Film and Television Adventure System

Film and Television Adventure System Chapter 286

"Hi, God of War, how about buying me a drink when you come out?"


There are dense black lines on Guo Lingfeng's forehead. He originally thought that people doing scientific research would be very serious, but he didn't expect that the scientists here are actually a group of funny comparisons.

The red-clothed old man's temples trembled a little, and he smirked: "Guo Supervisor told you to ignore them. They stayed underground for too long, and their nerves are a little abnormal! Please wait a moment, we will open the entrance to the ruins for you!"

He waved his hand and made a gesture, and saw a staff member press a few buttons on the huge main console. The arc-shaped alloy wall in the front of the hall suddenly separated from it, revealing a circular passage.

Guo Lingfeng noticed that the four walls of this passage were all in alloy color for three or four meters inward, but they were dark brown further in, like old tree roots entangled one by one.

The old man in red smiled and said: "Inspector Guo don't worry, there is no danger in this passage, please feel free to enter!"

Guo Lingfeng nodded and walked into the passage.

He had just walked into the passage, and the alloy door behind him had closed suddenly.

"It seems that I can just bite the bullet and go forward!" Guo Lingfeng said to himself with a smile, "My current mental power is absolutely second to none on earth in terms of quantity and purity. When Luo Feng first came here The brain width is 21, I have no reason to be worse than him, right?"

This ancient civilization relic is actually the test site of Huyanbo’s Meteor Star’s line of disciples. The disciples participating in the test must have a brain width of 18 or more to be eligible for the inheritance, otherwise they can only get a set of "black God suit" nothing more.

Since the discovery of this ruin, many Ares-level powerhouses have entered each year. So far, 72 people have been disabled, and only 28 have successfully obtained the "Black God Suit".The disability rate is high, but fortunately there has never been any death.

Guo Lingfeng couldn't use all the spells, but his super recovery ability was still there. He had absolute confidence in his body, and he was definitely not "disabled", so he just paused and strode forward.

At the end of the passage, there is a luminous mirror with ripples like water waves.

Guo Lingfeng, who had watched countless science fiction movies, smiled and walked into this "mirror" directly, and then found himself in a black hall.

Guo Lingfeng was stunned, a rainbow-like light shone from the ceiling, directly shrouding him in the light.I saw a sharp alarm sounded on his communication watch:

"Alarms, alarms, alarms..."

"Isn't there... in the original work?" A bad premonition rose in Guo Lingfeng's heart, and he began to struggle with all his strength, but he was enveloped by colorful rays of light, his whole body seemed to be restrained, and he couldn't move at all.

At this moment, a crystal rope suddenly shot out from the ceiling of the black hall, and there were more than one hundred.These ropes shot down like lightning, binding Guo Lingfeng into a big zongzi.

"My slot!" Guo Lingfeng couldn't move his body, but his mental power was not limited, so his mind moved, and 20 ss-class alloy flying knives flew out of his body, attacking these crystal ropes with a sonic boom.


Guo Lingfeng was dumbfounded. These crystal ropes didn't know what material they were. The flying knives made of SS grade Crow alloy could not even leave a mark on the rope.

Fortunately, these ropes only tied him up, and didn't mean to attack him. Guo Lingfeng had to take the flying knife and said in his heart: "If you come, you will be at peace, I will wait a moment!"

The waiting time was not long. About a minute later, the ropes were suddenly retracted, and the rainbow light disappeared. A series of unintelligible sounds suddenly sounded in the black hall. Guo Lingfeng hurriedly looked at the translation on the communication watch:

"Congratulations, the brain width is 28, greater than 18, you are eligible for the "Elite Channel" of this trial base, because this is the first time the "Elite Channel" has been opened in 5000, please wait for 15 minutes!"

Guo Lingfeng was overjoyed: "Sure enough... I am really qualified to enter this elite channel, just like Luo Feng!... Well, I am stronger than him. When he came here, his brain width was only 21, and I had 28. He is much stronger!"

This is the trial base of Meteor Star's line. As an immortal spiritual teacher, Hu Yanbo naturally pays more attention to the cultivation of spiritual teachers.

Therefore, there were originally only two channels a and b. The martial artist entered the a channel, and the spiritual master entered the b channel. Only the brain width of 18 or more could enter this dusty "elite channel".

Only by entering the elite channel can we truly obtain the most basic inheritance of Huyanbo.

"Xxxxx..." A series of unintelligible voices sounded in the black hall. Guo Lingfeng looked at his watch and translated: "Please enter the elite channel!"

I saw that a black passage had been opened on the wall of the black hall at some point.

"Well, elite channel, I am coming!"

Chapter 388 The Awakened Luo Feng

(The second update today, 3200-word chapter for monthly pass and subscription!)

Guo Lingfeng walked into the "elite passage" and walked at least three hundred meters before reaching the end. He was already a little impatient, so he flew forward quickly.

After flying about 200 meters, there were nine fork roads in front of him. He knew that the fork roads here were purely decorations, because no matter which fork road he took, he would eventually reach the destination, so he didn't stop at all and chose a fork road to continue flying.

About 500 meters away, there were nine fork roads, and Guo Lingfeng continued to choose a road and flew in.In this way, the cycle continued four or five times. As soon as he came to another fork in the road, he heard footsteps approaching him.

He saw 9 men in black robes rushing forward, and 9 men in black robes in the same attire behind him, wearing silver-gray gloves on their hands, quickly approaching him, and then began to attack him.

"My slot, the tiger doesn't show off, you treat me as hello kitty?"

A man in black robbed him with a silver-gray fist. Guo Lingfeng tit-for-tat, also blasted out with one punch. The two fists intersected and made a loud "bang". In between... Guo Lingfeng was blown upside down and fell directly into it. Among a bunch of people in black robes.

These people in black robes were not polite to him, all punching and kicking to greet him, Guo Lingfeng immediately raised his hand and hugged his head and face, only to hear the continuous loud noise, Guo Lingfeng was beaten into misery.

His body strength is strong, and he can be hit by a fist of more than one million kilograms, but it still hurts?

"My slot!" Guo Lingfeng's flying knives and butterflies flew out like flowers, and the flying knives slammed on the nine black-robed men like lightning, and immediately beat them to pieces.

Guo Lingfeng jumped up, his face flushed.

He didn't expect that the power of these black-robed men was so strong that one punch would have at least one million kilograms of strength, so he suffered a big loss just now.

If he knew that these guys were so powerful, he would directly use the triple-strength of "Ninefold Thunder Knife", um...the triple-stranded strength is 28 times stronger, and he can only blast seven or eight hundred thousand kilograms of power. Can't win...

This is an elite channel for testing spiritual teachers. You have to use martial arts methods. Isn't this looking for abuse?

Guo Lingfeng decisively chose from his heart and began to control the flying knives against the enemy, and the battle really became easier in an instant-these black-robed men have a good fighting awareness, but they can't see enough when facing 20 lightning flying knives. .

After dismembering all the 18 men in black robes, Guo Lingfeng continued to fly forward.

He didn't know how far he flew, anyway, after at least seven or eight forks, he came to a new fork.

Without warning, a stream of transparent streamers fell from the sky like rain and enveloped him.These streamers quickly formed a transparent crystal house with a height of about five meters and a length and width of about eight meters.

"Have me trapped again?" Guo Lingfeng controlled a flying knife to attack the walls of the crystal house, and found that no dust could be scraped off and he gave up.

"Elite student Guo Lingfeng, your death assessment task is officially launched..."

"During the death assessment, you will get food and water..."

"The wall of the assessment chamber is engraved with the 312 formulas of the Secret Master's "Master" of the spiritual teacher. If you learn these 312 formulas, you will have the opportunity to break the assessment chamber..."

"Death assessment person requirements: break the assessment secret room within three years..."

"If you fail to open the secret room within three years, it is a failure..."

"Failure is death!"

Guo Lingfeng was silent, and said in his heart: "It was years ago when I saw the original work, and many plots have been forgotten. Did Luo Feng have this one when he entered here?... Can't remember... There should be this one, right? Forget it, if there is this, it means that Luo Feng must have completed this'death assessment task' and he can complete it. There is no reason why I can't do it!"

He looked at the wall of the crystal house carefully, and saw that there were a large number of engraved pictures on it. There were more than three hundred pictures. There were text descriptions of the remains of ancient civilizations. He could translate them through the communication watch.

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