Fighting and breaking start from different fire

Chapter 431 Roller Curtain General

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"Ha ha ha, don't praise me, actually, I am just a generals of ordinary God, my cultural knowledge is usually accumulated and too white Venus and the Jade Emperor. It's too much too much, I, usually relatively low-key, today stands out, in fact, in order to get the fun of the fairy, I hope everyone will give a face, let me be successful. "

Tianshu is very polite, although he said that his heart is very proud, but he knows the game between the cultural people, paying attention to a quality. If he is, he is a good, it is obvious because of his own advantages. It's not right, then say that if he is arrogant by others, it is not too suitable, and then said that the fairy likes is a demeanor, so. Tian Pun Marshal feels that he will not be able to lose his face.

"Who can be more than the poem that Tian Pub, if there is no, then there are some embarrassment, our fairy, the gods, so many mystershade, a master of such a powerful. "

Taibai Jinxing looked at the bottom to find that most gods had some fear, perhaps they feel that the poems they did are not as

Wang Mother's mother is obviously unhappy, so letting Tai Planar Jinxing quickly urged the following gods to play at this moment, suddenly there was a person standing out, and the other's identity is also very special, it turned out to be a roller blind.

"The poetry of Tian Pub is indeed very good, but I want to get the first one, absolutely not enough, I am also a rough, but I am sorry, I also sign up for this year's literati competition. My mind is that a dancer must not only master strong combat technology, but should learn some cultural people's literacy. "

At this moment, all people were surprised. Everyone did not think that there were two martial arts that had two martial arts to choose the cultural competition. This is the first time.

"Well, you can come out, that is the best thing, open your heart and hurry to give the roller blind to make him a good brew, I also want to see the cultural people can say What kind of good poems come, if it is good, it is also a reward. After all, the roller blind has not improved it for so many years. It is also a chance this year. "

After the fake Jade Emperor looked at it, there were some ideas in the heart. He knew that since he pretended to become a jade emperor, he couldn't say it. So he also took advantage of the opportunity to give the roller blind.

"That's, thank you, today, I will definitely make a good poem, but I have a sentence to say that if I say it is more handsome than Tianbun, don't be angry, and I This is not to face the face of the mystershade, but it is a rule, because I have a little among my hierarchy, I will choose nothing, I can't be because of Pab. Marshal, I want to pursue the fairy today, I will give him the way, then there are some unfair. "

The rolling curtains will soon get everyone's consent, those who have some fearful gods are desperately applaud, the atmosphere of the scene is coming back, but it is those who are preparing to give up. There are some shame.

"Say well, I very much support the roller blinds, let me come, let me come, or always look at it."

Yun Qiwei finally waited for the opportunity, so he also said that he didn't want to wait for it, so the words were too uncomfortable, and he wanted to make it out early to determine his qualifications, you must know, over time The people who participated in participating will be more and more, and the opportunity to win the victory must be less and less, so I want to stand out early, and the best is to stand out in advance to take out my strength, let everyone convince.

"This little brother looks very born, but it doesn't matter. As long as you want to participate, you can we can we, the Tianstrian game is fair and fair. As long as you stand out and talk, then you have to participate in the game. Heart, so, come over, etc., will come to the end, you will go straight. "

When I opened my heart, I felt that there were some sings and even I couldn't even remember the name, but since I can appear today, it proves that he is the top of the sky, so there is nothing more thinking, and then says their heavens It is also very safe now, Sun Wukong and the King of Niu Devils have been defeated below, and Erlang God is coming back, so there is nothing to worry.

Yun Shen Weigong went to hold the boxing, and then did it go back the roller blind. I also smiled and nodded. Although I was somewhat unhappy, I couldn't behave on the face.

"The moon is over the sky, Jiang Feng fishes to sleep."

The rolling curtains have been said to have a poem. This poem is very interested in raising everyone. The Wang Mother's mother claps the Jade Emperor to leave the tears such as a good poem. What is the day? It's hard to hear!

"My God, I didn't think that the roller blinds can say that such a powerful poem seems to have a hard work. Sure enough, it is really not revealing, and the show is a true thing."

"It's too strong, this poem is too mood, put the loneliness of the moon color, the heart of the people, really can't afford it, it seems that I have to let my son learn more, otherwise light Wushu, that is not a matter of doing people to live in this world, if there is a little emotion, it is too uncomfortable. "


Other gods are called the case, they also want to say such a verse, but they don't have a statement.

"This guy seems to be too late to say such poetry, hey, forget it. Although they can say it, I still have a better poetry than they, and then, the next place is I, I will defeat them at the time, save time. "

After listening to the poetry of the roller blind, there was some amazing insight, because it knew that this poem was also the human, although he didn't know how the rolling curtain and Tian Pun Marshal were how to make human poetry, but I am not convenient to ask this time.

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