Film and Television Adventure System

Film and Television Adventure System Chapter 137

The door opened and Han Youqi wore a white dress, still so beautiful.

Guo Lingfeng felt that her face seemed a little pale, maybe it was too tired during this time?

After all, she and Han Youlin are the only people who understand plant extraction. Although there are many others, they can't help much.

Guo Lingfeng asked, "Youqi, what can you do with me?"

Han Youqi said quietly: "Brother Guo...I have something to tell you!"

Guo Lingfeng pondered for a moment, and said, "Shall we talk about it in two days? I am not in a good mood today, I want to be alone!"

He was really afraid of the girl who loved him so much, for fear that he would fall in love with her because he couldn't help it.

This is not because he is unreasonably worried. These days, whenever he sees Han Youqi, he feels that he is in a particularly good mood. After all, he has always been very fond of Han Youqi, and even if there is no such girlfriend as Shen Yue in the real world, he is sure I have accepted the girl's feelings.

Since we will return in less than 12 hours, let this relationship go with the wind, anyway, the two will never see each other again.

The expression on Han Youqi's face did not change, but what she said surprised Guo Lingfeng: "Brother Guo, if I can't say these things to you tonight, I will never have a chance to tell you again!"

"What?" Guo Lingfeng was extremely surprised.

impossible?She can't possibly know that I am not from this world?How could she know that I will return in 12 hours, and I am afraid I will never see her again?

"Brother Guo, I'm going to die soon, and I can hold on for an hour at most!" Han Youqi seemed to have a somewhat relieved expression on her face, and smiled slightly, "I'm afraid I won't have time to finish. Don't talk, just listen to me. Okay?"

Guo Lingfeng grabbed her shoulder and looked left and right, and asked, "What's wrong with you? Why is there only one hour left to die?"

Han Youqi smiled and said, "Because I have taken a poison, the toxicity will soon develop."

Guo Lingfeng said anxiously: "Why? Why are you taking poison? What poison did you take?... By the way, your sister is the best PhD in biology. We have the best laboratory and so many drugs. It will definitely get rid of your poison... I will take you to find her!"

"It's useless!" Han Youqi took his hand and smiled, "I prepared this poison myself. There is absolutely no one in this world who can solve it, including my sister! Don't forget, I am also an expert in biology. , I will not be worse than my sister in this field!"

Guo Lingfeng said angrily: "Why? Why did you commit suicide? Is it because I don't accept you? If so, I will tell you now, I love you! Will you please come up with the antidote? Don't scare me like that good or not?"

Han Youqi walked slowly to his bed and sat down and smiled: "Will you sit down? I will tell you why you committed suicide by taking poison now!"

Guo Lingfeng immediately bought a detoxification pill worth 100,000 points from the system mall. This top detox pill can definitely detoxify all the poisons in the world.

Although the price is very expensive, as long as it can save Han Youqi, it is worth it.

"You Qi, don't talk first, take this pill first!"

Han Youqi looked at the medicinal pill exuding the fragrance of medicine in his hand, but took it with a sweet smile.Immediately afterwards, she threw the pill directly on the ground, smashed it with her feet stretched out, and rubbed it hard until she could no longer see any traces.

This series of actions was so fast that even Guo Lingfeng did not react.

"Brother Guo, I know you are for my good, but my will is determined, so you don't want to save me anymore!"

Guo Lingfeng knelt on one knee with tears in his eyes, and asked in a crying voice: "Why? Why are you doing this to yourself?"

He didn't feel sorry for the priceless pill, but he really felt sorry for this girl.

Seeing Guo Lingfeng's face full of tears, Han Youqi smiled slightly and said: "Brother Guo, I am so happy to see you cry for me! Do you know? I am the person you have always wanted to frustrate, and that's me. After this zombie virus, I am the culprit!"

Guo Lingfeng exclaimed: "What?"

Chapter 191 Kissing Goodbye (2)

Guo Lingfeng was taken aback and exclaimed: "What?...Is it you?...How is it possible?"

Han Youqi smiled again: "How can it be impossible? Don't I have this ability? Have you forgotten that I am a biological expert?"

Guo Lingfeng still said: "But...even if you have the ability to make this zombie virus, but you have no motive? You are such a kind girl, how is it possible to do such a thing?"

The smile on Han Youqi's face gradually disappeared, and she faintly said, "So, I will tell you my motive...This story is very long. I'm afraid that there is not enough time, so I'd better say it briefly!"

"A year ago, I followed my teacher to study a drug, which is a special medicine that can treat pancreatic cancer. If we succeed, it will be a boon to the world!"

"We did a lot of experiments, and it was really hard during that time! Many times I can only sleep for four or five hours, and I have a pair of dark circles on my face every day, just like a panda!"

"Our experiment has been very smooth, but when we entered the experimental stage, very serious things happened. Watermark advertising test The mice used in the watermark advertising test turned out to be bloodthirsty. They will actively attack other mice. A bitten mouse will quickly become like a test mouse."

"The teacher decisively stopped the experiment when he saw this scene, but it was not just me and the teacher who were in the laboratory at that time!"

"I don't know how the news leaked out. The government officials came... They forced the restart of the experiment and ordered the teacher... ordered him to hand over the results of this experiment to the government, and they want to use the results to make biochemical weapons! "

"Of course the teacher does not want his research results to be used to make biochemical weapons. He refused the request of government officials, but... those despicable guys kidnapped his mother!"

"They threatened the teacher with their mother's life, saying that if the teacher did not cooperate, they would still attack the teacher's son!"

"Teacher... he was forced to give in!"

"Our experiment restarted. With the teacher's supervision, the experiment became more and more smooth. Finally, we developed a finished product of this virus. The teacher named it'Blood Poppy'."

"The government official came again. He ordered the teacher to hand over the virus to him. This time the teacher rejected him very decisively. Even if he threatened the teacher with his wife's life again, the teacher did not give in!"

"I still remember what the teacher said at the time. He said that this is a virus that should never appear in this world. Anyone who tries to use it will suffer its backlash until it is completely swallowed..."

"The official is gone. He said that unless the teacher handed over the virus to them within three days, the government will definitely not let the teacher's family be spared. They are really despicable!"

"The teacher stopped me alone that night. He told me to run away. He will also leave the laboratory. When he left, he gave me the only finished virus product!"

"At that time, he told me that I must not give the finished virus product to the government, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

"The teacher didn't come to the laboratory the next day. Before the afternoon I heard that my mother was killed. She was shot to death at home. Did those despicable guys really do it?"

"Those damn guys came to the lab. They turned the lab upside down and couldn't find the finished product of the virus, because I had hidden it in advance!"

"The teacher has disappeared. I think he must have been hiding. If the government guys catch him, maybe they will kill him!"

"I heard what the teacher said. After I got home that afternoon, I discussed with my sister to go to Gwangju's grandmother's house for a vacation. My sister was very happy because we hadn't seen grandma for a long time, so we set off the next day!"

"Sister, she doesn't know anything. If she knows, I think she will stop me?"

"Before I set off, I did one thing, one big thing!"

"I think this should be the worst mistake I have ever made in my life?"

"I made a simple device, on the clearing not far behind my house."

"This device is a timing device. After ten hours, the device will be activated, and the'blood poppy' inside will be automatically released!"

"This virus does not stay in the air for too long, it will slowly drift away with the wind."

"I think, if the'Blood Poppy' can disappear from this world in this way, maybe the teacher will be very happy?"

"But... I was too naive to think!"

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