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Chapter 185 Complete the closed loop manually

"Huh? Use dark spells to attack Triga. Why do you do that?" Carmilla stood up involuntarily and looked at Star Tao who said these words in surprise.

At this time, the two sides have reached an agreement, and Carmilla and Dagon have officially joined the team of Teliga and Star Tao.

As a result, Yang Tao made a surprising statement. The first thing he joined was to let Carmilla use dark spells to attack the current Triga, that is, Kenwu.

If the dark spell is fully effective, it can completely erase the power of light. For Teliga, who is now a giant of light, what is the difference between that and killing him.

What are you doing, layoffs right after joining the company?

"That's right, just do as I say!" Yang Tao nodded seriously.

Now that Telliga's plot has moved to her grandma's house, and Carmilla has abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side, then in the original work, the situation where Ken Wu traveled back to 30 million years ago by chance is basically impossible to happen again.

In this case, the birth of Jianwu will not be able to complete the logical closed loop, and it is difficult to predict what will happen.

So Yang Tao asked Carmilla to reenact the episode that happened in the original work, from allowing Jianwu to travel through time by chance to actively allowing Jianwu to travel through. This can also achieve a closed-loop effect.

"Senior, is this really okay?" Jianwu, a person who knew the plot, also felt that this approach was very risky.

"It's okay, I'm here." Yang Tao patted Jian Wu on the shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile.

In fact, if you insist on talking about time paradox, the future cannot be changed. Since Jian Wu is still safe and sound, logically speaking, he must have completed the logical closed loop in the future, no matter which method is used. Otherwise, the time travel had not happened, and Jian Wu would not exist at all now.

To put it in a less responsible way, the successful outcome of this matter was already destined from the very beginning of the decision. Without the cause of Jian Wu's time travel, there would be no fruit of Jian Wu's birth, even if the cause is behind the effect.

But in fact, of course Yang Tao can't be so single and just ignore everything and wait for things to succeed. She, the walking eternal core, can do a lot of things, and it is the backbone of the entire operation.

"I believe senior!" Star Tao's smile gave Jianwu the courage, and he was mentally prepared to repeat the plot on TV, "Carmila, please!"

"I really don't understand what you are thinking, but you must protect Triga's safety." Carmila scratched her hair irritably and solemnly asked Star Fruit.

Although the current Teliga is not as handsome and charming as before, it is still her Teliga, and she does not want anything to happen to Teliga.

"Hmph, the Teliga you have been dreaming about will appear in front of you soon." Star Tao winked at Carmilla.

"Without further ado, let's set off." A gust of wind blew by, and the five people present had disappeared, leaving only the coffee money on the table and Jianwu's cup under the cup.

"It's strange, why hasn't Jianwu come back yet?" The monsters have retreated, and all the giants have disappeared. The other people who attacked have returned to the base, but Jianwuque has not returned yet, and the team members are a little confused.

"Ah...this..." Zhangren's forehead began to sweat, and his mind began to think wildly about what excuses he should use to fool him. Jianwu, Jianwu, you brat is done fighting. Why are you out here if you don't come back?

"Maybe I went to prepare a birthday gift for Yumei." The captain glanced at the sweaty Akira, narrowed his eyes slightly, then smiled and gave a barely plausible reason, and quickly changed the subject, "Let's continue setting up the venue. "

"That's right, don't worry about that guy." Akira naturally nodded repeatedly.


"Wait a minute, there's a high-energy reaction near the super-ancient ruins, it's a dark giant!" Malulu suddenly shouted, interrupting everyone again.

"What are they going to do?" The captain frowned. The Victory Falcon had just been sent for repair. "Nastis, let's go!"

"Okay, that's it, let's get started." Looking at the ultra-ancient building next to him that looked like a tree and a tower, Yang Tao nodded.

The other three stepped back to leave some space, and Carmilla and Teliga stood face to face.

"Be careful, Triga." Deep dark energy surged out of her body. Carmilla stretched out her arms to draw a circle. Obscure dark spells emerged in her hands. She pushed her hands together, connecting like a poisonous snake and a chain. A series of mantras were sent towards Telika to bind him.

"Ah!" Teliga was tied into a rice dumpling by the spell, and the terrifying dark power on it burned his current body of light, causing him to scream.

Huge dark energy gathered above his head and swirled, as if it was about to wash down and completely destroy him.

"Ahhhh!" Teliga exploded with all his strength, and under the restraint of the spell, he still put his hand in the classic posture, Zaipelli Ao ray!

"Boom!" The pure white light hit the vortex of black air as dark as ink, click, click, whether it was a vortex or a spell, it made an overwhelming sound.

Ding! When the world became silent, the incantation was shattered, the vortex dissipated, and Teliga's hands naturally dropped. In Teliga's body, a golden crack suddenly appeared behind Jianwu, who had just broken free from the shackles of the spell. In the blink of an eye, Jianwu was sucked in, leaving only the Victory Light Rod falling to the ground.

In Triga's body, which had lost its sword consciousness, the blue timer went out, and even the lightbulb-like eyes dimmed, and then the whole person lay back helplessly.

Dagon appeared behind Teliga, supported his fallen body, and then gently placed him on the ground while half-kneeling.

“Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…” Carmila, who had consumed a lot of energy, was breathing rapidly. Her legs were weak and she was about to fall to the ground. However, Carambola appeared next to her in time and held her arm with one hand. He put his arm around her waist and held her up.

The crystal on his forehead flashed, and Star Tao turned into a dark form like he came back from digging coal. Then he used dark crystal energy on Carmila. The abundant dark energy was replenished into Carmila's body, and the body that had been consumed a lot was effectively replenished. , at least no longer a soft-footed shrimp.

"Thank you." Carmila no longer needed support. She stood up straight and thanked Carambola. Then she looked worriedly at Teliga who was lying dead after all the lights went out. She frowned worriedly, "Is this really true?" Will everything be okay?"

"It's okay. It should be said that things went very smoothly." Yang Tao looked at Teliga with this appearance. It was exactly the same as in the original work. Jianwu should have successfully traveled through time as expected.

The situation is very smooth, and the next step is to wait for Jian Wu to merge with the dark Teliga in the super ancient times and become a real and complete Teliga.

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