Wang Yue is blind.

Her hands were chained, her teeth clenched, she yelled, and she didn't beg for mercy even when she was blind.

She exudes a hard backbone!

Don't betray your friends!

Be upright.

Two soldiers in charge of the interrogation were pushed out and fell to the ground. They didn't know whether they were alive or dead. Sophie shot angrily. Although she was not familiar with Wang Yue, she must be Yang Ping's friend. She was filled with infinite anger at Lin Haitang's cruel interrogation method.

Is it still human to treat a people's policeman like this?

Taochengxi couldn't help but feel heartache when he saw Wang Yue. Wang Yue is still scolding and not yielding. He has been in a state of losing his heart, but he still doesn't choose to betray his friends. Her strength and tenacity make Sophie and taochengxi feel inferior to each other.

Hoo hoo——

Wang Yue gasped for breath. He didn't see the Interrogator's action. He sneered: "if you can kill me, I'm not afraid to die. Come on, I learned this little trick when I was in the army. It doesn't hurt at all, ha ha -"

Black blood flowed from the corners of the eyes and gurgling black smoke. It must be very painful.

Wang Yue broke his lips and teeth, but did not beg for mercy.

"Wang Yue..." Sophie came forward and couldn't help trembling. Her eyes were slightly red. "It's me, I'm Sophie."

Wang Yue stopped struggling, looked at Sophie with empty eyes and smelled the fragrance of a woman. Then he relaxed, but he fainted directly. She fought the trial, overdrawn all her spirit and couldn't hold on for another second.

Tao Chengxi quickly hugged her, looked at Sophie and said, "go and save the others."

Sophie hesitated, nodded and said, "OK."

With that, Sophie left the room.

Tao Chengxi hugged Wang Yue, felt the cold of her delicate body in her arms, and thought of the dead beloved woman. So far, she hasn't seen her body, but every time she thought of Lin Shao's evil face, you can imagine the tragedy of the beloved woman.

She left after all.

The tragedy of Wang Yue deeply stimulated taochengxi's spirit. He silently held Wang Yue, as if holding his beloved woman, and tears flowed down silently. Tick, tick, the man's tears fell on Wang Yue's pretty face. She frowned and gave a cry of grace.

"Who are you?"

After Wang Yue woke up, she felt a great sense of insecurity in someone's arms. She screamed, mised, lay on the ground and shouted, "don't come here. I told you I'm a policeman."

Tao Chengxi looked at the excited Wang Yue and felt an impulse of love in his heart.

"My name is Tao Chengxi. I'm a friend of Yang Ping. We've met before." Tao Chengxi tried to speak in a gentle tone for fear of stimulating Wang Yue. "Don't worry, Lin Haitang has been defeated and escaped. We are free."

Wang Yue murmured, "free... Free?"

At this time, Sophie led Zhu Xi over.

Zhu Xi saw Wang Yue's appearance, especially with black blood eyes and pale face, rushed up, hugged Wang Yue tightly and shouted, "Wang Yue, Wang Yue, what's the matter with you?"

Wang Yue felt the breath of Zhu Xi and immediately showed a strong face.

With a calm smile, Wang Yue didn't think so. He touched Zhu Xi's face and said, "fortunately, there is no disfigurement. At least I don't have to worry about whether you can get married."

Zhu Xi looked up and saw Wang Yue's empty eyes. She kept looking, but she couldn't see anything. She had a cramp in her heart and couldn't help crying silently. Wang Yue is her best friend. If she becomes blind, she will be sad all her life.

Such a good girl, why should God treat her like this!

Zhu Xi was angry and began to feel unfair to God.

"What are you afraid of? It's just two eyes. I've been a soldier and have seen worse. People can live strong. Who am I, Wang Yue! Wang Yue of Longcheng, scare you to death. Ha ha, I'm not afraid."

Wang Yue mentioned his military years and couldn't help showing a proud expression.

"To the hospital!"

Zhu Xi thought of something and shouted quickly.

Sophie came forward, shook her head and said, "I'm a doctor. Let me see first. If I can't treat it, there's no hospital in Longcheng that can cure it."

Zhu Xi looked at Sophie, deja vu.

I seem to have seen it somewhere.

Suddenly, Zhu Xi remembered that when she went to Yang's small hospital, she heard Yang Ping's dialogue with a woman. Isn't that woman's voice in front of her? Her eyes were so complicated that she wanted to say something, but she held back.

"Please help me." Zhu Xi whispered.

Sophie and Tao Chengxi looked at each other and said, "we can't stay here long. We should leave as soon as possible."

Zhu Xi thinks so.

After Lin Haitang escaped, it was in a mess.

The four left the detention center and directly killed Huahang group. When she came to China Airlines Group, Zhu Xi was stunned by the scene in front of her. At the gate of the China Airlines Group building, a big seal was pasted. Many employees of the company gathered outside. There were two armed military handles at the gate. No one could enter.

Lin Haitang killed them all.

Not only arrested, but also sealed off Zhu Xi's China Airlines Group, which is simply too deceptive.

"All disperse, or they will be arrested for the crime of endangering public security. Do you hear me?" A soldier sneered and shouted at the excited employees, "this building has been sealed. Your boss has been arrested. Go back and wait for news."


An employee of China Airlines Group came forward and shouted, "our boss is the best boss. How can he break the law? You must have done it in disorder. Unpack the building immediately and let the boss out, otherwise we won't give up."

"Yes! We can surf the Internet and send things out. We can publicize everywhere to make them feel the pressure of public opinion!" There are suggestions from employees.

The two soldiers looked at each other and showed a cold light. One of them stared at the employee who raised his opinions, sneered, jumped up, slapped him, then dragged him into the building, looked at the people coldly, and shouted, "don't you go yet?"

The crowd was frightened.

Is there such a cruel soldier in the world?

Beat the people! “

The two soldiers didn't think so, just some public opinion. With the status of the Lin family, they wanted to erase the matter every minute.

Not far away, Zhu Xi saw her employees being beaten. The atmosphere wanted to rush to divorce, but she was stopped by Sophie. Sophie shook her head secretly and was very disappointed with these soldiers. The soldiers who protect the country are heroes and worthy of respect. But these people have been homogenized.

They are no longer soldiers of the state, but become private weapons of a family.

They were kept in captivity by the family, equal to ancient thugs.

They spend a lot of national resources on training, but they have been hiding in the dark side. When the Diaoyu Islands were in dispute, they did not stand up. When the country faced international pressure, they did not see them do great things. Instead, they hid in dark places and kept shooting cold arrows at their own people.

Sophie was cold in her heart.

She finally felt that Yang Ping was great.

Many great forces train experts to enhance their strength and selfishness, but the Yanhuang team trained by Yang Ping is a real national pride and a real sword. They defend their country and do not hesitate to sacrifice their lives.

That's the difference!

This is the greatness of Yang Ping.

Sophie sighed in her heart and couldn't help being confused.

Zhu Xi was stopped, bit her lips and said anxiously, "forget it, let's go somewhere else. I don't know how Yang Ping is now. I hope he will never come out."

Sophie smiled bitterly.

Tao Chengxi's face changed slightly and then returned to normal.

Zhu Xi found that the two people were abnormal, and a bad premonition poured out of her heart. Her pretty face turned white. She seemed to have a premonition of something. She trembled and said, "you... You all know where Yang Ping is, don't you?"

No one answered.

Zhu Xi trembled and said, "tell me... Yang Ping... Is he in danger?"

Sophie and Tao Chengxi smiled bitterly and shook their heads.

Zhu Xijiao's body trembled and almost fell.

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