Film and Television Adventure System

Film and Television Adventure System Chapter 256

Guo Lingfeng smiled and said, "Senior, please forgive me for selling it off, you can see it tomorrow morning!"

In the early morning of the next day, the 300,000 army of the rebels lighted a fire early to cook. After a full meal, all the soldiers assembled in front of the east gate of the capital.They stood neatly hundreds of meters in front of the east gate, a large area of ​​black.

The pressure brought by the 300,000 army is so terrifying, and the defenders on the wall are like enemies.Their hearts are now full of despair. If it were not for pressure from above, they would say they would not fight against this terrifying army.

I saw a figure from the rebel army suddenly rose into the sky, and this person flew over the east gate, and the defenders below immediately sent out bows and crossbows, and hundreds of arrows shot at him.

Suddenly, golden light shot from this person, and these arrows fell when they hit the golden light, and no arrow could fly in front of him.

"It turns out that the light of merit can still be used like this?" This is the first time that Guo Lingfeng has released the light of merit to protect the body. He did not expect the effect to be so good, which is much stronger than modern body armor.

He looked at the city tower below, and stepped horizontally under his feet for seven consecutive steps. Before he even said the secret, the sky was covered with clouds, and countless electric lights were tumbling in the clouds.

"I haven't made any contribution to the rebels for such a long time, do you work hard today?" Guo Lingfeng's "Tianya" held up and shouted, "Nine Heavens Profound Temple, turned into a god of thunder, Huang Huang Tianwei, draw it with the sword !"

Countless electric lights gathered on the sword of "Tianya". He pressed the sword down, dozens of electric lights soared into the sky and fell onto the top of the east gate, just hearing "Boom... boom... boom..." With loud noises, the hundreds-meter-long wall of the east gate of the Beijing city collapsed, and most of the city bricks were directly blasted into powder by thunder.

Guo Lingfeng saw that this section of the city wall had been completely destroyed, and there were hundreds of defenders above the city wall. The light of merit above his head disappeared for a fraction of a time, leaving only more than seven inches.

"Dear soldiers of the rebel army, now the city wall is destroyed, please give me a charge!" Guo Lingfeng gave an order, and all the soldiers of the rebel army rushed to charge. This short distance of several hundred meters was full of dense soldiers.

Many low-ranking officers in the army shouted: "Come on, those who catch the stunned king alive will be promoted to three levels, and you will be rewarded with ten thousand gold!"

The city wall was destroyed hundreds of meters, how can such a big gap be blocked?The defenders on the wall immediately lost their fighting spirit and raised white flags to surrender.

Guo Lingfeng smiled in the air: "The capital, this is considered to be captured!"

Chapter 350 Human Righteousness (1)

(First update today, ask for monthly pass and subscription!)

The rebels flooded into the capital like a tide, and all officers, soldiers and soldiers knelt and surrendered wherever they passed.The commander-in-chief of the capital defenders was desperate as early as the moment he saw the collapse of the city wall. Seeing this scene now is even more desperate, and he can only draw out his sword and kill himself.

He was also considered the last general among the officers and army to apologize, because everyone else surrendered.

Eighty thousand to three hundred thousand, and the opponent has strong horses and excellent equipment. Although you are not an old and weak soldier, you have already lost morale. How can you fight this?Are you looking for death?

The rebels invaded the palace in a big way, and the Emperor Shengming saw that the situation was gone, and set fire in the Hall of Supreme Harmony.Fortunately, the soldiers of the rebels came quickly and put out the fire in time. Only a small part of the Hall of Supreme Harmony was burned down.

Emperor Shengming was still burned to death. With his death, the Ming Dynasty finally died.

When Guo Lingfeng and Zhuge Wolong came to the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the soldiers of the Rebel army had temporarily covered the body of Emperor Shengming with a white cloth. The body was burned to pitch black, and it was not what it looked like before birth.

"General Qin, can you be sure that this corpse is Faint Lord?" Zhuge Wolong lifted a corner of the white cloth and looked at it, frowning.

Qin Shitao stepped forward and said: "Report to Army Master Qi, the body has been burned into coke and it is illegible. However, based on the golden dragon boots on his feet and the topaz finger on his right thumb, we can basically be sure that he is the unconscious king himself!"

Zhuge Wolong nodded and turned his head and said: "Guo Xiaozi, you have been quiet for a long time and haven't shown up for a long time. Just when you showed up today, you crashed the city wall and forced you to death. You finally didn't disappoint you. title!"

Guo Lingfeng sneered and said: "The Rebels can have today, it depends on the seniors who have been planning for this year. I am just a handy shopkeeper!"

Zhuge Wolong smiled and said: "Ask a few of them, do you think Mr. Guo is considered to be the shopkeeper?"

Qin Shitao hurriedly said: "The commander collapsed the city wall today, so that our army can enter the city without casualties. We can capture the capital today, and the commander takes the lead. How can his subordinates dare to comment on the commander?"

Zhuge Wolong smiled and said, "Look, you, Marshal Guo, became famous today. Everyone was so scared by your spells that you wouldn't even dare to say bad things about you!"

Guo Lingfeng smiled and said, "Of course you speak ill-informed secretly. How can anyone speak ill of others in person? You ask, who dares to speak ill of me in person?"

Qin Shitao hurriedly clasped his fists and said, "The subordinates admire the commander very much, and there is absolutely no possibility that there will be half a slander in the back. Please the commander and the military commander!"

Guo Lingfeng patted him on the shoulder and smiled and said, "It's okay, I believe you! General Qin has bothered to issue three military orders immediately: First, no matter how high or low my position is, I will never bully men and women; second, Every soldier of the volunteer army must not rob the people, even with a stitch or a thread; thirdly, all soldiers of the volunteer army must be fair and not allowed to bully others! Anyone who dares to violate the above three military orders will be executed!"

Zhuge Wolong smiled and touched his beard: "The three military orders of the commander and the three chapters of the civil law when the Han Gaozu entered Xianyang complemented each other. I admire them!"

Guo Lingfeng smiled and said: "I told my seniors earlier that my goal is to regain the righteousness of the world. It is because of this that we have raised this rebel army and rebelled. How can we not wake up when we have the world? If the soldiers of the rebel army enter the capital, Looting the people everywhere, bullying men and women, what is the difference between us and treacherous officials?"

Qin Shitao bowed and bowed, and said: "The commander has a heart for the people. It is for the people to get rich, and his subordinates will issue military orders!"

After he turned and left, Guo Lingfeng came to the harem, and saw thousands of court ladies and eunuchs gathered by the rebel soldiers, all squatting in front of the Qianqing Palace.

Guo Lingfeng looked at them and said to Zhuge Wolong: "Senior, what should these eunuchs and court ladies do?"

Zhuge Wolong said in a deep voice: "It's fine for the palace ladies. These eunuchs have done nothing good. Daming has developed to this situation and the sins committed by these eunuchs are indispensable! In the opinion of the old man, all these eunuchs should be sent to prison and sent someone special. Hear it carefully."

Guo Lingfeng nodded and said: "If there is a crime, it must be punished severely. If there is no problem, it should be dealt with lightly. After all, these eunuchs are not all bad guys!"

Zhuge Wolong nodded and said, "That's good!"

He immediately arranged for Li Linwu to imprison all these eunuchs, and dispatched the most proficient in prison officers among the rebels to interrogate them.

Then he looked at the thousands of court ladies and concubines present, showing a playful smile and said: "Guo Xiaozi, these women...what do you think?"

Guo Lingfeng's face was full of black lines, and he said angrily: "Senior, how do I know what to do? Can you help me find a way?"

Zhuge Wolong smiled and said, "Since you are all court ladies and concubines, can you just get all of them in the harem? You don't have to work hard to choose a group of show ladies!"

Guo Lingfeng hurriedly said, "How can this work?"

Zhuge Wolong smiled and said: "Why can't you? Your kid is about to become the emperor. In the past dynasties, which emperor did not have three thousand beauties in the harem? Don't you have a queen? You don't have a concubine? You don't choose a court lady?"

Guo Lingfeng said: "Senior, don't want to joke with me, okay?"

Zhuge Wolong smiled and said with a serious face: "Who is joking with you? As long as you become the emperor, you must be a queen? I know, you and your wife are more affectionate. Of course, she is the queen, but yours There can be only one queen in the harem, right?"

Guo Lingfeng hurriedly said: "But...but this is too much, right? Where do I need so many women?"

Zhuge Wolong laughed and said: "Boy, the old man is only certain now, you are really a straight man of steel! ... Well, that's good, since you don't want so many people in the harem, the old man will give us most of these women The generals of the rebel army are ready to be wives. There are so many singles among the generals of the anti-justice army!"

Guo Lingfeng hurriedly said: "This is a good idea, but your old man is not allowed to force other girls to marry our generals willingly!"

Zhuge Wolong smiled and said: "Okay, the old man will obey the command of the commander! ... However, even so, the harem should not be too shabby, just leave three hundred court ladies! The other court ladies and concubines, the old man will be one. Hui Yuelao pulled the red line for them, ha ha!"

Guo Lingfeng felt that the three hundred court ladies were actually a bit too much, but he also knew that feudal society was just like this. If the emperor's harem didn't even have hundreds of court ladies, it would be too shabby, so he gave the default.

Of course, it is impossible for Guo Lingfeng and Zhuge Wolong to do the matter of choosing the palace ladies. They handed it over to Li Linwu's deputy, and they returned to the Palace of Supreme Harmony.

They chatted about the sky in the Hall of Supreme Harmony. The content involved the selection of officials, the reform of the imperial examination, and the emphasis on scientific and technological invention. Although Zhuge Wolong was pedantic, he had limited vision after all. How could he compare with Guo Lingfeng, a modern man?He couldn't help being shocked by Guo Lingfeng's knowledge and admiring him to the ground.

While chatting, suddenly a soldier came to report: "Enlighten the general and the military division. After issuing the military order, General Qin personally led people to patrol the capital. Two soldiers who insulted women were captured. They are about to be executed!"

Chapter 351 Human Righteousness (2)

(The second update today, ask for monthly pass and subscription!)

Zhuge Wolong heard the soldier's report and said casually: "Before you are to be cut, you are going to be cut. The commander has already issued a military order and has already stated that you must not violate it. Once you violate it, you will be executed. What else is reported?"

The soldier hesitated and said: "It is mainly because General Qin escorted these two people away that they were surrounded by a large number of soldiers. They said...say... these two are their brothers and sisters, and the general is never allowed to kill them. !"

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