Film and Television Adventure System

Film and Television Adventure System Chapter 16

Of course, Cheng Tiehu's complexion was so good that he couldn't see where to go. He snorted and said, "Okay! Just as you said before the competition, I will be in my Iron Tiger Gang for the past three years! I just need to eat and live for the past three years, and I will be wronged by Master He. You guys!"

He Yun, Cheng Jian, and Peng Wei were all gazes.

Guo Lingfeng pushed aside the crowd and walked over first, Zhang Hongchuan and the others followed.

"Boss Cheng, since our Haihe Gang has won this battle! Did your three factions set aside half of the territory for me Haihe Gang in accordance with the bet?"

Cheng Tiehu was supposed to win, but the people in the rivers and lakes said a word "faith". Now that the competition has already lost, he had to laugh and say: "Guo brother, we lost the competition! Don't worry, according to the bet, we three The faction will set aside half of the site. I will assign Jiangshan Road, Xiaochen Road, Maoyuan Street and SF Wharf to your Haihe Gang. Do you still feel satisfied?"

Of course, these four places are not as good as half of the territory controlled by the Iron Tiger Gang, but these are all prosperous areas where the daily advancement of the battle gold is made, and they almost account for about 40% of the Iron Tiger Gang's income.

Tang Weibing also stood up and said: "Our Haisha Gang will leave Hongguang Road, Beihai Road, Guangning Street and Pier 3 to give you Haihe Gang, how about?"

Li Shilong was about to answer, and Guo Lingfeng raised his right arm to stop, and said: "Boss, I don't want these sites you mentioned!"

Cheng Tiehu's face was cold, and he said angrily: "What? Are you still too young?"

Guo Lingfeng looked indifferent and calmly said: "Boss Cheng misunderstood what I meant! I said don’t really don’t! You all know that my cousin just passed away yesterday, and I was about to go to Shanghai for the funeral. My cousin died early. There is no elder in the family to handle the funeral. There is really no one else except me for this matter!"

Cheng Tiehu was puzzled: "Then you mean..."

"What I mean..." Guo Lingfeng slowly said, "Let's leave this thing alone! You don't have to carve out half of the site for me, and I don't have time to deal with these things. Just take it as it has never happened. Heshui! If you want me to say, in fact, everyone is in the rivers and lakes, and they all eat in Tianjin. Why do you beat me and I beat you? Which of the four major gangs still makes less?"

Cheng Tiehu was secretly overjoyed when he heard this, and hurriedly asked, "Is this true?"

Guo Lingfeng said: "Why can't this be true? With so many brothers in front of our four big gangs today, I just said this: Let's forget about this matter, and we can keep the four big gangs as they are in the future!"

Tang Weibing was a little sad, and said: "Brother, what you said makes sense! This time our three factions have calculated your Haihe Gang. It is indeed our fault. It is really rare that you can retaliate with virtue..."

Guo Lingfeng waved his hand and said, "But I still have a condition!"

Cheng Tiehu asked: "What conditions do you have?"

Guo Lingfeng said solemnly: "We in the rivers and lakes have kept their promises, please ask the three bosses to swear in front of all the brothers!"

Cheng Tiehu was silent, and both Tang Weibing and Li Shilong asked, "What oath?"

Guo Lingfeng slowly said: "You need to swear that from today, you will not do anything against my Haihe Gang within three years, and you must not have such a plan! I also swear in front of all my brothers that within three years How about not making trouble with your three factions?"

Cheng Tiehu froze for a while, and asked, "Just this oath? What do you say?"

Guo Lingfeng said: "My Guo Lingfeng speaks for words!"

Cheng Tiehu laughed and said: "Okay! If so, then I promise! I will swear..."

After speaking, Cheng Tiehu faced the people present and swear loudly according to the oath Guo Lingfeng said. Li Shilong and Tang Weibing also swear readily.

Seeing that all three of them had sworn, Guo Lingfeng also swore in public.

"Well, this is the matter, I should hurry to Shanghai too!"

Guo Lingfeng hugged his fists to the three gang leaders, turned around and left with the Haihe Gang.

Seeing Guo Lingfeng and the others walking away, Tang Weibing asked, "Brother Cheng, you said Guo Lingfeng is so kind? For such a good site, just let it go?"

Cheng Tiehu smiled and said, "Brother Tang, what's wrong with you? He is your righteous brother. You still can't believe him?"

Li Shilong patted Tang Weibing on the shoulder and smiled: "Brother Tang, although I am a few years younger than you, I can always see people very well! This Guo Lingfeng is upright and upright, definitely not the kind of repetitive villain, so don't worry!"

Cheng Tiehu also said: "We people in the rivers and lakes pay attention to promises. Since it is a public vow, if he dares to break the oath, he will only be looked down upon by everyone. Tianjin Wei can no longer tolerate him! Don't worry!

After speaking, he paused, and then said: "And you forgot? We just vowed not to deal with the Haihe Gang within three years, and it is not that we can't mess with him for a lifetime? It's just three years, and we will do it again after three years. Dealing with the Haihe Gang is not a violation of the oath, right?"

After speaking, the three looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Chapter 23 Chen Zhen and Yamada Mitsuko

"Fighting Heroes" is a film produced and released by Hong Kong Zhengdong Film Co., Ltd. in 1994. It is directed by Chen Jiashang and starring Jet Li, Qian Xiaohao, Zhou Billy, Cai Shaofen, Qin Pei and others.

In the movie "Jing Wu Hero", Chen Zhen, played by Jet Li, was studying in Japan, and he had just taught a group of members of the Black Dragon Society who were extremely xenophobic in the classroom.Jet Li's fighting action was very exciting, and quite fierce, and every move was split.

This scene is happening.

Chen Zhen was able to come to Japan to study with the help of his master Huo Yuanjia. Of course, he had to study hard and improve every day.But just as he was listening to the erudite Professor Watanabe's lecture, he suddenly rushed in a group of members of the Black Dragon Society in martial arts uniforms. As soon as they entered the door, they pointed at themselves and shouted: "Chinese pig, get out!"

Chen Zhen has been in Japan for a while, and of course he knows how extreme these guys are. Seeing the strange gazes from his classmates, he didn't worry, and slowly closed the cap of the pen.

Professor Watanabe is an old scholar in his sixties. How can he tolerate these people messing up the classroom for a lifetime of learning, and said angrily: "Why are you messing around here? Get out of here!"

The leading member of the Black Dragon Association did not have the spirit of respecting the old and loving the young, and said angrily: "Japanese schools are not for pigs to study!"

After speaking, he slapped the face and knocked Professor Watanabe's glasses to the ground, and then stepped on them with one foot, smashing the glasses.

All the members of the Black Dragon Association laughed, extremely arrogant.

A student stood up and scolded, "You people are too much! Why not apologize to Professor Watanabe?"

The little boss grabbed the student by the collar and cursed: "Get out of the way!" With a wave of his hand, he fell to the ground.The student's head knocked on the edge of the podium, and blood flowed out immediately.

At this time, the very beautiful Mitsuko Yamada, who was wearing a kimono, stood up and said angrily: "What are you doing like this? You know how to bully people here!"

The leader said angrily: "Who are you? How dare you talk to me like this?"

Mitsuko Yamada stood tall and said: "Don't think I'm afraid of you, I just don't put you in your eyes!"

"Bastard!" The man became angry and raised his hand to give her a slap in the face.

Chen Zhen stepped forward to block Yamada Mitsuko behind him, this girl still did not forget to make a grimace at that person.

"Chinese pig!" Relying on the large number of people, the little boss stepped forward and pointed at Chen Zhendao, "I don't care about so many now, as long as you disappear immediately! I count three times, and you will get out of here. Get out! One...two...three..."

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Zhen had already shot lightning, knocking the boss out on the spot with a punch.

Those in the back are willing to give up?As soon as they swarmed, Chen Zhen would be surrounded.Chen Zhen fisted from the left to the right, and every move was a combined effort, and he quickly defeated a dozen people.

Just when these guys were beaten so bloody that they didn't dare to step forward, a heavyweight came into the classroom, and that was the chief coach of the Black Dragon Association Fumio Funo.

"Yo! You finished the fight so soon?" As soon as Fumio Funo entered the door, he saw the embarrassment of his apprentices, and couldn't help but jokingly said, "Did I say that force can't solve the problem? Does anyone still doubt it now?"

After speaking, he turned to the professor whose glasses had just been broken by his apprentices and bowed deeply, and said sincerely, "Professor Watanabe, I apologize to you on behalf of these ineffective apprentices. I'm very sorry! How much have they broken? , I will urge them to compensate how many people have been injured!"

Professor Watanabe nodded, indicating that he would no longer pursue it.

Funakoshi Fumio then healed several of his injured apprentices. While correcting the dismantled joints of the apprentices, he murmured: "I also want to thank others for being merciful, otherwise you guys will be disabled! ...Well, who did it?"

Chen Zhen said coldly: "I did it!"

Fumio Fumio stood up and smiled and said, "You did it? The young man is good at kung fu! I am Fumio Fumio of the Black Dragon Association. Who are you?"

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