Film and Television Adventure System

Film and Television Adventure System Chapter 206

Huang Rong smiled and said: "That's it. After deciding to be No. 1 in the world, anyone who lost in the previous contest can challenge him as long as he hasn't played against him, how about?"

Zhou Botong smiled again: "I just said Huang Rong is a ghost, right? You see, she immediately figured out a way, I think it's okay!"

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement, so Huang Rong smiled and said, "Then this is the end of the Huashan On Sword draw and rules. It's getting late today. Let's go back to our room and rest first, and go up the mountain early tomorrow!"


When she came to the guest room, Xiaolongnu asked, "Brother Feng, you got the same lottery as me on purpose, right?"

Guo Lingfeng smiled and said, "Long'er, you are ice and snow smart, you can guess it in one go!"

Little Dragon Girl smiled sweetly and said: "Brother Feng, you have to be careful tomorrow. My swordsmanship has improved a lot over the past year!"

Guo Lingfeng smiled and said: "Long Er, don't you know my skills? Tomorrow you'd better give up quickly, don't expose your swordsmanship in front of them, and wait for the second round when you fight them by surprise. Okay?"

The little dragon girl groaned for a moment and said, "Okay, tomorrow I will give up as soon as I come up, and I will show them the sword in the second round!"

After being a husband and wife for more than three years, how could she not know Guo Lingfeng's martial arts today?In normal exercises, she and Li Mochou had never won a two-on-one against Guo Lingfeng many times. It was just a joke in the boudoir.

It has to be said that such a cold person as Xiaolongnv has learned to joke, and Guo Lingfeng is really indispensable.

In the morning of the next day, everyone got up early, ate noodles in the restaurant downstairs, and then started climbing Huashan along the mountain road.

The five sacred mountains in the world each have their own merits. Although the world recommends Dongyue Taishan as the top of the five sacred mountains, Huashan is definitely better in terms of altitude.

Moreover, Huashan is extremely dangerous. From the visual sense alone, Huashan is steep and it is indeed much better than Mount Tai.However, the styles of the two are different, it can only be said that the carrot and cabbage have their own love.

(Lao Wang has been to Mount Tai, which is really disappointing. Lao Wang only took one hour and 20 minutes to board the Nantian Gate from Zhongtian Gate. It is not as hard as when climbing Mount Emei. The so-called "Taishan Tianxiaxiong", Lao Wang I think it’s a bit interesting to have only eighteen dishes, but it’s hard to do it under the prestige! The average elevation of the plain area is less than 100 meters, and suddenly a mountain of more than 1,500 meters rises up, you may think it is very majestic. Only those of us who grew up in the mountains My child, I am used to seeing the mountains of Sichuan and Guizhou, and I think Mount Tai is nothing more than that. Although Lao Wang has not been to Mount Huashan, he has passed by when he took a train. Huashan is indeed worthy of the name, steep, steep and magnificent, and definitely surpasses Mount Tai! Wang has absolutely no intention of discrediting Mount Tai. He just talks about the feelings I have seen with my own eyes. Readers from Shandong with a strong sense of regional pride, please ignore it yourself!)

A group of eight people walked the path of "Mountain Hua since ancient times". They are at least first-class in their light work. Climbing Huashan didn't take much effort. It only took more than three hours to reach the top of Mount Hua.

I saw a man standing alone on the top of Huashan Mountain. Hearing the footsteps of everyone, he slowly turned his head, showing a handsome face, and said: "You are finally here!"

Chapter 280 Shocking Change

(The first update will be sent today, ask for monthly pass and subscription!)

Everyone was shocked when they saw his face, Guo Lingfeng exclaimed: "Finally, why are you here? You...what's wrong with your hair?"

This person is Yang Guo, right, but everyone is surprised that his temples are white at a young age, as if he is a teenager.

Yang Guo smiled and said, "Master, my hair has turned white, isn't it cool?"

Guo Lingfeng was full of black lines, and said angrily: "Cool wool! Looks like an old man! How did you make it like this?"

Yang Guo smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know, it just suddenly became like this overnight anyway."

Guo Lingfeng was stunned for a moment, and then thought about his father's death back then. He guessed a little bit in his heart, so he said softly: "Finally, people can't choose their own father, but we can choose our own way, you can understand what I want to say What's right?"

Yang Guo smiled and said, "Master, you are right. It is because I figured this out that I will wait for you at the top of Huashan Mountain today!"

Guo Lingfeng hesitated to say something, but he hesitated for a while and finally asked, "What do you want to do here?"

Yang Guo drew out the sword behind his back with a "swish". The tip of the sword pointed directly at Guo Jing and said coldly: "Uncle Guo, I will challenge you on the top of Mount Hua today! If I die in your hands, I will count you and me for years. Fate! If you die in my hands, you will take revenge for my father, right?"

Guo Jing said blankly: "Finally, if you want to avenge your father, then do it. Uncle Guo will never fight back!"

Yang Guo sneered: "Uncle Guo, I always thought you were a magnanimous gentleman, but I didn't expect you to be such a hypocritical villain! Now with so many people around you, how can you allow me to kill you? Why do you behave?"

Guo Jing couldn't help crying, and said: "Finally, I failed to protect your father back then, failed to fulfill the responsibility of the righteous brother, failed to guide him to the right way of martial arts, he will be tragically killed. You want to kill me, I Be willing to die, I only hope that you can keep your body right in the future, and don't go astray!"

Guo Jing said these few words with sincerity. Guo Lingfeng knew Guo Jing’s character and knew that he had never liked lying, so he stepped up to Yang Guo and said angrily: “Smelly boy, how dare you do such a rebellious thing? Why not take the sword back for me?"

Yang Guo was slightly moved and trembled: "Master, I have no opinion to you. I just want to avenge my father. What's wrong? I challenged him openly in front of everyone, right? "

Guo Lingfeng was angry and said: "You stinky boy, you know that Uncle Guo will not do anything with you. What kind of big-tailed wolf is here? Your dad recognizes the thief as the father and takes refuge in the golden man. Everyone will be blamed. You What kind of revenge can you avenge him? Do you want to be a traitor too?"

Yang Guo suddenly had a grim face and said angrily: "I don't allow you to insult my father!"

Guo Lingfeng drew out the Feifeng Sword with a "swish", and said angrily: "You stinky boy, dare to yell at me? Are you going to shake the sky? It seems that I don't want to teach you a good teacher today. Are you quiet? Let's listen to a few words carefully. Come on, let the teacher see what you have made in martial arts in the past two years?"

Yang Guo's face was green and white, and he hesitated for a long time before saying: "You are my master, and my disciples can't recruit you first!"

Guo Lingfeng was amused, and said: "Okay, then let's move first for the teacher and watch the sword!"

He yelled and stabbed with the sword, Yang Guo didn't advance and retreated, but also stabbed with the sword.Both of them practiced "Dugu Nine Swords", and their shots are offensive moves, and they will never return to the sword to defend.

The two long swords intersected, and Guo Lingfeng was surprised that the sword in Yang Guo's hand was not damaged at all. Obviously, this kid had another adventure in these years and obtained this magic weapon comparable to Feifeng sword.

Because the sword moves lightly, the world's sword moves tend to be fast. Since the "breaking sword style" of the "Dugu Nine Swords" can come first, it is naturally extremely fast.The two stabbed more than a dozen swords in a row, and the two swords intersected and made a series of "ding, ding, ding" sounds, as if only a long sound.

After Guo Lingfeng fought with him, he discovered that this kid's adventure was more than just a sword?His internal strength cultivation has also made obvious progress, and it seems that he has broken through to the fourth level of Nine Suns Divine Art.

It's not because of being the son of this world. Even if Yang Guo had many opportunities ahead of him by Guo Lingfeng, he could still have another adventure, and his martial arts was no weaker than the original drama.Today's Yang Guo, martial arts is definitely stronger than when he practiced profound iron swordsmanship after breaking his arm and defeated the King of the Golden Wheel.

The two played fast, and they had a hundred moves in just three minutes.

Huang Rong looked more and more solemn, and said: "Brother Jing, the martial arts of the past...It seems that he has been guarding us before when he was on Taohua Island, and he has never really revealed it!"

Guo Jing's heart is in a mess, how can he still have the thought to carefully watch Yang Guo's martial arts?

Zhou Botong also said: "Huang Laoxie, what do you think of this Yang Guo martial arts? From my point of view, I am afraid that you are no longer under you, right?"

Pharmacist Huang nodded and said: "Yes!...Well, what do you mean by that? Are you trying to say that Yang Guo is not under me, but still under you, right?"

Zhou Botong smiled and said, "You said this yourself. Didn't I say that?"

Hong Qigong said irritably, "Old naughty boy, don't say a few words, let's see how Guo Xiaozi cleans up his apprentice!"

Ci En coldly said: "How do you know that Guo Xiaozi will be able to clean up his apprentice? What if his apprentice is already out of the blue, will he be cleaned up instead?"

Between the few people talking, Guo Lingfeng and Yang Guo had already fought more than fifty moves. The two sides were still evenly matched. Although everyone present was the best in the world, no one could tell which one was strong and weak.

Huang Rong walked to Huang Yaoshi and said, "Daddy, Guoer is already trapped by the inner demon, why don't you help Guo Shaoxia, how about taking Guoer first?"

Huang Yaoshi sneered: "You damn girl, when did you see your father win by relying on more people? And the opponent is just a weak brat? Where do you put my old face?"

Yideng said softly: "Brother Yao, don't get angry, Rong'er just wants to catch her as soon as possible, she doesn't want to say anything!"

Hong Qigong smiled and said, "Rong'er, don't worry, no matter how high this kid is in martial arts, Guo Xiaozi can take care of him!"

He had personally experienced Guo Lingfeng's martial arts, and it was only Guo Lingfeng three years ago.Today's Guo Lingfeng's swordsmanship has become a success, and he absolutely does not believe how long Yang Guo can hold on to this swordsmanship.

Sure enough, Guo Lingfeng gradually increased his strength, and Yang Guo gradually fell into a disadvantage. In the end, he only insisted on more than three hundred moves. Guo Lingfeng's sword flew the long sword in his hand, and the tip of the sword pierced his throat and stopped.

Yang Guo closed his eyes and said miserably, "Master, did you kill me?"

The 281st chapter competition begins

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