Female Ultraman in chat group

Chapter 180 Star Tao: I will fix it

"The mechanical sheep seemed to have a problem as soon as they came on stage. They all seemed to be motionless! What's going on?" Bian Zilun said in confusion.

Then Mangoyang was carried up by a group of medical staff. After a series of inspections, it was found that the computer was overloaded and short circuited. They are currently repairing it automatically, but there is no hope of fixing it within today.

"Oh, I'm very sorry to tell you that the mechanical sheep will be unable to move for a short time, so the human team won this battle without a fight! Let us congratulate the human team for advancing to the finals!" Bianzuilun, who learned the news, also announced to the audience The result of the game.

"Boss Yang Tao, you are too fierce. Just standing there caused the mechanical sheep to shut down." Xiao Yan gave Yang Tao a thumbs up.

"It's a pity, the mechanical sheep is a strong opponent." Star Tao spread his hands. Without using special abilities, it is not easy for a group of laymen to defeat the decathlon mechanical sheep within the rules. .

Just like in many chess games nowadays, top human players cannot beat artificial intelligence, because they know all kinds of tactical changes and so on, and there are no mistakes, which is quite difficult to deal with.

"Beat those black sheep, we will be the champions!" Xiaoyu cheered happily.

"Okay, next is the much-anticipated final. Will the shameless black goat win, or will this dark horse, the human team, win? Let's wait and see!" Bian Zilun worked hard to arouse the audience's expectations. At the same time, don’t forget to disparage the black goat.

Because of the accident, Star Tao and the others did not need to leave the field. After carrying the mechanical sheep down and calling the black goat up, the last game of the football game could begin.

"Hush!" With the referee's whistle, the Black Sheeps rushed into the human team's half with the ball. Being strong and strong, a few of them ran out of the movement of the large team, and there were many who dared to block it. Everyone on the road was knocked away.

"Oh my god!" Xiaoyu was so frightened that she couldn't avoid it. Is this playing football or rugby? That's how it works, right?

"Xiaoyu, go back and stay with Xun'er." Xiaoyu, who was an ordinary person, was asked to step back quickly. Xiao Yan rushed towards the black goats, but before they were about to collide, Xiao Yan changed direction and missed them. Then, the black sheep thought he was afraid, and they all showed contemptuous smiles.

"Suck the palm!" Xiao Yan also smiled crookedly, and a strong suction force came from the outstretched palm. The football that was originally in front of the black sheep flew directly towards Xiao Yan. He raised his leg to stop the ball, and the ball was snatched by him, and then he ran towards the opposite goal with the ball.

"Oh my God, Xiao Yan's player can actually get the ball from the air. It's incredible!" Bian Zilun watched intently, and cheers came from the audience. They were all very happy that Black Sheep lost.

"Damn it!" Black Sheep, who had the ball taken away, quickly returned to defense.

"Naruto!" When he was about to be surrounded by black sheep, Xiao Yan kicked out and passed the ball to Naruto next to him. The black sheep then chased Naruto again.

"Clone Technique!" Faced with the siege, Naruto formed a few seals without any panic, and immediately split the ball into three parts. Because it is a basic clone technique, only one of them is the main body, and the other two are phantoms. .

Then seeing that the distance was almost the same, the three Narutos shot directly together, and the three balls flew towards the goal. The black sheep guarding the goal was dumbfounded. Based on the idea that a blind cat will kill a mouse, he pounced directly on one of them. ball.

As a result, the ball disappeared when it came into contact with him. He missed it and the real football went straight into the net. Humanity scored a point in seconds.

"Wu! Humans! Humans! Humans!" The audience cheered. This novel way of playing football was an eye-opener. They were beating these black sheep who had no martial ethics, which was completely satisfying.

"Handsome, Sasuke?" Naruto winked at Sasuke proudly.

"Huh, what a little trick." Sasuke snorted, it's just a clone technique, it seems like no one can do it.

Seeing this, Star Tao next to her gave an aunty smile. Then in the second round, she decisively passed the ball directly to Sasuke: "It's up to you, Sasuke-chan."

Sasuke didn't say anything, he just raised the corners of his mouth, indicating that even though he didn't say anything, he still envied the feeling of being cheered.

His eyes closed and opened, and the dark pupils had turned into blood-red eyes with three magatama spinning around. He had already reached the three magatama blood chakra eyes before he graduated. He didn't know if Madara had not died. What would you think if you saw this scene?

The movements of the black sheep were cumbersome and slow in Sasuke's eyes, and every muscle tremble was invisible, and there was no secret in all their actions.

The others just stood there, smiling as they watched Sasuke spin all the black sheep around with his elegant movements, and then deceived the goalkeeper with a fake move and shot the ball into the goal again.

Accompanied by deafening cheers, Sasuke, who scored the second point, returned to the team with a cool expression on his face, making others laugh.

In the third round, Black Sheep charged with the ball while staring at Xiao Yan, fearing that he would suck the ball away again, but this time Xiao Yan just intercepted him, and then he raised his foot and passed the ball to another teammate. .

As a result, the sheep who caught the ball turned around and ran away with the ball. The other black sheep were stunned and asked, "What do you mean, why are you running back?" "Hey, what are you doing?"

The sheep ran back to its own goal, and with a bang, it turned into Naruto. It turned out that Naruto used the transformation technique and deceived all the black sheep. Taking advantage of the goalkeeper's confusion, Naruto took another unpretentious shot and scored a point.

"It's so cool!" Pleasant Goat said what the other lambs were saying. The Black Sheep cheated and won them before, but it made them very angry. Now the Black Sheep is also being played by humans, and they feel great.

The next ball was served by a human again. This time, Carambola stepped on the ball and did not run away. He just looked at the black sheep with a smile. The inexplicable pressure made the black sheep sweat on their heads, but they did not dare to act rashly.

After a while, Star Tao moved. She drew her legs back and kicked the ball, intending to shoot in the midfield.

The kicked ball paused for a moment, then almost formed into a crescent shape, and flew out like a bullet with terrifying power.

The grass on the court was plowed by the airflow of the ball, plowing a path without any grass. The black sheep fell to the side one after another, not even daring to touch the ball.

The front end of the ball even burned with raging flames, and the goalkeeper was so frightened that he ran away in a hurry. The ball went straight into the goal, piercing the goal net and making a big hole in the wall behind it before it stopped.

"Surrender! We surrender!" The black sheep didn't dare to fight anymore, so they quickly raised their hands and surrendered. If they continued to fight, it wouldn't be playing football. It would be more like killing a sheep.

"I declare that the human team is the champion of the football match!" The patriarch picked up the microphone and announced the final result.

"Humans! Humans! Humans!" The little animals cheered for Yang Guo and the others without hesitation.

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