Female Ultraman in chat group

Chapter 157 Retreat! retreat! retreat!

"Wuhu! Rush to the duck, nest." Each of the two children hugged one of Darabon's eyestalks, and Darabon galloped through the mountains and forests at a speed similar to that of an electric car. The two howled excitedly.

Xiaowo is the nickname given to Darabon by the two, taking it from Spongebob's pet, Xiaowo, probably because the two look similar.

Although it is a big monster with a height of forty meters, Darabon is undoubtedly still a child, because the adult size of their species, that is, the height of its mother, reaches an astonishing two hundred meters!

You must know that Gatanjie, who is also in a shell, is not even 200 meters tall. Although size is not the only criterion for measuring strength, such a big monster will not be much weaker no matter how weak it is. It can definitely be regarded as a ruthless character. .

Maybe it was the same kind of reaction that the mother was not around. In this way, the two children and the "child" quickly formed a friendship and started playing together.

Until they were tired of playing and couldn't move anymore, the two children lay on the grass together with the two eyestalks in the nest, panting.

"Xiaowo, are you separated from your mother again?" Xiao Ming turned his head and looked into Xiaowo's big blue eyes.

"Oh..." Xiaowo shook his eyes and acknowledged Xiao Ming's words.

"It's so pitiful. We know the feeling of not being able to see your mother best. I miss you so much every day!" Xiao Cong said in a low voice with his eyes empty, watching the sun shining through the dense branches and leaves.

Xiao Ming and Xiao Wo also became depressed, and the atmosphere became a little deserted for a while.

"Let's help Xiaowo find her mother!" Suddenly, Xiao Ming sat up like a carp, stretched out his hand to grab the ray of light from the sun in front of him.

Xiaowu's eyes opened a little wider.

Xiao Ming feels that there is a difference between Xiaowo and them. He and Xiao Cong's mother both went to work in the city. They are just left-behind children, and their mother will always come back to visit them on a fixed day every year.

But Xiaowo was separated from her mother, and she was a lost child. This nature is very different. If something goes wrong, Xiaowo might never see her mother again. In that case, Xiao Ming really wanted to It's scary just thinking about it.

"But on TV, Xiaowo's mother may be in the vast universe. How can we go to space to help him find his mother? Space is so big and there is no air, so we can't breathe." Although Xiao Cong is throwing cold water on it , but it is also true.

Moreover, space is not only large and airless, but also contains various high-energy radiations. If human body is exposed to space, the consequences will not be good.

Xiaowo's eyes narrowed again.

"You are stupid, we can't do it, but Sister Diga can!" Xiao Ming put his hands on his hips proudly: "On TV, Brother Diga can help Xiaowo find his mother, then Sister Diga can definitely do it too!"

"That's right!" Xiao Cong suddenly understood and slapped his palm, but then his face fell: "But we can't find Sister Diga either."

"Uh, this..." Xiao Ming also fell into deep thought, but soon he thought of a way: "We can't find Sister Diga, but we can find the Longke Team. The Victory Team is as capable as digging wells. For those who can’t, there must be people in Team Longke, we can ask them for help!”

Team Longke: You really praise us so much, thank you.

"Come on, let's go find my grandpa. He has a mobile phone. We can contact the Longke team." Xiao Ming stood up and pulled Xiao Cong up again. , quickly ran down the mountain.

"Grandpa, lend me your cell phone. I want to make a call." When he got home, Xiao Ming pushed open the courtyard door and shouted to his grandfather who was lying on a chair and fanning himself.

I just wanted to praise Xiao Ming for coming back to do his homework so early, but he didn't expect that he came back to use his mobile phone. Grandpa sat up and stopped the fan in his hand: "What's wrong, do you want to talk to your dad on the phone again so soon? I Let me tell you, the phone bill is expensive."

It sounds so fast, but in fact it was two months ago since the last time Xiao Ming called his parents. In the eyes of old people, the phone bill is expensive, so don't use it if you can.

"I'm not fighting dad. I want to call the Longke team. Xiao Cong and I have found a monster. Come in, Xiaowo." Xiao Ming shouted after him, so Xiaowo's eyes squeezed in through the small courtyard door.

"Hey!" This frightened the grandfather so much that he stood up immediately. He immediately picked up the hoe leaning against the wall of the courtyard, then protected the two children behind him with one hand and held the hoe against them with the other. Xiaowoxu poked a few times, trying to scare away the monster in front of him: "Back off! Back off!"

Xiaowo retreated aggrievedly.

"Oh grandpa, Xiaowo is not a bad monster, he is our good friend now!" When grandpa's attention was focused in front of him, Xiao Ming directly got out of his arms and grabbed his arm before grandpa even reacted. Quickly, he ran to the den.

"Look, are you okay?" In order to verify the harmlessness of the nest, he touched and hugged the nest, which made Grandpa look dumbfounded. He had never seen such a scene in his old age.

Fortunately, in the end, the stubborn little old man finally reluctantly believed that the thing in front of him would not harm anyone, but he still felt that the nest was dangerous. After all, he was still a monster. He was not afraid of ten thousand, but just in case, so he had better give it to him quickly. Send it away.

You must contact Longke Team now! Now is not the time to worry about phone bills.

"Captain! A child contacted us and said that a monster appeared there, and it was Darabang!" The liaison officer at the Linxilongke team branch put down the phone, stood up and shouted to the captain.

"Darabon? That snail? Is it a big one or a small one?" the captain confirmed again.

Since its establishment these days, the Dragon Branch Team has specialized in dealing with "supernatural incidents" that occur in various places. Although this is said, in fact, various incidents have no beginning or end, and there is no evidence.

Either it was all a coincidence, and each one of them could be discussed in three episodes in a row in Closer Science. It really gave them a headache, but they just didn't know if it was true this time.

"It's the younger one. The child sounded very clear-headed and didn't sound like he was lying. He said that Darabon was separated from his mother again and is now staying with him. They have become good friends. Contact us He wants us to help Darabang find his mother." The liaison officer refined Xiao Ming's words.

"Okay! Where?" This time the alarm has a nose and eyes, and even the name of the monster. The credibility is much higher than before. Whether it is true or not, you will know as soon as you go there.

If it is a prank by a child, then this summer vacation, this naughty kid will be overwhelmed by the summer homework he paid for out of his own pocket!


"Team Longke, let's go!"


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