Now Xiao Hei has learned to be good. While leading the way in front, she looks back at Mao Lan from time to time. As long as she has a crossbow at one end, she jumps up to Duan Tiandao without saying a word.

Anyway, Duan Tiandao keeps standing behind the beautiful photographer all the time.

Two meters behind.

After walking tremblingly for another half an hour, a crackling sound of water came faintly from the front, and Duan Tiandao was inspired: "there is water in front! There must be a lot of prey! "

He finally breathed a sigh of relief. With the current target of beautiful photographers, it is impossible to shoot a single prey, but if a large group can shoot at random, it can improve some self-confidence, so he won't always want to aim at himself.

Mao Lan's beautiful eyes turned slightly, took a breath, put away the crossbow and walked forward quickly.

After a while, the last broad branch was pushed aside. When a huge canyon was displayed in front of them, Duan Tiandao and Mao Lan couldn't help but be shocked.

No one could have expected that there was such a broad and magnificent beautiful scene in the depths of the dense forest!

This is a canyon formed by a very high cliff. It is very narrow. The huge rocks above touch and close together, like a huge cave. Above the canyon is a clear blue sky. The Cape is cut into an ellipse, just like a blue porcelain plate, pure and beautiful.

Below the canyon is a seemingly gentle pool. The air at the edge of the pool is moist and slightly cold. There are patches of moss on the wall. The trickle flowing in front runs through the stones at the bottom of the cave, forming a beautiful picture like a paddy field.

But behind all this calm appearance, a silver and white water line falling from above can be seen from a distance, which makes the moss on the stone shake violently, and the rapid waterfall jumps and scrambles down, making a loud noise, and white waves gradually appear.

Mao Lan, who never missed the beautiful scenery, forgot to pick up the camera and leave this wonderful eternity.

Xiao Hei squinted, sat by the pond, looked at the beautiful white line from a distance, didn't say a word, and seemed to enjoy the moment.

Duan Tiandao didn't look at the water. He was looking at the sky.

Look at the sky cut by the cliff and extending towards the sky and both sides, but you can't see the end. This beautiful and unspeakable sky, I don't know why, let him fall into some kind of pause, and I don't know where his mind went for a moment.

Spectacular cliffs, blue sky and more than ten water lines as thin as a line form an extremely vast nature. No matter how powerful people stand in front of such a picture, they will also feel their smallness.

Sit and watch the clouds rise and fall, the static audience falls into the pool, the clouds rise and fall, the clouds gather, and the waterfalls go into the clouds without a trace.

Between the movement and the silence, people have an impulse to just watch this scene forever.

"Woof!" Xiao Hei suddenly screamed and turned to jump behind Duan Tiandao.

Duan Tiandao turned his head in amazement, but saw that Mao Lan had raised his crossbow and shot an arrow at the beautiful scenery without hesitation!

The rapid crossbow and arrow crossed the moist air at the edge of the quiet pool and disappeared into the sky.

The beautiful photographer himself was stunned for a long time before he came back: "er... Wrong..."

Duan Tiandao: "..." Xiao Hei: "..."

This arrow finally pulled everyone's mind back. Mao Lan took the camera and began to shoot desperately. Duan Tiandao and Xiaohei were relieved and turned to look at the pond. According to the law of nature, there should also be a huge amount of prey near such a huge amount of water source.

Sure enough, Duan Tiandao just glanced and found a small team of wild goats, two humming wild boars and several jackals looking for prey.

The taste of wild pork is hard to taste, compact and elastic. Seeing those huge pig feet, Duan Tiandao inexplicably felt that the saliva had a tendency to flow down. As soon as he was low, he was ready to touch it.

The beautiful photographer looked at the furtive figure of a man and a dog, and then looked at the dark green pool water by the pool. A pair of wonderful eyes narrowed slightly. He made up his mind immediately, quickly unloaded his backpack and leaned against the bank. He confirmed that this angle could shoot the whole pool. As soon as the silver teeth bit, put down the camera, took a deep breath and jumped down with a pop!

"Help, help! Help! "

A crisp scream cut through the calm sky and immediately scattered a group of wild animals!

Duan Tiandao and Xiao Hei looked back in amazement: "...."

The little girl took a good picture. Why did she suddenly fall into the water?

"I, I can't swim... Help, help!"

Duan Tiandao sighed and threw away the ox horn bow and arrow bag. A standard kite turned over and jumped down with a puff.

It seemed that Xiao Hei also wanted to jump. When he rushed to the water, he suddenly stopped again. He inadvertently stretched out a claw and touched the cold pool water. He couldn't help shivering, and slowly retreated back. Looking at the two people splashing in the pool, he shouted from a distance: "Wang!"

The energy of the water rushing down from such a high place is huge, and the deep pool formed naturally will not be shallow. The fear of being unable to be down-to-earth seems to have made the beautiful photographer lose his calmness. When Duan Tiandao swam to her, Mao Lan's whole body hung on him like an octopus and almost rubbed into the arms of a man. This is not over, Two delicate hands were still desperately grinding on the man's face and forehead, which almost broke Duan Tiandao's face.

Duan Tiandao: "

Originally, it was a very simple way to stun and drag away, but I don't know why. When I saw the beautiful and sweet face of this little girl, I just couldn't do it.

Since you can't do it, you have to say it.

"Calm down! You're all right! "

The girl close to Duan Tiandao didn't seem to hear it at all. She continued to hold him with enough strength and rubbed him hard on his face!

Duan Tiandao really couldn't stand it. He hugged the beautiful photographer and slid his big hand from the slender waist to his armpit. His thumb almost touched a soft thing: "don't be nervous, don't be nervous..."

Why are you still rubbing hard! You don't care if you pull her?

It seems that she has entered the Crazy Rhythm... It seems that she must divert her attention

Duan Tiandao coughed twice, impolitely took the girl into his arms, stepped on the water and patted the girl on the back: "I've met you in this situation. It shows that this person, when the crisis comes, the energy that can burst out is very huge. I used to drive with my girlfriend, but there was a car accident. I watched her dying under our car! Oh, my God! I don't know where the strength and courage came from at that time. In one breath... I drove away all the fire engines and officers and soldiers who came to the rescue! "

Pool: "

"Woof!" Xiao Hei shouted from a distance, indicating that he was amused by this cold joke, but Mao Lan in his arms just twitched all over, and his breathing became more and more urgent! Although he held him tightly in his arms, he insisted on rubbing his face everywhere with his small hands!

Huh? This diversion... Doesn't seem to work?

That only uses another one! Since what you say is useless, you have to use blocking!

Dong Cunrui once said! Saving a life is better than building a multi-storey building! I'm not taking advantage, really!

Duan Tiandao grabbed the girl's soft head, aimed at the sweet and delicious lips, and blocked it ruthlessly!

The girl whose lips were robbed immediately suffocated, the movement of her small hands immediately stopped, her teeth closed, and the breathing sound in her throat was almost stagnant!

This bastard! This bastard took advantage of people's danger!

Instinct should stare big eyes, confused by the cold pool, but can't open them anyway! Mao Lan only felt a huge anger rush to his head. He just wanted to crush the rogue Coyote to death and pull him down!

But... Beautiful photographers are suddenly blessed, but what a good opportunity!

Just now, the camera took pictures of this bastard saving himself. Even if he was wet and close, it was not convincing, but now it's different!

There is such a picture in the camera!

Duan Tiandao is completely over!

Although... Although the price

Alas, we have reached this point and can't manage so much

The idea appeared in the beautiful photographer's mind for a moment. Her tight body suddenly softened and her clenched teeth loosened.

Eh? The reaction of the beauty in her arms fell into the feeling of Duan Tiandao. Unexpectedly, with such a kiss, Leng let her put down her reserve! Leng began to respond to himself!

Ah ah!

Big money! One more bite! The taste is really fragrant and sweet

Whether it was voluntary or forced, whether intentional or unintentional, Mao Lan still let go of her guard after all.

Beautiful photographers who have never had such close contact with men, although they repeatedly remind themselves that the man in front of them is a villain, they still involuntarily lose themselves in the strong male atmosphere of men.

"Woof, woof! Woof, woof, woof! "

I don't know how long this moment lasted. The man and woman were completely immersed in it, but Xiao Hei was finally impatient. Are you finished!

The sharp barking of the dog woke them up immediately. Duan Tiandao had to relax the girl, coughed twice, and swam with her to the shore: "sorry, I didn't mean to. I just wanted to divert your attention. In fact, it was a very dangerous situation just now. If you continue to work so hard, Maybe you and I are hanging here... You see, I can't help it... "

"Hooligans!" Mao lanqiang, who closed his eyes tightly and returned to the shore, pushed Duan Tiandao away. His face was blue. He ignored Duan Tiandao's explanation, rubbed his eyes, and was ready to attack him, and then went back to the city. Anyway, today's task was finally completed: "you..."

Finally, I opened a pair of wonderful beautiful photographers, and the back half of the sentence suddenly stuck in my throat. A scallion finger trembled and pointed to Duan Tiandao's face: "you, your face, how's your face..."

Duan Tiandao inexplicably touched his face: "what's wrong with my face?"

The beautiful photographer suddenly had an impulse to go crazy. She pointed to the man's face and jumped up desperately: "why didn't the mud color on your face fall at all?"

Duan Tiandao inexplicably touched his nearly peeling face: "it's waterproof... Otherwise you can lose it by sweating?" He was stunned for a long time and suddenly realized with a dry smile: "it doesn't matter. As long as you go back and wipe it with professional potion, it will fall off. Don't worry about not being able to wash it off."

Mao Lan: "

Now she instinctively wants to take up the crossbow and shoot this inexplicably waterproof mud colored bastard into seven or eight transparent holes!

She was so patient and thoughtful that she finally found a chance to complete the task. Is it easy?

Is it easy? It was destroyed by some shit anti cement color!

Now the picture can only see a man kissing himself with colorful paint on his face! Who can recognize this bastard?

Oh, my God! Your first kiss! It's gone! Ah ah!

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