Female Ultraman in chat group

Chapter 151 Camilla: Prepare to cast a spell

As soon as Star Tao left over there, Camilla sneaked into Star Tao's bedroom.

"Well, it's Star Tao's bed." As soon as she entered Star Tao's room, Camilla locked her eyes on the bed, unable to move an inch.

The quilt was still in an unfolded state, and maybe there was still the fragrant smell of star fruit in it. Camila didn't dare to think how good it smelled.

She walked to the bed, bent down, buried her face directly in the soft quilt, "sucked" and took a deep breath.

"Star fruit, soft and fragrant." Camila's face was filled with intoxication, and she didn't want to exhale the aroma she inhaled.

Although, what she thought was body scent was actually just the smell of shampoo and shower gel. Because body odor is also a form of body odor, and body odor is just a smell produced by a mixture of sebaceous glands, sweat gland secretions and bacteria.

But in essence, the star fruit, which has completely transformed into a light giant, will not secrete anything smelly at all, so the smell is just a mixture of the smell of the cleaning products used, and has nothing to do with the star fruit. .

After putting her face on the quilt and rubbing it hard, Camila suddenly woke up. Now was not the time to do such a thing. She had to continue to explore the secrets in the room, otherwise Star Tao might come back at any time. .

She raised her head and continued to search, and then she saw Yang Tao's computer that was still turned off. She curled up the corner of her mouth and immediately sat on the chair.

"Oh? Yang Tao, do you like painting this kind of thing?" On the screen, there was still the nearly completed painting of Nianghua Qiye fighting against Qiye's wife Jin Guqiao.

After appreciating Carambola's paintings, Carmilla minimized it. After the mouse pointer hovered for a while, she clicked on the browser. She wondered what Carambola was looking at.

The website automatically jumped to the one before it was closed, which was the small broken website.

"Hey, it's Yang Tao's account. Make a note of it and follow her when you get back." After writing down the name of Yang Tao's Xiaopo Station, she clicked on Yang Tao's homepage.

Half a million fans? How come so many people are her fans? No, no, why does the world's cutest star fruit have so many fans? Camila's two thoughts began to fight in her head.

On the one hand, she doesn't want so many people to compete with her for star fruit, and on the other hand, she thinks about how her star fruit is so good, so why only so many people like it. Humans in this world who don't like star fruit have no value in living! In short, it is very contradictory.

This point was automatically eliminated after opening the work published by Yang Tao. It turns out that it is not that Yang Tao is not liked by all mankind, but that she has never appeared in the work at all. Well, now there are more than 7 billion people besides 500,000 people. People can continue to live.

At the same time, Star Tao's works were displayed in front of Camilla without any reservations. Hey, hey, all the paintings were of plump girls. It turns out that Star Tao's XP is like this.

Camila puffed up her chest confidently, her proud capital clearly on display. Hum, don’t I perfectly meet the conditions of a star fruit?

Hey, wait, what's going on with this one? While she was feeling proud, Camilla suddenly saw that she also appeared in a certain issue.

In the work, she is paired with the little girl named Carmilla. In the picture, her transformed figure is plumper than her real self. Damn it, it seems that not only the human form has to meet the XP of Star Fruit, but also the giant form has to meet the XP.

This is a bit troublesome, because she can only fine-tune her giant image little by little, but after years of hard work, it is not impossible to achieve the scale of the carambola painting. Okay, I decided, I will change myself little by little according to the image in the painting that is more in line with the star fruit XP.

Then the title became very popular. What is the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law? Who wants to be the mother-in-law in that little girl's movie? Camila complained wildly in her heart.

But after seeing Tiga and Teliga who were trembling and watching, Camilla had an idea in her mind. wrong! This painting has a deeper meaning.

As long as Diga is replaced by star fruit, does it mean that star fruit has acknowledged his position in her heart, that is, that extremely sacred and beautiful relationship!

What's more, she compared Telika to a son, does it mean that Yang Tao wants to be with her...

All in all, this mediocre submission from Star Fruit was frantically analyzed by Carmilla, and now her mind was completely filled with scraps of a certain color.

After being silly and happy for a while, Camila carefully restored the computer screen to its original appearance. Okay, I have collected the fragrance of carambola, the name of carambola’s online account, and the XP of carambola. What should I collect next?

Camila looked here and there, carefully exploring Carambola's room, and finally found the supreme holy object in the basin above the washing machine on the balcony!

Those were the old clothes that Yang Tao changed into after taking a bath last night.

Because Yang Tao was exhausted from repairing disaster-hit houses around the world yesterday, he took a shower and fell asleep in bed before changing his clothes and throwing them into the washing machine. This morning, he didn’t even think about it for a moment. Camilla happened upon it.

Camilla suddenly had an idea in her mind. She opened the closet and found a pair of stockings that looked similar to the ones in the basin from among the numerous socks. Then she crumpled them to simulate being worn, and finally exchanged them with the pair in the basin, thus hiding the truth.

Mainly clothes and skirts, etc., which are easier to spot when replaced. Otherwise, she wouldn't just change into a pair of stockings that are not easy to be found. She must want to have them all.

As if she had found a treasure, Camilla put it away solemnly, okay, so that she would have the materials for future spells.

This trip was really worth it. As expected, there is no way to catch the tiger's cubs if you don't enter the tiger's den.

Because Camilla is not sure how long it will take for the star fruit to come back, so since she has already harvested a lot, she must harvest it as soon as possible to avoid getting caught and being hated by the star fruit, which would be more than worth the gain.

After restoring the room to its original appearance as much as possible, Camilla raised her red lips and withdrew. Black mist filled her body, and then she disappeared into the room.

Star Tao: Goodbye Uncle Gray.

Carambola has withdrawn from the world of Big Big Wolf

A few hours passed after Camilla left. After acquiring new skills and chatting with Gray Wolf and Red Wolf for a while, Star Tao finally returned to the room.

After playing with the electric arc in his hand, Yang Tao didn't notice that anyone had broken into the room. He glanced at the time and saw that it was still a while before dinner time.

"There is still some time, it should be enough to finish this painting." After taking a look at the computer desktop, which was basically just the final painting, Yang Tao pulled out his chair and sat down, picked up a pen and started to create.

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