Female Ultraman in chat group

Chapter 293 The cooking team saw it

"Makao! Makao!" Natsu called out Makao's name loudly as he headed towards the top of the mountain.

"This is a snowy mountain. Will shouting like this really not cause an avalanche? She said so." Hololochim spread his hands.

"I think with your physique, avalanches are not a big problem." Yang Tao pressed her skirt that was blown up by the snowstorm with her hands.

Probably with a touch of comedy, people in this world are notoriously difficult to send, not to mention avalanches that would kill normal people if they encountered them, or flash floods and mudslides, which would probably mean they would be buried in the soil for a while, and then they could get out. out to the extent.

"Rumble..." Suddenly a sound like thunder rang out, and Natsu's shout stopped. When he looked up, a corner of the mountain seemed to have collapsed, and white snow was rushing down like waves.

"It's a real avalanche! She said so." Lucy's eyes almost popped out of her head in Hololochim.

"Fire dragon, roar!" Natsu smiled confidently, put his hands in front of his mouth, bulging his cheeks high, a magic circle appeared in front of him, and "boom" raging flames roared out, as if he could fight against natural disasters with human power.

And then...then he was swept away by a huge avalanche.

"Isn't this impossible? What were you so confident about just now? She said so." Lucy was about to collapse, and asked Hololochim to turn around and run down the mountain. Unfortunately, the avalanche was obviously faster.

"Stop." However, facing the avalanche, Star Tao did not panic, and simply stretched out his hand. The avalanche that seemed to swallow everything just now calmed down, and finally stopped obediently at Star Tao's feet.

He stretched out his hand a little more, and Natsu, who had already circled his eyes, was lifted out of the thick snowdrift by Carambola out of thin air.

"Si Guoyi! Miss Star Tao." Hololochim came back again, and Lucy only felt that her admiration for Star Tao was like a torrential river, continuous.

"It's not for nothing that you guys want Erza to watch." Yang Tao shook his head and laughed. This recklessness really needs a more steady point to suppress it.

"Natsu! Are you okay?" Habi patted Natsu's face worriedly.

"Pfft." Natsu opened his mouth and spit out a large mouthful of snow.

"Great, you're still alive." Habi touched his chest reassuringly.

"Woman!" At this moment, a tall figure jumped out from the side. It was a gray-white orangutan with relatively developed upper limbs and a pointed head. With the help of the protective color of its body, it had touched the vicinity without anyone knowing. , excluding star fruit, of course.

Vulcan suddenly rushed out when he thought everyone had relaxed their vigilance. The rapid speed brought up the wind and snow, and swept towards Carambola. There was a lustful expression on his face, and drool was almost flowing from the corner of his mouth. He looked like he was in danger. She tied up Yang Tao and made her look like Mrs. Yazhai.

"Eh, that's disgusting, you perverted monkey." The corners of Yang Tao's eyes were lowered, showing an expression of disgust, and his hands were clenched into fists at his sides.

When Vulcan was about to pick her up and run away, her fist came first and landed on its monkey face.

"Wu~" Vulcan's face was directly hit and his body flew out in a spin, falling headfirst into the snow.

"You hit the street so fast!" Lucy had just reacted at this moment.

"Tsk, it's really hard to control your strength in this world." Star Tao waved his hand. The biological defense in this world is really hard to predict. There are differences among individuals. Star Tao feels that using too much force makes people afraid of using too much force. The opponent's punch was broken into pieces, but it was too small to be effective.

Spider-Man probably feels the same way when he fights, fearing that he will tear the villain alive.

Star Tao walked over to see how the monkey was doing, pinched its legs and lifted it up upside down.

This monkey's ability is to absorb the person it defeats, which is equivalent to being lodged in that person. It needs to frequently change the recipient to survive. If it is lodged, it will also turn into a monkey, and Macao is absorbed by this thing. .

This is also the reason why Yang Tao must control his strength, otherwise the pure enemy would have been beaten to pieces by Yang Tao.

"White, white...wow!" The lifted Vulcan was actually still conscious at this moment. It was really rough-skinned and fleshy. It was still mumbling something vaguely in its mouth while it was lying upside down.

Of course, Yang Tao knew what she was talking about. The dead monkey was really lustful. She narrowed her eyes and kicked Vulcan in the stomach. Vulcan screamed and flew out again like a prawn.

"Ni...ce..." It flew upside down and hit a mountain wall, smashing it into a big crater. Vulcan stopped. It shouted the last word vaguely, and then tilted its head. Breathed.

The body began to be covered with mosaic, and finally turned into a comatose human uncle who kept moving with him. This was the accepted Macao.

"Why did you become a human?" Lucy covered her mouth in surprise.

"This is the Macao we are looking for. It turned into this because of the monkey's magic. It has to rely on its host body to survive." Star Tao went over to pick up Macao, who had fainted after being taken in by the monkey, and dragged it back with him. Natsu put it together.

Then use the healing light to heal them all together. After a while, both of them woke up.

"Damn avalanche, come again!" Natsu breathed fire as soon as he woke up and planned to challenge the authority of nature again, but was punched into the ground by Star Fruit.

"Hey, who are you?" Macao, whose memory was completely fragmented, scratched his head and looked at the two unfamiliar faces in front of him.

"Fairy Tail." Star Tao pointed to the crest on the back of Lucy's hand.

"Are you actually a newcomer? How did you know that I defeated nineteen Vulcans by myself and was accidentally taken over by the twentieth one?" Macao's eyes lit up.

"Who asked you?" Yang Tao waved his hand in disgust at these shameless guys.

Lucy was really surprised that Macao could defeat nineteen monsters by himself. Fairy Tail was indeed a crouching tiger, hidden dragon, except for Natsu, a pig.

In this way, they returned to Fairy Tail together, and because their injuries were all healed by Star Fruit, Macao showed off even more fiercely in front of his son. He could kill twenty Vulcans without any injuries. Here comes the show off mentality of middle-aged men.

Then Romeo said, "Then why did you come back now?" Romeo, who knew his father's virtue well, sweetly expressed his gratitude to the three carambola people.

"I want to settle down in this city." After experiencing an exciting wild adventure, Lucy began to look for a suitable house in the city and planned to rent it and settle down temporarily.

"Let me know when you're settled. I have something to give you." Yang Tao was also ready to leave.

"What?" Lucy tilted her head.

"Your future. Didn't you tell me before that I have works about your world? This is why I know so much information. I will show it to you when the time comes. It's a bit long, so you have to digest it slowly." Star Tao I plan to give her the entire anime together with a player. After all, she doesn’t have a ready-made playback tool here.

"The future..." Lucy was startled.

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