldly and didn't say hello.

Zhu Yan was elated and said with a smile, "daughter, I've really suffered you recently."

Zhu Xi frowned and said, "Dad, what's the matter, second uncle? They are. I remember clearly that second uncle is in charge of the family, and many acquaintances can't see it."

Zhu Yan smiled and said, "your second uncle has done a lot of bad things. He left Longcheng with his family and went abroad to live. He can't get rid of the old Taijun's death. Your green aunt and his son followed."

Zhu Xi's pretty face changed slightly and stared into her father's eyes. She couldn't believe it. Zhu Xing is a strong man. He controls the Zhu family in a short time. The important positions in the Department of Zhu group are basically Zhu Xing's people, which shows his means. Suddenly I heard my father say that Zhu Xing left Zhu's house, which was difficult to accept for a time.

Zhu Yan didn't talk about this topic for too long and asked, "Wang Teng returned to the dragon city. You know that."

Zhu Xi nodded and kept silent.

Zhu Yan said again, "actually, I think Wang Teng is very good. I was also responsible when he left you. A few years ago, shortly after the Zhu family was promoted to the four families, my foundation in the Zhu family was unstable. I'm not optimistic about your love with Wang Teng. The daughter of the Zhu family should marry a person of equal rank. So I told Wang Teng that if you can stand out, you can come back to find you."

Zhu Xijiao trembled and looked at Zhu Yan strangely.

Zhu Yan smiled bitterly and said reluctantly, "daughter, I had to unite powerful people if I wanted to gain a firm foothold. Wang Teng is back now. He is the chairman of a private equity fund. He can mobilize a lot of money and relationships. Your company and Zhu group need money and relationships in the future. So I suggest you consider it. Anyway, you still have feelings."


Yang Ping's face was gloomy and his heart was very uncomfortable. Worried about Zhu Xi's personal safety, he came to Zhu's house to have a look. Unexpectedly, he got amazing news. Zhu Yan not only regained the right of home Lord, but also engaged with Wang Teng. It seems that Zhu Yan wants Zhu Xi to marry Wang Teng. Thinking about the spirited middle-aged man I saw before, it seems that it is just a play.

In the face of interests, they are empty.

What's more uncomfortable is that Zhu Yan said that his daughter and Wang Teng still have feelings. Yang Ping feels cheated and is very angry. At that time, Zhu Yan strongly advised his daughter to stay with him and now come back. It's really unpredictable.

Yang Ping listened quietly and wanted to see how Zhu Xi answered.

Zhu Xi frowned, shook her head and said, "Dad, Wang Teng and I are impossible. The past has long passed, and people want to look forward."

Zhu Yan turned pale and said unhappily, "don't deceive dad. I know you still have Wang Teng in your heart. The pendant in your car and many things in your room are presented by Wang Teng. If you don't like him, you'll throw it away."

Zhu Xi bit her lips and wanted to deny it, but she didn't speak at last.

Zhu Yan smiled in his heart. Although his daughter has grown up, he knows her daughter is the father. He knows very well that as long as he lures her from the perspective of family affection, her daughter will follow the path he has arranged. Wang Teng's current status is not trivial. The Zhu family can unite and get the help of the consortium behind Wang Teng. In the future, they will certainly become the first of the four families.

"Tomorrow, I'll arrange a meeting for you." Zhu Yan didn't refuse his daughter. He got up and said with a smile, "I can't be wrong if I believe my father's eyes."

Zhu Xi looked at her father and felt a little strange, but she saw several white hairs on her father's sideburns, which were tired for their family. She couldn't bear to refuse, sighed in her heart, and a figure sounded in her mind.

"What about Yang Ping? He's the one designated by grandpa." Zhu Xi's mind moved and asked.

Yang Ping listened, his heart trembling.

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