The frequency of Hua Ruxue's steps is also higher and faster. His feet rise and fall quickly, so fast that the naked eye can't see clearly, dragging out a residual shadow.

The slightly cold air brushed her cheek and swept back, shaking the sad wind, the hair trembled slightly, and the plain skirt became a hard line like iron.

Strangely, the corners of her lips were raised slightly, as if with an inexplicable charming smile.

Seems to enjoy the bloody battlefield

Who are these people

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

Duan Tianci's heart is tight!

The storm of bullets pierced the skirt, cut off the flying hair and shot deeply into the ground. However, none of them could do any harm to her.

Flowers are as fast as blood as a demon.

With a slight touch of her seemingly weak fragrant shoulder, several strong martial arts men with muscles all over the body splashed like stones hit by a hammer and landed on the ground in the distance.

"I'll go!"

Duan Tianci opened his eyes wide and couldn't believe it! Flower like blood has become so powerful in the past few years?

Hua Ruxue didn't see Duan Tianci's eyes. She had only one goal.

A red robed old man hiding behind the crowd, holding a metal disc in his hand, was talking.

There was no expression on the old man in red robe's face, but his lips kept moving, and his fingers kept knocking on the metal disc. However, every time he knocked, a faint and unobtrusive white light would hide into the crowd. Where the white light passed, the injuries on those practitioners of LV Wei would heal and improve with the naked eye.

The old man is a healer!

Although he was hidden, he was still found by careful flower like blood. Without hesitation, she crossed the enemy group and approached the old man in red robe.

His right hand is as tight as jade.

Flower like blood's hand is small and soft. Even if it is held tightly, it looks small, just like the lovely white fruit of Magnolia fruit, which has no deterrent.

Then her fist fell and landed on the metal disc that the old man hurriedly raised.

The disc made of unknown metal didn't break, but it jumped up and hit the old man's jaw hard.

The old man's neck bone and mandible were smashed, and he died very simply!

The blood flowed to the surface of the metal disc and dyed the complicated lines into red lines.

Hua Ruxue, who killed the old man in red robe, turned her eyes and forced another middle-aged man in red robe holding a disc.

However, the vigilant monk LV Wei would never give her this opportunity again and stopped in front of her one after another.

The red robed middle-aged man wiped his sweat and continued to read his words. He just spit out a word. Suddenly his face changed and quickly raised the disc in his hand!

With a bang, a bullet hit the disc hard and bounced away!

The high priest listened to the sound from the disc in front of him, and his face turned a little white. He thought silently that if he hadn't had the talent of warning, he was afraid that this shot would directly shoot a big hole in his chest.

But he did not have time to breathe a sigh of relief. The bullet was blocked. The shooter obviously refused to give up. The roaring wind came sadly again and again!

The bullet kept hitting the disc at high speed, making a heavy buzzing sound.

The arm of the red robed middle-aged man was twisted and deformed with a click.

The disc fell back and hit the middle-aged man in red heavily.

The red robed middle-aged man's sternum collapsed downward, and his lung lobes became meat mud under heavy pressure. He had no time to read bad words and summon his own means to protect his life, so he was shocked to death!

The flower is like blood. When she sees it in her eyes, her heart is relaxed, she smiles, her fingers tremble, and she gently touches the throat of a monk who surrounds her.

The monk covered his bleeding throat and fell back.

The battlefield is chaotic, but two people have not moved until now.

One is Duan Tiandao.

One is LV Wei.

The two men seemed completely uninterested in the fight outside their bodies and kept their eyes on each other.

Both of them knew that the Qi engine between them had been locked, and anyone who wanted to act rashly would pay a great price.

But for each other, they both have great fear in their hearts, but none of them took the lead.

The two were opposed and silent.

In fact, all the people in the scuffle on the plain are nervously looking at the direction of the two from time to time. They don't know how the battle will start, when they will fight and who will fight first.

I don't know. It's the biggest suffering in the world.

At that moment, I didn't know when, LV Wei shot.

This monk, who claims to be as famous as Duan Tiandao, is different from everyone's imagination. There is no heaven and earth breaking, no rolling mountains and stones, and no terrible momentum. On the contrary, it seems very flat.

LV Wei's sword can't even be called a sword. It's not too much to say that it's a thin piece of iron.

The thin piece of iron went from LV Wei's body to Duan Tiandao. It was calm and silent. The mist in front of the piece of iron divided with the trend, like the gradual division of the lake, and a piece of dead wood fluctuated forward.

Countless eyes stared at the sword that was completely different from the sword, some surprised, some puzzled, and even some disappointed.

However, the next moment, a shocking picture appeared in front of people.

Where LV Wei's sword potential passed, it rolled a large area of mist on the plain. The mist was absorbed and condensed very quickly, and became a cloud. It was very dark and dark, just like those dark clouds that would fall rainstorm in midsummer.

The tip of the sword became very conspicuous at the front end covered by dark clouds. It looked like a lightning, slow lightning.

A bright light flashed through the dark clouds, and then countless bright lights emerged from the depths of the clouds and turned into countless lightning. It looked like countless sword lights, terrible and plain sword lights.

Not many people know that there is an upward mountain road behind the valley in fierce battle. The war of the monks is only on the hillside of the finger mark of the divine hand, or just at the foot of the mountain.

Few people know that the victorious side will continue to climb up.

But length and width know.

As the current actual power holder of the black robe organization, it is strange to appear in the struggle between Zhao overbearing and Duan Tiandao.

He is slowly climbing up the mountain road. He can't see the fierce battle in the valley, but he can only see the towering finger mark of the divine hand and the temple on the finger mark of the divine hand. He has felt very satisfied.

Not everyone can come to such a place, see this scene and visit everything in front of us. It is already a perfect thing.

While walking on the mountain path, Chang Kuan looked at the beautiful giant planet in the endless void outside the cliff.

It is so huge that it gives the illusion of length and width. It seems that it is possible to jump to that planet as long as you jump hard.

There are exquisite artificial lines on the surface of the blue star, with large and small debris floating on it. There are huge similar metals and incredible giant bones in the unspeakable debris.

It looks like a tragic battlefield left after a great war, but I don't know when it happened.

I can't imagine what a powerful ethnic group it takes to leave such magnificent battlefield relics. Compared with this war, the monk war in front of us may be just a children's play.

The planet in front of us is so huge, so desolate, so mysterious, so lonely and so ancient.

Seeing all this, I'm afraid anyone has to start thinking about the meaning of life and the grandeur of the universe.

But Chang Kuan just took a faint breath. His slightly thin body straightened up, twisted the beginning and looked at the top of the mountain road.

The temple trapped in the clouds and fog was the tallest and most magnificent building he had ever seen.

On the top of the temple stands a spire hundreds of meters high. The whole body is made of unknown metal. The surface is covered with fine and complex lines, which is extremely exquisite.

The tower has exceeded the existing technological level of mankind.

The spire is a gradually converging four pointed cone, dark, and occasionally a touch of light flows through the lines.

Chang Kuan didn't climb fast, but he finally came to the bottom of the temple.

The temple is magnificent and majestic, with an overall height of hundreds of meters. The main hall on the ground floor alone is nearly 50 meters. The overall style is desolate and simple, and there is no pillar in the whole hall.

The four walls are deep black, emitting metallic luster, and various undulating lines can be vaguely seen on the wall. On this wall, there is an altar and a spiral ladder leading to the upper layer.

Chang Kuan turned to the spiral staircase and walked all the way to the upper layer of the temple.

The spiral staircase was built in a generous manner, but the length and width showed that the spiral staircase, altar and many attached items in the bottom hall were not the same as the style of the temple itself, which was obviously added later.

The spiral ladder went all the way up and finally reached the end.

In front of Chang Kuan was a long and wide corridor, with two open doors at the end.

Chang Kuan took a deep breath and walked into the gate.

At first glance, there is a hall flashing dim light. Looking around the whole hall, it has the same style as the hall on the ground floor. The most striking thing is the huge round platform with a diameter of several meters in the center. The round platform is engraved with large sections of strange and obscure characters and many pictures that don't understand what they mean.

Chang Kuan doesn't know those words, let alone the role of patterns.

Beside the round platform, there were three old men in red robes. Beside the old man, Jiang Qiushi was standing in military combat clothes. The metal back of Jiang Qiushi's head was very dazzling. Standing by the huge window with his hands in his hands, it was the strange man in black robe.

"Why are you here?" Jiang Qiushi could not help but frown when he saw Chang Kuan and kuanzheng's eyebrows.

Chang Kuan coughed and spread his hand: "I'm bored. I want to come up and enjoy the scenery. I've been walking all the way and came here unconsciously." Chang Kuan touched his chin: "and I don't know what's good in that place."

"There are fixed-point transmission coordinates. Why don't you know..."

"Forget it." In front of the window, I don't know what I'm looking at. The man in black interrupted Jiang Qiushi lightly: "anyone who sees these miraculous buildings for the first time will probably lose his mind. Anyway, I don't care if those people can come back. Chang Kuan, you're just in time for a good play. "

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