The litchi was clearly bought by qinghanyu. The devil knows how it suddenly became the way of heaven; At first, Stephen Chow raised a cockroach as a pet in Tang Bohu's Qiuxiang. Now even plants have become pets... Is this also

Is it too unreasonable for NIMA?

However, old man Feng and Yang Zihao don't feel strong words or unreasonable at all. They are happy to watch the play. Since the panda eye doesn't know how to respect the old, of course they forget to love the young.

Duan Tiandao took the initiative to take care of things, not only to fight for the face of qinghanyu, but also to vent their anger. If it weren't for their identity, the two people would start clapping and cheering now and eat some Xiaoli by the way.

What they know, of course, qinghanyu is not a fool.

She doesn't know who Duan Tiandao is, but she knows too well what this young man is.

This world entertainment Xiaokai mingles with people in the underworld all day. Every day, in addition to doing some things that people and gods are angry about, he is doing some dirty activities that bully men and women. The problem is that he is still free until now.

Duan Tiandao was happy for a while, but he had to face the coming ferocious revenge. How can qinghanyu look at him and take trouble for himself? He immediately wiped the corners of his eyes, pressed his tears for a long time, and stood up: "brother Duan..."

"Stop!" Duan Tian waved angrily and interrupted qinghanyu: "do you want to plead for him? You help him pay for my Xiao Li? Is it easy for me to raise it? I tell you, it's about him and me, not about you! Get out of the way! "

Qinghanyu: "

Of course she knew that Duan Tiandao was just using such words to get rid of her relationship, but

"Well..." red Guoguo covered her stomach and pulled qinghanyu aside. She was already out of breath with a smile. It was more difficult to say a word than to kill her: "it's none of your business... I, we want to ask for justice for Xiaoli..."

Qinghanyu: "

It was not easy for the young man to stand up with his mouth covered. All the conversations fell into his ears. He just felt that his eyes were green!

These people, NIMA, speak like real!

Is NIMA playing with me?

Can I be played?

"I'll pay 200000! Break his teeth! " Panda eye pointed at Duan Tian fiercely and said, "go!"

There must be a brave man under the so-called reward. The two thin monkeys behind him immediately became energetic. With a grim smile, they easily touched a bright dagger from behind and forced Duan Tiandao.

The rest of them knew Duan Tiandao's ability. The old God was laughing happily, but qinghanyu didn't know anything. Suddenly, his face changed greatly, he bit his teeth, pulled out the red fruit and grabbed Duan Tiandao: "don't touch him! This happened because of me, I...... "

The young man's face was bruised and swollen. Black smoke came out of his nostrils. Where could he hear half a word and waved fiercely: "fight together!"

The two thin monkeys looked at each other, and with a smile, they slapped each other and waved to qinghanyu!

Qinghanyu closed her eyes, but her body didn't move. She murmured in her heart, "I'm sister Jiang! I'm Liu Hulan! No matter how cruel and cunning the enemy is, I must... "

"Ah!" Then she couldn't help screaming, because she suddenly felt that her slender waist was held by a powerful hand, and then the whole person circled to the left quickly, and then fell steadily to the ground. At the same time, she heard a "bang". After a long time, she heard a "pop" sound from a distance on the water.

"Help! I can't swim! Help... "

Qinghanyu opened her eyes in surprise, but found that there were only one of the two small thin monkeys in front of her. Everyone was stunned and looked beyond the railing, but she saw another small thin monkey's body floating on the lake more than 20 meters away.

Old man Feng and Yang Zihao's eyes almost fell out. Yang Zihao poured a cup of tea all the time. It flowed down from the corner of the table and scalded his thigh. After the reaction, he only said two words: "shit!"

Who is this NIMA?

This is definitely Maradona!

If you kick people as a ball, you can still kick so far!

"Shit! Bad ball! " The only one who was dissatisfied was Duan Tiandao himself. He looked at his feet angrily and glared at the remaining thin monkeys across the street: "Hey, who is heavier than him?"

The remaining thin monkeys shook and lost the dagger: "big brother, I, I surrender."

Duan Tiandao immediately became very angry. He let go of qinghanyu in his arms and came forward with a foot right in the face of the thin monkey. The thin monkey immediately screamed and knelt down without saying a word. One by one, he spat out his teeth rhythmically, spitting out five in a row.

"I'm asking who is heavier and who the fuck made you surrender?"

The thin monkey tried to cover his mouth: "I'm heavy! I'm heavier! "

"Can you swim?"

"Yes! Yes! "

Duan Tiandao nodded with satisfaction, looked at the thin monkey still planing in the water, swung a circle in place and flew a foot!


With the sound of "ow", the thin monkey who lost its teeth rushed to the sky like a monkey leaving its strings. After "rubbing" stepped on the following cloud in the air for a long time, it "pooped" into the lake, flying five meters more than the monkey just now!

Duan Tiandao nodded with satisfaction: "Hmm! Good ball! "

People: "

Panda eye finally recovered and crept out.

"Yo! How dare Xiao Li run away without paying me? " Duan Tiandao flew up and kicked the young man on the cheek.

The young man felt that the scream could not prove the pain he was suffering now. He simply didn't say anything and honestly spit out two more teeth.

The heel of this heavenly way is like an eye, kicking him with teeth.

After spitting out his teeth, the young man began to cry. His tears were very strong. Just now, I don't know whether the strength of pulling fell into the water: "no, don't kick, I'll compensate, I'll compensate..."

Yo! I really can't see that a man with half his teeth missing can speak so clearly except for a little air leakage.

Duan Tiandao really couldn't find a reason to start with his remaining teeth, so he had to put his feet away bitterly: "what's your name?"

Panda eye cried and said, "two, two hundred..."

Everyone was stunned and looked at each other. Duan Tiandao couldn't help saying, "what two hundred?"

The young man wiped his tears, raised his head and looked very educated: "my last name is two, my name is one hundred, my name is two hundred!"


An overcast wind blew through the courtyard.

"Cluck, cluck!" The red fruit could not help squatting down with his stomach: "ouch, ouch! I can't, I can't... there are people calling 200... "

Qinghanyu covered her mouth and turned to look out of the railing.

The panda's eyes and mouth opened: "...."

Duan Tiandao also wanted to laugh and endured it. He knew that there was this surname among the Hundred Surnames. The second surname came from the Ji surname, a descendant of the Yellow Emperor, and took the state name as his surname. There are so many literate people here. If they laugh, they will look too illiterate.

As a result, old man Feng and Yang Zihao laughed wildly: "ah ha ha! There are still people with surnames two! "

Duan Tiandao: "

"Tell me." Duan Tiandao had to accept that he was really the most educated person. He turned and knocked 200 on his head: "how are you going to compensate my Xiaoli?"

The panda's eyes, half swollen, flickered and shrunk for a long time: "one, a thousand?"

Duan Tiandao finally found a reason. Without saying a word, he flew up a big ear scraper, 'PA'!

Well, good. It's swollen on both sides.

"Damn it! Is it easy for me to raise Xiaoli? It has followed me for more than two hours at any rate. It has no family and love! Do you understand love! That's priceless! "

Finally, the face of a real giant panda was not covered, and he was crying against a panda's head, like a 250: "Wuwuwuwu, no, stop fighting, you can lose as much as you say, and you can lose as much as you say..."

Duan Tiandao nodded with satisfaction and touched the giant panda's head: "well, it seems a little sincere."

People: "

"That's it!" Duan Tiandao pondered for a long time, and seemed to finally make up his mind to suffer a heavy loss: "originally, I was going to let you lose 100 million. For your unintentional sake, you can lose 50 million. Well, you can transfer money or use cash. To show my sincerity, I promise not to call you 250! "

People: "

A litchi

Fifty million!

What's NIMA selling cut cakes!

This is by no means a bank robber! This is robbing the money printing factory!

Don't call him 250

What kind of sincerity?

Everyone else thinks so, but the 200 with the panda's head doesn't think so. He knows very well that if he can't make a promise today, he can't get rid of himself, and if he can't get rid of himself, he will have to be beaten. Just now he carefully counted with his tongue, and there are still 12 teeth left. He can't lose any more.

Scolded the next door!

As long as I get away, I won't kill you!

So the panda happily ordered his panda head: "I'll pay for it! But I really can't get so much money now. Can I go back and get it? "

"Nothing." Duan Tiandao waved generously: "I'm not unreasonable. There are several people in the world who can take out 50 million anytime and anywhere. In this way, you write an IOU and I'll pick it up tomorrow. "

Come and pick it up tomorrow?

The panda couldn't help laughing and grimacing, but his cheeks were swollen. He had to forget it and nodded desperately: "OK, OK! I write, I write! "

Duan Tiandao always gave face to the people he cooperated with. He didn't beat him for so long. He immediately took a rice paper from the case and threw it in front of him: "write as I said. Ious... "

The panda hinted for a long time. Seeing that Duan Tiandao still didn't respond, he had to face bitterly and say, "there's no pen..."

Duan Tiandao suddenly realized that he looked around. He didn't see the good pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the table. He turned his hand to pick up the dagger left by the thin monkey on the ground and "Shua" slashed the panda's middle finger.

The panda was stunned for a long time: "ah!"

Duan Tiandao was so angry that he kicked on the left cheek of the panda, and immediately the left side was half higher: "didn't I find you a pen? What are you yelling about! Write an IOU! "

People: "

Although it's strange that a giant panda writes words like a dog crawling, everyone doesn't care. Everyone is looking at the content of the IOU.

"IOU. I killed Duan Tiandao in a frenzy. Mr. Duan helped each other. Xiao Li, a pet with white heads and one heart, feels deeply burned within five. In order to express my apology, I am willing to take the initiative to compensate 50 million yuan. "

Here are two hundred signatures and fingerprints.

Help each other

White heads are concentric

This is not litchi, this is my love!

Ah ah!

I began to believe in love again.

Two hundred glanced at the IOU, then looked at a section of heaven, and swallowed hard: "well, now... Can I go?"

Duan Tiandao was very satisfied to put away the IOU, looked at it for two hundred and one eyes, hesitated for a moment, and suddenly flew up a boss's ear scraper!


Although the panda is very painful, although he has Venus in his eyes, he is more angry. He even forgets the pain and Venus: "I have met all your requirements! You! Why did you hit me? "

Duan Tiandao felt his chin awkwardly: "Oh... I think it would be better if the two sides were more symmetrical."

People: "

Giant pandas with symmetrical sides: "...."

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