Film and Television Adventure System

Film and Television Adventure System Chapter 242

Xiaoyuan said with a face full of displeasure: "The son is going to fight the monsters. It's really boring that you won't let people see such fun things!"

Guo Lingfeng smiled and said: "The master is very advanced in Buddhism, and I am best at Lei Fa. Isn't it dangerous for you to be a kid watching the battle? Obedient, how about letting you come out to watch the battle next time I fight the little monster? "

Xiaoyuan said angrily: "What's the point of fighting the little monster? Xiaoyuan just wants to see the son fight the thousand-year-old monster!"

Guo Lingfeng's face sank, but the tone in his mouth was still very gentle: "Xiaoyuan, are you obedient? When you and Xiaoqian become ghosts, then I will let you watch all the monsters I fight, how about?"

Xiaoyuan and Xiaoqian are only ghost soldiers at present. If they can cultivate into ghost generals, they will be equivalent to monsters with a cultivation level of about 500 years. Although they are far behind the thousand-year-old monster, at least standing farther and watching the battle is not dangerous. .

Xiaoyuan had no choice but to say: "You son, do you count the words? I must cultivate into a ghost body as soon as possible, and I will be able to come out to accompany the son even during the day!"

The cultivation base of the ghost body is quite good, although it will be limited to about 80% of the power in the sun, at least it will not be wiped out in the sun.

Chapter 329 Conspiracy

(Today's first update, ask for subscription and monthly pass! The child is busy with being discharged from the hospital today, it is estimated that there are only 2 updates, I hope you understand!)

Suzhou Mansion is currently the largest city in Jiangsu Province second only to Jinling Mansion.

No way, the first capital of the Ming Dynasty was Jinling.After Ming Chengzu moved the capital to Yenching, in order to prevent future generations from moving the capital back to Jinling, he deliberately chanted the slogan "The emperor guards the country, the king died in the community", forcing his son and grandson to get in the way of righteousness, despite hope Moved the capital back to Jinling, but never dared to go beyond.

It is said that Zheng He went to the West seven times during Zhu Di's time to waste the people and money. Ming Renzong and Xuanzong created the prosperous era of "Renxuan rule." It is true that the 11 years of Renzong and Xuanzong's reign are really not as rich as the Yongle period.

In any case, Jinling was the first capital of the Ming Dynasty to overthrow the Yuan Dynasty. The descendants of the Zhu family naturally attached great importance to it, and it was regarded as the premier rich city in Jiangnan.

Suzhou is also big and rich, but it still lacks some meaning.

To the northeast of Suzhou City, there is an ancient temple called "Chongyuan Temple" by Yangcheng Lake.

Chongyuan Temple was gradually dilapidated as early as the end of the Yuan Dynasty. By the time of Emperor Xuanzong of the Ming Dynasty, it was already empty. The temple houses were decayed and collapsed. The temple was full of weeds and completely abandoned.

The places off the beaten track are naturally easy to breed monsters, just like Lanruo Temple next to Guobei County, where a group of monsters also live here.

This is a group of wolf demons, sinister and fierce wolf demons.

This group of wolf monsters is a family, with three generations of grandparents, the leader is the boss Lang Wenyi, the second boss is his second brother Lang Wengang, and the third boss is his third brother Lang Wensheng.

The three brothers have been practicing for thousands of years. They mixed in the northwest area, and later offended the most powerful monster force in the area and went south, and settled down in Chongyuan Temple after they arrived in Suzhou.

Lang Wenyi has two sons and two grandsons, Lang Wengang has four sons and two grandsons, and Lang Wensheng has never had children.Their family of thirteen has lived in Suzhou for nearly a hundred years. Because of their profound knowledge and large number of people, the demons and ghosts near Suzhou City are afraid to provoke them.

Originally there were several monster forces near Suzhou, and they had also dealt with the Lang family.What everyone fears most about the Lang family is not that their three thousand-year-old monsters have a high level of cultivation, nor that they have a large number of people, but that the three brothers of Lang Wenyi have a top magic weapon that can inspire a powerful force called the "Three Talents Killing Tribulation Array". Formation, this formation can both trap and kill the enemy, even if the Millennium Great Demon is trapped in the formation, it will probably be cool.

Later, when these monster forces saw that the Lang family was strong, they simply evacuated the boundaries of Suzhou and ran to other places to ask for a living. Only this group of wolf monsters was left in Suzhou.

Thirty years ago, Monk Jingyuan came to Suzhou. He accidentally discovered that a group of wolves were living here. He wanted to kill the monsters and defend the way, but was trapped by Lang Wenyi and the others. He had no choice but to make himself the most important. The magic weapon detonated, and only then blasted a gap in the formation and escaped.

Since then, this group of wolf monsters has become more lawless. From time to time, they fetched one or two young girls in Suzhou City, not only to round them, but also to cook them to satisfy their appetite.

Why did Monk Jingyuan become furious when he saw these guys that day, he wanted to act on behalf of the sky, the karma on their heads alone was as high as Zhang Xu, and it was simply a great demon who committed a heinous murder.

Guo Lingfeng and Jingyuan were sitting in a teahouse near the river in Suzhou. They both drank tea quietly, and soon saw a sloppy beard come in.As soon as he entered the door, the bearded man walked straight over to sit down and laughed loudly: "Brother Guo, you missed your brother if you haven't seen you for a few days? Ask me in such a hurry, what can I do for you?"

This product is of course Yan Chixia!

There are thirteen wolf demons, of which there are three thousand-year-old great demons, and there are also powerful and powerful formations. Guo Lingfeng was not very sure of his thunder method, so he asked the monks in Jingci Temple to visit Lanruo Temple. Yan Chixia was also invited.

Many people have more power!

"Brother Yan, let me introduce to you, this is Master Jingyuan from Jingci Temple!" Guo Lingfeng hurriedly introduced Yan Chixia.

"In Xia Yan Chixia, I have seen a master!" Yan Chixia still respects the Buddhists. His strongest method of demons is the "Diamond Sutra" on his body. He wanted to have a deep connection with the Buddhists in his early years.

Jingyuan put his hands together and bowed to him, saying: "Amitabha Buddha, kindness is kindness! The benefactor of Yan has come a long way to help me wait for the demons, which shows that Gaoyi, Lao Na thanked you first!"

Guobei County is nearly 500 kilometers away from Suzhou Mansion, which is almost a thousand li in Huali.

Yan Chixia smiled heartily: "Master, you don't have to be polite! It is the duty of the cultivators of my generation to kill demons. It is a great honor for Yan to be able to fight side by side with Brother Guo and Master this time!"

Guo Lingfeng smiled and said: "Big Brother Yan, don't drag the text. Now that everyone is here, let's discuss how to clean up this group of wolf monsters?"

Yan Chixia was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly asked: "What wolf demon? Brother Guo, you have someone to give me a message, but you haven't said any wolf demon?"

Guo Lingfeng smiled and said, "If it weren't for a tricky monster, why would I call Big Brother Yan for you to do?"

Yan Chixia was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed: "That's what I said, I just thought you could never let me run thousands of miles just to have a drink in a bar? Come on, what wolf demon? How can I help?"

Jing Yuan said: "There are 13 people in this group of wolf monsters, of which there are three thousand-year-old big monsters. According to Lao Na, we three of us can deal with one each! They are powerful mainly because of the formation, as long as we try to entangle them Three, don’t let them sacrifice their formations. I believe that with the skills of Lay Guo, one of them can be killed very quickly, and then it will be much easier for us to three-on-two!"

Yan Chixia pondered for a moment, and said, "If it's just a thousand-year-old wolf demon, Yan is not a problem, but master, don't you say that they have thirteen? What about the other ten?"

Guo Lingfeng chuckled: "Big Brother Yan forgot the thunder method of the younger brother? This time the wolf demon didn't know that we were coming. How could we not take advantage of such a good advantage? Before the battle, the younger brother gave them a five-thunderstorm. Have you solved the ten little demons before you talk?"

Yan Chixia stroked her forehead and smiled: "That's right, Yanmou actually forgot Brother Guo's thunder method? Haha, there are only a few hundred-year-old little monsters, I believe Brother Guo will be able to beat it!"

Jingyuan smiled and said: "Then the three of us confronted the three thousand-year-old wolf monsters separately, and we must entangle them tightly, otherwise once they vacate their hands to sacrifice the formation, we may be difficult to crack!"

Yan Chixia is well aware of the power of the formation, some of the most powerful formations are even enough to turn a city into powder in an instant. Hearing this, she nodded and said: "Yes, you must not let these guys sacrifice the formation!"

Guo Lingfeng asked: "Master, when do you think we should do it?"

Jingyuan smiled and said, "It's better to hit the sun instead of choosing a day, how about tonight?"

The 330th chapter three kills the robbery formation

Suzhou, Yangcheng Lake, Chongyuan Temple.

A tall, thin, tall middle-aged man landed in the Chongyuan Temple in the fog, and shouted after he landed: "Big brother, come see what I brought back?"

A person walked out of the ruined Daxiong Hall. This person was also tall and thin, with a thin face, deep eye sockets, and he looked particularly gloomy.

This person is the strongest thousand-year-old monster in Suzhou, Lang Wenyi.

"Third brother, what good stuff did you bring back?" Lang Wenyi saw his third brother Lang Wensheng and smiled very rarely, "The little girl you brought back last time was not very good, she was not good enough!"

Lang Wensheng smiled and said, "Brother, look, this little girl is not bad, right?"

He took the rucksack from the back with his left hand and opened it. There was a young girl in the rucksack, who was extremely beautiful, dressed in satin clothes, and the hair accessories on his head were also quite expensive. It was obviously a lady from a rich family.

Lang Wenyi's eyes lit up and smiled: "Yes! Third brother, this one is much better than the one last time!"

Lang Wensheng smiled and said, "What could be wrong? Big brother, I'll tell you, this is the daughter of the Li family in Suzhou. She is just such a girl outside the Li compound. She is obedient to her on weekdays, but baby!"

The girl was obviously dumb-pointed by Lang Wensheng, and she couldn't help but struggle when she saw the lustful look in Lang Wenyi's eyes.Lang Wensheng stretched out his hand and tapped a few times on her body, and she suddenly paused.

Lang Wenyi glanced at the girl again and said with a smile: "Okay, third brother, you should be the first one this time. When you come first, my second brother and I will be behind you this time!"

Lang Wensheng laughed and said, "Thank you elder brother, then...the younger brother, should we go cool first?"

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