Film and Television Adventure System

Film and Television Adventure System Chapter 310

Guo Lingfeng and the others also sent an email to Ming Yu.

No way, he knew that although the cultivation of the people who entered the "Boundary Middle Realm" was limited to the constant star level, all the forces behind would come to fight for it, and millions of people would enter.The 28 of them couldn't even turn a wave at all, so they could only temporarily attach themselves to the "Three Axe Mountain" forces where Ming Yu was located.

Guo Lingfeng and the others relied on the "Mo Yun Teng" to dig into the ground from time to time after entering the "Jinzhongjie".

Although Guo Lingfeng knows that he needs to find the "Thunderstone" in exchange for treasures, there are cosmic crystals everywhere in the ground. This is the hard currency in the universe.

1 Universe Crystal is equal to 1,000 Universe Coins, and 1 Universe Coin is equal to 3300 Dry Witch Coins. Mining 1 Universe Crystal is equivalent to earning 3.3 million Witch Coins.

"Moyunvine" has 72 vines, and each vine can extend more than 300 kilometers. It is used to dig the universe crystal with high efficiency. In just one day, they dug 135,845 square universe crystals, which is considered a windfall. .

In fact, if Guo Lingfeng goes all out, it is estimated that he will not only dig so much.

However, he knew that the value of the universe crystal in this "intermediate realm" was estimated to be the lowest. There were hundreds of treasures left by this realm master. Those were the real treasures, even the realm master or the realm master would be jealous.

So while digging, he still led Hong and the others to the center of the "Jie Zhong Jie" to advance quickly.

On the seventh day, they finally came to the central zone.

In these seven days, they experienced a total of eleven robberies.

The opponents are all ninth-level constant stars. Even if there are more people than them, they have nothing to fear. After all, their team has 12 mental teachers, and their combat effectiveness is much stronger than martial artists.Moreover, Guo Lingfeng and the others all have domains, facing the ordinary 9th-level constant star is purely crushing.

These eleven robberies made them fatter.

Although these people who intercepted them were very inefficient in digging the Universe Crystal, there are 364,585 square Universe Crystals in the eleven teams. Maybe they have successfully killed other teams before?

In fact, ninety-nine percent of the cosmic crystals in this "intermediate boundary" are in the core zone. These cosmic crystals cannot be excavated, because these cosmic crystals are the foundation of this world, and as long as they are excavated, this world will collapse.

After eleven robberies and killings, Guo Lingfeng and his team have all updated their equipment.Before they were wearing c5 level Force suits, this time they have been replaced with d1 level.The original force weapons used by Hong and Raytheon were only level c3, but they have also been upgraded to level d1.

Arriving in the central zone, explorers from all forces have gathered together.

Now the major forces are all in groups. As long as they are not from the two holy sites, four organizations, and several major families, no matter how many treasures you can get, it’s useless, because as long as you go out from the entrance of the "world in the world", you will be intercepted. Come down, so now all the free explorers have also chosen a big force to join.

The "San Axe Mountain" sent too few people to participate in the appraisal of the apprentice mercenary. Guo Lingfeng and the others had to temporarily join the "North Dragon City" camp.

There are 2 million armies of various forces outside that have not yet come in. Once they enter, the people in the "world in the world" at this moment are all younger brothers.

Their only advantage is that they came in early, and they could make a fortune before the 2 million army outside arrived. In fact, they all dug a lot of cosmic crystals.

Even if they won't get anything later, these cosmic crystals alone would be considered a fortune.

Of course, this is for ordinary explorers.

For Guo Lingfeng, his advantage in the "world in the world" at this moment is too great!

The 414th chapter crazy world in the world (1)

(The second update today, 3200-word chapter for monthly pass and subscription!)

In the middle of the world, in the core area, a castle stands upright.

The five camps of North Dragon City, White Tiger Tower, Heiyunhui and the two holy sites are very distinct. Five camps were built around this castle.

Then more than 600 people came. After these people came to the core area, a handsome young man flew into the air and said loudly: "I am the Ninth Prince of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire,'Brolin'. The treasure here is mine. Aspiring to win, the one who blocks me...death!"

Guo Lingfeng said to Babata in his mind: "Babata, do you think this person is going to die? How dare to be so arrogant in front of so many people, I want to go up and give him a few slaps!"

Babata smiled and said: "That's not necessarily true. This person is the prince of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire. The people of the Black Dragon Mountain Holy Land will naturally follow him, and since he dares to be so arrogant, he must be dependent on it!"

Sure enough, a leader of the "Hundred Tiger Tower" said: "His Royal Highness, how huge is the treasure of this middle world? You want to swallow it alone, maybe it's something wrong?"

A weird smile appeared on Brolin's face, and a white light flashed behind him, and the head of the "Hundred Tiger Tower" instantly disappeared.

Nine bodyguards with laser guns stood in the void, behind Brolin.

"Everyone, I have 9 latest c2 laser guns here!" Brolin looked at everyone in the five camps, with a contemptuous smile on his face, "Well, it's not too powerful, but it's almost a shot. Can kill the second-tier cosmic powerhouse. I came to participate in the cosmic trainee mercenary assessment this time, and brought a few laser guns by the way for safety. Who can expect to encounter such a thing as the realm of the realm? Haha, you guys Say my luck is good?"

"What a shit!" Guo Lingfeng said in his heart, "I don't believe you can win me here?"

Isn't it just a few c2 laser guns?What are you crazy?

There is also a d9-level combat robot in Guo Lingfeng's storage space!

His robot needs to charge up when launching attacks above level D, but if the weapon attack level is reduced to level c, even if it is level c9, it still does not need to be stored instantly!

This combat robot itself is not valuable, but this d9-level laser gun is priceless. It cost Guo Lingfeng 5 billion dry witch coins to buy.

You know, some relatively poor domain owners have an estimated total net worth of about 5 billion dry witch coins.

According to Guo Lingfeng's temperament, he really wanted to kill this pretending thing with a single shot, but he couldn't do it in front of so many people.After all, this servant is the nine princes of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire. If he dares to kill the servant, then he can't get involved in the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.

Well, that's all, I came to this "jiezhongjie" for money, and you have to endure it when you should!

Guo Lingfeng’s net worth has reached more than 1892 trillion cosmic coins, that is, more than 1892 mixed yuan units, and all the treasures of the master who created this "boundary in the realm" together are estimated to be dozens of mixed yuan units. In fact, he is completely There is no need to fight for the treasure here.

What he valued was the inheritance left by this world master named "Kabu".

Kabu is known as the "Master of Thunder", and the inheritance he left must be related to the Thunder Realm and even the Thunder Rule. This kind of treasure is difficult to buy even if there is money in the outside world, so Guo Lingfeng is bound to have this inheritance.

After Brolin tried to force him, he saw that all the people in the four camps dared not speak, so he smiled contemptuously, and flew to the camp of Heilongshan Holy Land with more than 600 people.

In this way, the balance of power of the five camps has been broken. Originally, everyone was about the same strength, and no one dared to attack the other party easily, but the Black Dragon Mountain Holy Land is now undoubtedly the strongest party.They are not only the largest number, but also have 9 c2 laser guns, which are definitely enough to deter the other four camps.

The 2 million troops coming in from the outside world have just entered the "boundary in the middle", and it will take at least seven days to reach the castle.

The gate of the castle was closed tightly. People from the five major camps had tried many times earlier, and they couldn't open it at all.

This is the "Boundary Middle World" created by "Thunder Lord" Kabu. How can his inheritance land be opened by the ninth-level constant star?

All forces can only wait quietly now, and no one knows when the castle gate will suddenly open.

Suddenly, without warning, the gate of the castle opened "kakaka"...

Guo Lingfeng originally thought that after the gate of the castle was opened, people from the five camps would rush in frantically, and they would fight to a bloodbath. Maybe all the forces in front of the castle gate would have a big melee, killing a blood stream. .

But now the gate of the castle has been completely opened, but the people in the five camps are very quiet, and no one hastily entered.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

A hearty roar suddenly sounded in the sky, and then the voice said: "Welcome to the middle world, I have been waiting for this day for tens of millions of years..."

Guo Lingfeng's heart shuddered: "The auxiliary intelligence left by Kabu finally appeared!"

Countless light beams above the castle converged into an illusory figure. The man with white beard and hair looked very old, but his eyes were sharp.

Guo Lingfeng was caught by his gaze after only one glance, feeling that this auxiliary intelligence was much more terrifying than Ming Yu.

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