Film and Television Adventure System

Film and Television Adventure System Chapter 338

Chaos City Lord laughed and said: "You have nothing more than two choices in the next step. One is to upgrade to the domain master level, and then to remove it. According to the convention, you will be sent to the dry witch universe to hold high-level positions. The second is to continue to settle for a period of time. , Which one do you want to choose?"

Guo Lingfeng thought for a while, and said: "I want to perform a few more training tasks and make breakthroughs. I always feel that although my current strength is not bad, my background is still a bit worse!"

City Lord Chaos smiled and said: "I'm very glad that you can think so, just do it according to your own ideas!"

After speaking with the Chaos City Lord, Guo Lingfeng began to absorb the "Essential Spirit Crystal". He only absorbed less than 1,000 cubic meters in the Secret Realm of Tili, which is far from the limit of 1 billion cubic meters of the human body!

Moreover, his two major clones also absorbed the "Essential Spirit Crystal" at the same time.The Yuan people and the Golden Horn behemoths are both amazingly large in size, and can swallow more than 100 squares of "Essential Spirit Crystal" in a second, and the absorption speed is much faster than his human being.

On the second day, the staff of the Virtual Universe Company came to receive the "Essential Spirit Crystal". It was actually an immortal king and several immortal princes who came to receive the goods. This shows how much the virtual universe company attaches to this order. After all, 2000 Yifang "Yuan Lingjing" is not a decimal.

The goods were taken away, and Guo Lingfeng's account instantly added 200 million points, and the 500,000 points he had earned before suddenly became a fraction.

Suddenly becoming a local tyrant, Guo Lingfeng also took the extravagance, spending a full 800,000 points to repair the meteorite star.

If it was only for repairs, in fact, only 560,000 points would be enough. In addition to repairing, he completely remodeled the Meteorite Star this time, so he spent so many points.

You know, as a core member of the "Original Secret Realm", he has a 30% discount, so he will have more than 800,000 points. If it is the original price, he will have millions of points.

It will take more than three months for the Meteorite Star to be repaired. During this period, Guo Lingfeng not only seized the time to absorb the "Essential Spirit Crystal", but occasionally discussed with Yue Linger and the others.

Yue Ling'er was extremely depressed. She came from the immortal gods in the "Secret Realm of Heaven and Earth". In terms of strength, she was much stronger than the immortal gods of the outside world. For example, the old emperor of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire was estimated to be under the hands of Yue Ling'er. It takes less than 10 rounds.

However, Guo Lingfeng can rely on many means to fight her vigorously, although she can obviously gain the upper hand, but at least she can't crush this young highness.

In her opinion, Guo Lingfeng has mastered at least half of the 108 mysteries of the law of space, and the degree of perception of the law of monologue is obviously higher than that of her. If Guo Lingfeng is now the master of the world, he will almost certainly win her.

Three months later, Meteorite was repaired and sent to his manor. Seeing this blood-red spacecraft, even Yue Ling'er couldn't help but envy it.

Hu Yanbo's strength is not much stronger than Yue Ling'er, but the f9-class spacecraft that he has spent nearly half of his life ordering is indeed very good.Although Yue Ling'er's spacecraft was also F-class, it was only F6, and it was not even a star or a bit worse than Meteorite.

The main reason is that Yue Ling'er is too young. Hu Yanbo has lived for more than 60 million years. Yue Ling'er is only more than 600,000 years old. Even if she is one of the core members of the virtual universe company, the time is too short. How can this old fellow Hu Yanbo accumulate so much wealth?

With the Meteor Star, Guo Lingfeng performed nine training missions one after another, including the place Luo Feng had visited in the original "Blood Luo World".

This world is a "dangerous level" training mission, with a mortality rate as high as 50. This is mainly because there are many indigenous powerhouses in this world, and they are extremely xenophobic. Once they find "outsiders", all the people will attack them.

There are only two missions in "Blood Luo World". The first is to obtain a "Blood Luo Jing" to get 10,000 points, and the second is to obtain the title of "Blood Warrior" and get the "Blood Luo Medal" for 100,000 points. integral.

Guo Lingfeng rushed from the "primitive secret realm" to the "primary secret realm", and made a special trip to the "Blood Luo World", of course, not to complete these two points tasks, his purpose is very simple is "Blood Luo Jing"!

In the original book, Luo Feng obtained more than 9,000 "Blood Luojing" in the "Blood Luo World". How could Guo Lingfeng be satisfied with such a small number?You must know that no matter who it is, he can only enter the "Blood Luo World" once in his life. Can he leave without fishing enough?

He stayed in the "Blood Luo World" for a full 120 years, and would attack a certain world master in the Blood Luo World as the world master-class powerhouse. In the end he received more than 100,000 "Blood Luo Jing" ".

Of course, he did not forget to steal the statues of the beast gods, the golden horn monster clone is very suitable for practicing the way of the beast gods.

He himself merged 3 "Blood Luojing", and then the golden horn behemoth and Yuan clan clones each merged with 98 "Blood Luojing", which is really his current limit.

For the remaining "Blood Luojing", he sold 100,000 of them to the Virtual Universe Company, each with a purchase price of 600 points, and made him a big profit, a full 60 million points.

He himself only kept more than 800, and he can continue to merge when his cultivation base and willpower increase in the future.

Guo Lingfeng has always had a philosophy, that is, no matter how good things are, it will not be of great use. Why not sell them for money, can you not buy good things to improve your strength with money?

Luo Feng never sold "Blood Luojing" in the original book, but until later he became a super power, what role did his more than 9,000 "Blood Luojing" play?

It's like holding a king bomb in the fight against the landlord, but in the end he didn't blow it out. How frustrated is this feeling?

Returning to his own manor in the "Primitive Secret Realm", Guo Lingfeng immediately broke through to the first level of the domain master level and applied for a nutrition cabin.

His golden horn behemoth and Yuan clan clones have already been upgraded to the ninth level of the domain master in these 120 years. He only needs to break through the cultivation base of the human deity to the first level of the domain master, and he can quickly upgrade his cultivation to the domain by soaking in the nutrition cabin. The main level ninth level, there is no sequelae.

In addition to applying for the nutrition cabin, he also bought many treasures, except that his golden horn monster clone needs a lot of metal and precious treasures after breaking through to the master level.

In addition, he also purchased a full set of combat equipment for the Yuan clan clone, mainly a battle knife and a set of armor. The height of his Yuan clan clone's main ninth rank has reached more than 1,000 kilometers, which is more than his golden horn monster. The body is much larger, and the swords and armor are oversized.

Don’t forget that he also has a Moyun Vine. There are already 128 main vines at the ninth level of the domain master, which has evolved better than the one in Luo Feng in the original book, breaking through to the master level and the first tier from the master level. There are also many treasures needed to reach the ninth level.

For this order, he spent more than 4.5 million points. If converted into mixed yuan units, it would be worth tens of millions. Even when Hu Yanbo was the richest year, he had never had so much wealth.

After soaking in the nutrition cabin for more than half a year, Guo Lingfeng's cultivation was finally promoted to the ninth rank of the domain master.

During this period of time, the appointment of the Virtual Universe Company was also down. Sure enough, he was to be sent to the Dry Witch branch of the Dry Witch Universe Nation. Without delay, he set off with a guard.

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The Meteor Star has been repaired, and the speed is more than 10% faster than that of the previous year, and the limit speed in the dark universe can even reach 70 times the speed of light.

However, this trip is really far away. It would take at least a year for Guo Lingfeng to fly from the original secret realm back to the Kingdom of Qianwu Universe on the Meteor Star, so Guo Lingfeng chose to teleport from Yuelinger’s Divine Kingdom on this trip. More and much less money.

The Qianwu branch of the Virtual Universe Company is set up on Qiongyu Star, which has a diameter of 980,000 kilometers and is even comparable to many stars.

After Guo Lingfeng came to Qiongyuxing, he first came to the "Universal Galaxy Bank" and transferred all the money Huyanbo left him to his account.

There are 10 billion dry witch coins in the constant star account, 3 mixed yuan units in the universe-level account, and 3122810 mixed yuan units in the domain master-level account.

When Hu Yanbo was the richest, his deposit must be more than 10 million yuan, otherwise he would not qualify as a five-star customer of "Cosmic Galaxy Bank".

However, he spent 3.6 million mixed yuan units on the Meteor Star, and 6.2 million mixed yuan units for cultivating his own vines. These two expenses alone cost nearly 10 million mixed yuan units. Up.Even so, there are 3.12 million mixed yuan units left in his account, and his net worth is indeed more than that of ordinary immortal gods.

Guo Lingfeng won a bonus of 10,000 mixed yuan units as early as the end of the genius war. At that time, he had been upgraded to a four-star customer. Now with the addition of more than 3.12 million mixed yuan units, he is still a four-star customer. There is still a big gap in the five-star customer threshold of Wan Hunyuan units.

Yue Ling'er looked at the virtual interface of the bank account and was a little surprised, and said: "His Royal Highness, you, Teacher Hu Yanbo, are really generous, and you have left you so much money!"

Guo Lingfeng smiled and said, "Teacher, how can he treat the closed disciples he wanted to cultivate before he died?"

Baba Tower stood on Guo Lingfeng's shoulder and smiled and said, "The old master's full wealth has been given to you, what are you going to do next?"

Guo Lingfeng smiled and said, "Of course I went to the Qianwu branch to report first!"

Although the human race in the universe is controlled by the five giants, the real core forces are actually the virtual universe company and the giant axe battlefield. The two major forces of 1008 universe nations are in charge of half.Fortunately, the Qianwu Universe Kingdom is controlled by the Virtual Universe Company, otherwise Guo Lingfeng would have to choose another Universe Kingdom to serve.

The Qianwu branch of the Virtual Universe Company is in the center of Qiongyu Star, where there is a very special place named Amethyst Island.This is an artificial island with a radius of 1,000 kilometers. It is in the center of a huge lake. The entire island is made of purple unidentified crystals. It looks like a purple halo flowing constantly, which is especially gorgeous.

However, Guo Lingfeng did not go directly in reality for the first time to report, but first came to the Qianwu branch on Amethyst Island in the virtual universe.

The three giants of the Qianwu branch, "Black Mihou" Weisha, "Zidianhou" Zhenqian and "Golden Featherhou" Eve, led 322 immortal gods and hundreds of millions of staff from various departments to greet he.

When Guo Lingfeng saw the countless crowds behind the three great immortals, he couldn't help being stunned. Isn't it a bit too big?

Speaking of the world’s best Uranus superstar holding a concert, the audience will be at most hundreds of thousands, right?

What is the concept of hundreds of millions of people?

Apart from China and the three countries on earth, which country has such a large population?

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