Female Ultraman in chat group

Chapter 234 Savage: Waibi Babu

"What's going on now?" Yang Tao, who arrived quickly, was relieved when he saw that Savage hadn't sent it yet and was just flashing the red light.

The main reason is that in this world of savages, there is no official plot for Star Tao, so there is no way to know in advance. No one can tell what kind of monsters will be encountered. What if the intensity here is even worse than that of Lao Mai?

But as long as the star fruit comes quickly enough, even if the savage sends it, she can still milk it for him while it's still hot, so it won't be a big problem.

"Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" The savage said Baab and danced, but Yang Tao didn't understand what he was talking about.

"Speaking in human language, I don't understand Smecta." Yang Tao's face was full of black lines. How crude is this guy's skills? How come he can't even telepathize? He is really a pure wild Ultraman. He can do everything except rescue in the wilderness. It can't be.

Seeing that this guy was just a blank slate like himself at the beginning, Yang Tao had no choice but to take the initiative and use telepathy to connect to the string person in his body.

"Taganura has absorbed a lot of Titrim and is undergoing fusion in its body. Its surface temperature is now tens of thousands of degrees, and its internal temperature is even more unimaginable. Once it explodes, no one within several kilometers will be spared!" After connecting to the microphone, Xianren briefly explained the seriousness of the problem.

"Understood." Star Tao nodded. It's just a hydrogen bomb that has become sperm. The temperature on the body surface is nearly 100,000 degrees. This is not similar to the person who turned himself into a flaming head a long time ago, but this one is slightly more serious. A little, because it will explode.

In this case, it is best not to kill it on earth, otherwise it will be a firecracker.

"Leave it to me!" Yang Tao patted his chest and strode forward. Now she is no longer what she used to be. Her body is so hot that it can't be touched at 100,000 degrees? joke!

As he strode forward, golden light burst out from the star fruit's body, and the star fruit turned into an eternal shining form of gold and red colors.

Arriving behind Taganura, who was focused on cooking, Star Tao directly reached out and grabbed its body. The golden light on his hands shone like a pair of golden gloves, directly insulating the terrifying heat.

With a strong pull, Taganula was pulled off the jar. When it was still dazed, the world suddenly started spinning, and it was lifted directly above its head by Star Fruit.

"Cha!" Yang Tao jumped up and lifted Taganula directly into the air. In the blink of an eye, it flew away until only a blurry black dot remained.

"Si Guoyi, is this how it was solved?" Xian Ren raised his head blankly and opened his mouth wide. He looked at his hands and said, well, I can't learn, otherwise it will become a teppanyaki.

It is said that this senior Yang Tao can also change his form, so he is very cool. Coach, I want to learn this too. Xingren looked down at his savage transformer and said, "Can you transform?"

The transformer flashed twice, and Xianren probably understood what he meant, which should be "Coach: I want to learn too."

Damn, this savage really can't count on him.

"Almost." She kept accelerating, regardless of Taganura's struggle. In the face of absolute values, all these were in vain. She stopped when she flew to the beautiful blue planet that could be seen when Star Tao turned around.

After turning his body in a circle, he released his hand and threw Taganura out, then opened his arms and shined Zaipelliao's light.

The golden light hit Taganula's body directly, and suddenly, like a supernova explosion, a gorgeous firework exploded in the space.

The savages on the ground could also see a star flashing suddenly in broad daylight above their heads, and then returned to calm.

After a while, Star Tao, who had returned to the truth, fell from the sky and returned to the ground.

"It's settled, this firecracker is really big." Yang Tao put his hands on his hips and raised his head slightly, with a lonely expression.

"Woah, woah, woah!" The savage kept gibbering and gave the star fruit a thumbs up.

Yang Tao raised her head and looked at the blue sky, confirming that there was indeed a time difference between this place and her place. She ran here twice at night, but it seemed like it was daytime here.

It seems that I will be harassed by savages "calling" at night in the future.

"By the way, is there another monster there?" Star Tao looked around and was about to prepare someone to help him build a house or something, but he saw a big iron lump lying on the ground. Is this the record of a savage? So before she came, did this guy kill one in a one-on-two fight?

"Ahem, that's our anti-monster mecha, not a monster." This time, Yang Tao had connected the mic in advance, Xianren explained a little awkwardly.

After all, the monster knocked him to the ground the first time he attacked, so I was embarrassed to say it was a monster.

"Oh~ It's a special flight. It's okay then. There will be more opportunities to lie on the ground in the future." Yang Tao nodded in realization, and then joked with a smile.

Looking at so many Okubo teams, especially the new generation, they love this kind of special air machine very much, and they don’t know why. However, the performance of these things is not very good, it is mainly a foil.

Star Tao estimated that based on how quickly this thing lay on the ground, its future performance would probably not be any better than its predecessors.

"I'd like to remind you again that there may be monsters or cosmic beings that can control machines in the future. You, the little dragon, are their favorite, so be careful."

These special air machines are not good at fighting monsters, but they are very good at fighting Ultraman. Every time they are controlled by a monster, they can always kill everyone. It is no joke to be three times stronger in black. This is what so many Ultraman movies have summarized. Of course, he had to remind this tough-headed savage of his valuable experience.

"Is that so? I understand. Thank you for reminding me, senior." Xianren thought thoughtfully and thanked Yang Tao. After all, it was the first time he became Ultraman, so the experience of his predecessor was naturally very valuable.

"Then, I'll go back to sleep. If you need anything, come to me next time~" The monster didn't destroy many things. Star Tao repaired them and prepared to leave. He made a calling gesture to the savage, "After all, we Ultra Heibang...ah, the Ultra family is very loving, and they like to help each other the most."

"Yes!" The savage watched Star Tao open the portal and leave, and then he flew into the sky and disappeared.

"You're coming back so late." After returning home, Camila lay on the bed with her face propped up on her side. She blinked at Carambola, then patted the bed, "It's time to go to bed~"

"Don't make trouble, there are children here." Yang Tao rolled his eyes. In the middle of the bed, little star fruit was lying quietly and obediently, looking at star fruit with big innocent eyes.

Well, this little guy usually sleeps between two people, which is pretty good for Carambola, and can effectively prevent Camilla from getting frivolous.

"Ha~" Camilla chuckled, lay down on her back, and covered herself and little star fruit with a thin quilt.

Star Tao shook his head and walked to the bathroom, preparing to take a shower and go to bed. He took off the panties as a disguise and put it in his hands to break it down into molecules. The bathroom door closed and the sound of bathing sounded.

Alas, my grades are getting worse and worse. They are falling off a cliff every day. I don’t know if I can hold on next month.

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