Film and Television Adventure System

Film and Television Adventure System Chapter 405

Now the "Jaeger Project" research team has successfully developed the third-generation mecha, which is larger and faster than the previous two generations.Because the internal "reflex nerves" are more and more detailed, the "skills" of the mecha are much more flexible than the previous two generations.

For example, the latest model of mech built in the United States is called the "Dangerous Wanderer". The mech is 79 meters tall and weighs 1,980 tons. It is powered by nuclear power, equipped with a plasma cannon and an extended wrist-blade "Chain Sword."

The test of the "Jaeger Mecha" pilot is naturally impossible to carry out in Shancheng, and the test site is in the Beijing Military District.

After Guo Lingfeng followed Tang Junbo to the Beijing Military Region, he first conducted the preliminary test, and he entered the second round of the test with an excellent result.

Thousands of people participated in the first round of testing, but fewer people entered the second round of testing, with less than 200 people.

The first item in the second round is the reaction speed test. Participants need to stand in a circle with a diameter of 3 meters to avoid rubber bullets from all directions. The number of hits within one minute must be less than 50 times. Qualified.

Of course, if the tester goes out of the circle or lie on the ground, he will be eliminated immediately.

Guo Lingfeng finished the test and was hit 23 times, ranking first among all those who participated in the test.

The second item is the IQ test. The contestant needs to complete 100 test questions within 60 minutes. The contestant will have a score bonus for submitting the paper in advance.

For example, if you hand in your paper in 56 minutes and 60 minutes, if all the answers are correct, your IQ will be rated as 151160; if you hand in the paper in 51 minutes and 55 minutes, if the answers are all correct, your IQ will be rated as 161170. between

Guo Lingfeng finished the set of test questions in the 47th minute, and came to the rest area after handing in the paper.

The problem is not difficult for him, 47 minutes is not his limit speed, but he estimated that even if he went all out, he would not be able to complete it in 45 minutes, so he simply slowed down.

In the end, his IQ was rated between 171,180, and once again ranked first among all testers.

After the first two tests, there are currently 32 people who have not been eliminated. The third test in the second round is very special and is called the "brain domain test."

The tester needs to wear a helmet-shaped test instrument, and after about 5 minutes of testing, the result can be obtained.

As the first place in the first two tests, Guo Lingfeng was ranked last in this test.The previous 32 testers have all completed the test. The lowest brain domain value is 143 and the highest is 182.

It was Guo Lingfeng's turn to test, and he walked into the test room, quite anxious.A military doctor in a white coat said expressionlessly: "Come and sit down and put on a test helmet!"

Guo Lingfeng sat down on the chair and put on the helmet-shaped tester. Just about a minute later, he heard a rapid electronic sound of "di di di".

"What's the matter?" The old military doctor who had been sitting on the corner of the room wondered.

"Dr. Zhou, this tester's brain value is very high!" The young military doctor who gave orders to Guo Lingfeng just now exclaimed with excitement, "He has reached the full value of the first gear, do you want to turn on the second gear? "

"Open, of course it's going to be opened!" Doctor Zhou also got up and walked over, seeing a little more joy on his face.

The young military doctor worked on the computer and smiled and said, "The second gear is already open!"

This time it was less than a minute, and the sharp "di di" sounded again, and the young military doctor couldn't help exclaiming: "How can this be possible when the value is full again?"

Doctor Zhou was full of excitement, and his tone became more and more excited: "What is impossible? I heard that the two drivers of Dangerous Wanderers in the United States have reached brain thresholds of more than 420. Why can't we in China have a genius? Listen to me, open the third gear!"

The young military doctor's hands were already shaking a little, and after finishing the operation on the computer side, he trembled and said: "The third gear has been opened!"

This time it took less than a minute, and the electronic sound of "dididi" sounded again.

"How is this possible?" This time even Doctor Zhou couldn't help but stammer, "The brain threshold has reached 600, but his limit has not been detected yet? Is this man a monster?"

Chapter 516 The First Generation Mecha

Today's first update, the book has entered the finale stage, Lao Wang kneels for a monthly pass and subscription!Lao Wang's new book The Unlimited Planes of the Dead King has been published. Please come!Are there a wave of collection and recommendation tickets?Pharaoh is very grateful!Lao Wang QQ book friend group number: 574112236, welcome to join the group for discussion!

There are limits to the value of the human brain. At the stage when the "Jaeger Project" began to develop the first generation of mechas, humans took the "brain value" as the most important evaluation criterion for mecha pilots. It has been measured in history. The highest record of brain domain value is 681, which belongs to the first generation of mech pilot Michael Kobe in the United States.

Michael Kobe controlled the first-generation mecha to kill four monsters, and his record was brilliant.

But the good times didn't last long. The single-player control mode of the first-generation mecha had too many drawbacks. Michael Kobe didn't unexpectedly suffer from a terminal illness, and soon died.

Since the tragic death of Michael Kobe, no one has a brain value of 600 or more. Even General Stackelpanter Coste, who is widely regarded as a legendary hero, had a brain value of only 593!

One more thing, General Pentecost is the current head of the "Project Jaeger" team, that is, the very annoying black general in the movie.

In the movie, General Pantcost controlled the first-generation mecha to kill a monster, rescued Mori Miko, who was less than 10 years old, and adopted the little loli whose parents had died. Lori became a heroine

According to the Chinese martial arts back then, this kind of plot is clearly Jiangxue Xuanshuang!

Knowledge point: Jiangxue Xuanshuang is Wolongsheng's classic martial arts, and Lao Wang thinks it is the pinnacle of Wolongsheng's life.The storyline and overall setting are slightly stronger than those of Jin Yong's inferior ones.Back then, the TVB drama Snowflake Excalibur was adapted from this one, but too many changes in the plot made the original readers nauseous, friends can read the original, much better than the TV series!

Guo Lingfeng directly broke the 600 brain threshold ceiling in this test, and Doctor Zhou was also extremely excited.

Who said that we Chinese people are not smart enough?Don’t we also have people with a brain threshold of 600 or more?

Doctor Zhou sat in front of the computer to operate it himself and turned on the fourth gear of the tester, which is also the highest position of the brain threshold tester.If Guo Lingfeng's brain domain value is higher than 800, at least the current testing equipment will not be able to accurately test him.

At this stage, Doctor Zhou's heart is quite entangled. On the one hand, he hopes that Guo Lingfeng will perform a miracle again, and directly turn on the fourth gear of the tester.On the other hand, he hopes to measure the precise brain value of this miraculous boy. If Guo Lingfeng "explodes" again, he really doesn't know what to do.

About a minute or so later, the electronic sound of "di di di" rang again in the test room. Doctor Zhou smiled relievedly: "Xiao Wang, you first record the data. I must report this situation to the Central Research Institute immediately! "

Who doesn't know Michael Kobe's strongest brain threshold record?681 Well!Guo Lingfeng's brain threshold is far higher than this value. Even the tester's highest full value of 800 has not been able to measure his limit. What is the brain threshold of this miraculous man?

Doctor Zhou wanted to know, the young military doctor surnamed Wang wanted to know, and Guo Lingfeng wanted to know even more.

If his IQ is between 171,180, which is the world's top IQ level, there are about 20 people who have the same level of IQ with him, but his brain value exceeds 800, which is definitely the world's best. Up.

After Dr. Zhou spoke with the senior officials of the Academia Sinica, the superiors asked them to take Guo Lingfeng to the "No. 1 Base" in Shanghai.

No doubt, it is Shanghai!

Because monsters first attack coastal cities after their emergence, the current research institutes of the "Jaeger Project" in developed countries are all located in coastal cities. The headquarters of the American "Jaegers" is in New York, and China's headquarters is in Shanghai.

This is the first time Guo Lingfeng has taken a military helicopter from Beijing to Shanghai. The entire "journey" took almost 2 hours.

If you follow the flying speed of a helicopter in the real world, regardless of whether it is a military helicopter or a civilian helicopter, it is impossible to fly this far in 2 hours, and the helicopter's cruising range cannot reach this level.

But here is the film world around the Pacific Ocean. The level of technology must be much higher than the real world. All this is reasonable.

Not convinced?

Have the ability to build a mecha as tall as a mountain?

After Guo Lingfeng and the others came to "Base No. 1", Doctor Zhou disappeared. Several military doctors in white coats pointed at him all day long. What Guo Lingfeng said between them was a little bit in the mist. Don't understand.

Until the third day, a gray-haired military doctor and an officer with the rank of general came to him.

"Guo Lingfeng, I'm sorry to let you wait for two days!" The admiral smiled at him, "You also know that because your brain value is very high, your personal situation is also very special. Our China Jaeger team and After consultation, the top leadership decided to tell you the matter, and it is up to you to decide!"

The old military doctor also said: "Your brain value is much higher than that of Michael Kobe, the world's first man. After our research and comparison, we believe that you are the only person in the world who has the hope of successfully controlling Pangu!"

Guo Lingfeng was a little confused, and asked blankly: "What Pangu? Who are you?"

The old military doctor smiled and said: "Yes, we didn't introduce ourselves, no wonder your reaction! My name is Hu Yueqiang, the leader of the Huaxia Jaeger research group, and the general's name is Li Moran, a deputy of the China Central Military Commission. Chairman!"

Guo Lingfeng hurriedly stood up and gave a military salute, saying: "Old Hu, General Li, hello!"

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