In fact, there are many kinds of words in my heart.

Sometimes you can say it with your mouth, sometimes with your body, and sometimes with a knife.

Although Duan Tiandao closed several important acupoints in xiaochuanzi's throat, such important organs were damaged. After all, he could not stop the footsteps of the God of death, and could only prolong his life for a few minutes at most.

But sometimes, you can do a lot in a few minutes.

Like stabbing people.

Science has proved that when people are on the verge of death, under the control of the cerebral cortex, they quickly instruct the adrenal cortex and medulla to secrete many of the above hormones, mobilize all positive factors in the whole body, and turn people from coma to wakefulness; From being unable to speak to being able to talk a few words and explain the future affairs; From not eating to eating and drinking, these are endocrine hormones under the command of the central nervous system.

It's called reflection.

When this person returns to life, he is very energetic and can do a lot of things. Anyway, Ogawa has used all his strength to stab people.

Xiaochuanzi is not an ordinary person. After all, he has killed people for several years. His attack is cruel and hot. The first knife directly cuts off the man's left wrist, and the second cuts open the artery tube of the man's thigh, which matches the torture method of extreme pain and relieving pain very well.

Although the bones and joints of the big man are all shaken into slag by Duan Tiandao, the place where he is better than xiaochuanzi is that he can speak and shout.

So the scream was so amazing that even the birds in the forest startled a large group.

Brother Kuan was already in great pain. The careless young man had leisure to dub xiaochuanzi. Xiaochuanzi stabbed him and he added a sentence nearby.

"I've been with you for such a long time. I've worked hard without credit. How dare you kill me like this! I told you to kill me! Let you kill me! "

"I don't want paper money! I want real money! I want you to burn paper money for me! I want you to burn paper money for me! "

"My sister's beauty is none of your business! Want you to take care of it? I want you to take care of me! I want you to take care of me! "

"There's nothing to say! I just want to stab you! Just to stab you! "

Big man: "

Xiaochuanzi basically scratched brother Kuan in a mess. He can't be called a person. Now he can be said to be two and a half people, or four and a half people.

Seeing that brother Kuan had no physiology, xiaochuanzi was stunned. He didn't give him a fatal blow. He turned his head and knelt down to Duan Tiandao. "Dangdang Dang" knocked his head three times in a row.

Duan Tiandao yawned: "I've suffered from these three heads. Now that you have avenged your great hatred and kindness, go on your way. "

As soon as he was going to lie on the ground, xiaochuanzi went to his mother in peace of mind. He turned his head and got up again. He tried his best to take out a small paper bag from his underwear purse, put it into Duan Tiandao's hand, knelt down and knocked his head three times. Only then did he lie on the ground contentedly and go to his mother in peace of mind.

Duan Tiandao looked at the little paper bag with blood in his hand. His eyes lit up and said with a smile, "count you. Although you kowtow, you still have to accept something to avenge you."

He was going to open the paper bag to see what it was. He was going to go on the ground. Brother Kuan suddenly smiled.

Well, yes, I did.

Although he was covered with blood, his body was part by part, and the sound of laughter was terrible, he still smiled. His mouth was full of blood, and he was still laughing.

Duan Tiandao spread his hand. This is a typical neuropathy. Others do some serious things. You just smile when you shine back. He doesn't intend to argue with this dying neuropathy, so he waved his hand: "bye."

Then he turned and left.

The big man suddenly stopped laughing. He smiled so badly. In fact, most of them wanted Duan Tiandao to ask him what he was laughing at. They didn't know that people didn't ask at all, but even if others didn't ask, he still planned to say, so he could save some energy by laughing less. He hurried to say, "I remember, you must be the young man xiaochuanzi said during the day!"

Duan Tiandao smiled, turned around and gave him a thumbs up: "have eyesight!"

It seems that this is the rhythm to explain my last words!

Xiaochuanzi has something for him. He looks so big. Maybe the paper bag in his arms is bigger than xiaochuanzi. Don't be vain.

It's a pity that the man didn't mean to take out the paper bag at all. He said and laughed again: "since you saved old man Feng, they must be your friends. It's a pity that although you killed us, you have to help old man Feng collect their bodies when you go back! Ha ha ha! Cough... "

Duan Tiandao blew up as soon as he heard it!

Scolded the next door!

It's been a long time. Is that what you're talking about? None of the paper bags?

He flew up and kicked on the man's cheek: "you know, I didn't kill you! You killed xiaochuanzi, you killed xiaochuanzi! "

The big man doesn't even live on his body. He can't feel the pain. But his foot is too fierce and his mouth is numb. He can't speak if he wants to speak.

Duan Tiandao didn't care whether he was in pain or not, so he flew up and kicked him in the stomach: "I tell you, I have no choice but to come to you if I don't make arrangements? No matter how many people you've been to, they must be dancing now. Do you believe it? "

In fact, the big man can speak at this time, but he doesn't know what to say for a while. The people he sent are dancing?

This absolute force has broken through the limit of his imagination!

Killing people, dancing, that's a TV play!

Although he still wanted to laugh, he looked at Duan Tiandao who was not in a hurry to go. I don't know why he thought what he said must be true, so he had to sigh: "I'm dying, do you still kick?"

Duan Tiandao kicked him on the nose: "I want to hit people, whether you die or not?"

Big man: "

Originally, a person was going to die, and there was not much to care about, but in the face of such a natural, calm and taboo free devil, he couldn't help but feel chilly in his heart.

Who on earth is this man?

What xiaochuanzi said

It's true!

He's not human!

Duan Tiandao finally stopped kicking. He was embarrassed and coughed twice: "Oh, now we're clear anyway. If you have something like a small paper bag, you can take it out."

The anxious man, who was dying, had mixed feelings for a time. He didn't know whether he wanted to cry or laugh. He simply tilted his head and went to fuck.

Duan Tiandao couldn't help getting angry and kicked the man on the head: "Mom! No paper bags! How stingy! "

The dead man: "

In fact, Xiaodao volunteered to kill old Feng and Yang Zihao. He was not as vigilant as xiaochuanzi. He was full of ambition and desire. Before he started, he called the boss over brother Kuan to suggest that the credit was his own.

Everyone knows how much it means to the boss to kill these two people.

As long as you succeed, the life of fragrant car beauty singing all night is just around the corner!

This is an excellent opportunity for an independent portal!

As a killer, who doesn't yearn for such a life?

It's even easier to find out where the target lives. Two hundred dollars and a lie will solve it.

Xiaodao's figure is shorter and thinner than xiaochuanzi, so he is more dexterous. He changed his black clothes and hid in the night, which ordinary people can't see at all.

Knowing that old man Feng chose a single courtyard, the little knife smiled.

This is a group of fools. Really, if the yard is full of people and you have to be timid when you take action, you can pack a separate yard for fear of disturbing anyone. This is the worry of dying.

Even if you scream all night, no one can hear you.

He lay on the big tree opposite the yard and lurked in the night for a long time. Although he didn't believe xiaochuanzi's words, he still thought it would be better to avoid the young man.

So he kept waiting, watching the young man enter a girl's room and didn't come out for two hours. He estimated that he had slept at this time. Then he carefully slipped down the tree, skillfully pried open the wooden door of the yard with a knife, turned back and closed it gently, and skillfully touched old man Feng's room.

Old man Feng is the oldest, has the least resistance and is the easiest to kill. Kill Yang Zihao after killing. If everything goes well, you can kill the young man by the way

At the thought of this, the little knife's eyes can't help shining green. In fact, it doesn't matter whether the young man is killed or not. What matters is that the two beautiful little girls may be able to

The little knife didn't finish thinking.

there's not enough time.

Because the sound of "whoosh" came too fast, faster than his thinking. He was just an instinctive somersault, rolled back, and saw that there was a big, long and terrible arrow in the place where he had just stood!

This arrow is so domineering that the little knife can guess the scene of this thing running through his body without imagination!

He couldn't help but swallow his saliva and looked up hard.

I don't know when a man turned behind the big tree in the middle of the courtyard.

A bald man he had never seen.

The bald man also carried a bow and arrow bigger than him, and more than a dozen baskets of arrows were full under the tree stake.

This big man

Where did it come from?

too bad!

Caught in a trap!

The small knife is very clever. On the premise of suddenly feeling bad, it immediately sank and rolled, just like a clever rabbit, rushing towards the door!


It's still the sound.

The little knife stopped without saying a word. The cold sweat on his forehead rolled down like a niagara waterfall. This almost one person high arrow was inserted in front of him. If he took another step forward

But he's a knife.

The small knife is very flexible!

He just wiped his sweat, then suddenly changed his direction and rushed away, like a little rabbit without an arrow!

This courtyard has a back door!


The sound is very stable and has not changed from beginning to end.

But the little rabbit still had to stop.

A big man's bow and arrow is like an eye. It always falls in front of him. There is no doubt that if his reaction is so slow

But he's a knife!


Little rabbit!


Big rabbit!


Old rabbit?

Or "whoosh!"

For half an hour, the little knife kept switching his rabbit state, but whether he became a purebred or hybrid rabbit, he would never be able to escape the bald man's accurate and terrible collimation.

At this time, even if the little knife is a silly rabbit, he knows that the big man is just playing with himself.

Two thighs began to cramp because of fierce running. The little knife just felt that you would shoot me and I wouldn't run. He sighed and planned to beg for mercy.


The arrow brushed his scalp accurately, and the small knife: "

He saw the big man put down his bow and arrow, put up a finger at his mouth and whispered, "Shh! Don't talk. They're all asleep. "

Little knife: "

The big man was satisfied with the reasonableness of the small knife. He waved to him and whispered, "let's continue."

Little knife: "

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