Final Priesthood

Chapter 327: Duo

Chapter 327 Duoah


 Lu Yuan thought to himself, the Mountain of Embers is the place where the Phoenix rebirths from nirvana, is it equivalent to a human tomb?

You guys run into other people’s tombs, digging for treasures and killing people. No one else can bring you good luck.

Having said that, Lu Yuan also felt that the probability that this big orange flame bird was a phoenix was very low.

  After all, it is a creature spread in myths and legends, and I always feel that it will not appear in the real world so easily.

 A state of tranquility.

 The flowers on the other side of the mountain are swaying, the River Styx flows silently, and the full moon is soaked in water.

There is also the elegant and mysterious woman in black dress bathing in the River Styx.

Lu Yuan woke up from the flowers on the other side of the River Styx and looked at the scene in front of him. After being a little stunned, a trace of emotion appeared in his eyes.

 “I haven’t had this dream for a long time.”

 The long-lost crow’s dream.

 With the improvement of strength, the continuous strengthening of spiritual will, the mind becomes clear, and the number of Lu Yuan's dreams becomes less and less.

 It has been a long time since he entered the crow's dream.

 Not to mention, I still miss it.

 After all, this was the beginning of his transcendence.

The road was far away and I walked slowly down the hillside covered with flowers. When I reached the bank of the River Styx, I squatted down and put my hands under my feet to sway in the River Styx.

The cold river water flowed between his fingers, making a crisp "ding-dong" sound when it collided.


Lu Yuan took a breath and felt his body and mind relax.

 Lately, he has been exposed to a lot of secrets, and he has been burdened with more and more things.

Although his strength has been steadily improving, he often feels overwhelmed.

Now that the water of the Styx has washed away, my mind has surprisingly calmed down a lot.

 Looking back at the ancient evil gods that I have come into contact with along the way.

The God of Martial Arts and Hunting has a realistic layout. Mosaic forces are spread all over the world. It looks like there is a big conspiracy no matter how you look at it.

The elephant **** uses believers as food and eats whatever he wants. He is cruel and tyrannical.

 The Nightmare Girl took Xia Zhijing away and tried to erase herself in the dream.

It’s better to have the Crow God. The Crow God has helped me stumble up to this point, leaving things for myself, allowing me to watch her wash her hair and take a bath. From time to time, she will come out to help me at critical moments to avoid being tricked by other gods.

Going back to the crow's dreamland, it felt like returning home. Looking at the woman in black skirt standing quietly in the River Styx, I also felt quite friendly.

Lu Yuan sighed inwardly as he suddenly thought of the Nightmare Girl.

My heart suddenly moved, isn't this the best opportunity now?

Thinking about it, Lu Yuan hurriedly waded into the River Styx and walked step by step towards the woman in black dress not far away.

The woman in black skirt stands under the white full moon, her long hair and black skirt blending into the Styx beneath her.

She was facing away from the road, revealing half of her exquisite and beautiful face. Her long eyelashes were drooped, as if she was closing her eyes in deep thought.

 This is definitely a picture that even the most powerful masters in the world cannot depict.

 Everything is so breathtakingly beautiful.

The journey is far away and I even feel ashamed.

 His presence ruins the beauty of the entire picture.

 The sound of wading in the water seemed so noisy in this quiet and beautiful environment.

However, the danger of obliterating the Nightmare Girl was hanging like a sharp knife. In the face of such a life-threatening matter, Lu Yuan had to bite the bullet even if he couldn't bear to disturb her.

 Finally, he walked up to the woman in the black skirt, about four or five meters away from her.

Lu Yuan stopped and lowered his head to think about how to open this mouth.

After thinking about it for a long time, Lu Yuan looked at the woman in black skirt who was close at hand, hesitated, and cautiously called out -


As soon as the call came out far away, the lowered eyelashes of the woman in black dress in front of her trembled slightly.

 Suddenly, my scalp felt slightly numb.

 But at this point, he could only bite the bullet and continue: "It seems that if I get into trouble, it doesn't count as getting into trouble. It's just that someone... no, there is a **** who wants to mess with me.

His name is Nightmare's Daughter. Have you heard of His name? "

Lu Yuan finished everything he wanted to say in one breath.

Then he opened his eyes wide and stared at the woman in black skirt in front of him, waiting for her reaction.

 Honestly speaking, Lu Yuan felt that his current behavior was somewhat shameless.

The Crow God was quite nice to him, but in front of the Crow God, he probably couldn't even be considered an ant.

 A person can admire an ant on the ground, but is it possible that he will fight with another person over this ant?

Now Lu Yuan can only hope that he is the only clue left behind by the reincarnation of the Nightmare Girl in the world, and the Crow God happens to be more interested in this.

 This is his only bargaining chip, and it is also the reason why he dares to ask the woman in black skirt for help.

The few seconds from when the woman in black skirt fluttered her eyelashes to when her eyes were fully opened, to Lu Yuan, seemed as long as centuries.

Lu Yuan looked at the woman in black skirt and opened her eyes.

On her white cheeks covered with gorgeous patterns, her pure black eyes reflected the moonlight, showing no emotional fluctuations.

 She seemed to have glanced at Lu Yuan.

 Glanced lightly.

Lu Yuanyuan didn’t know if it was his imagination.

Just when Lu Yuan’s heart was beating fast and he didn’t know what was going to happen next, suddenly

The woman in black dress rises slowly from the River Styx.

 Hair and long skirt submerged in the river did not make the slightest sound of water.

 The entire River Styx seemed to be completely blended into her hair.

No. exactly.

 The calm flowing River Styx.

  It is made up of the long hair of a woman in a black dress.

Lu Yuan stared blankly at the winding Styx River turning into a woman's long hair, and the flowers on the riverside and the full moon on the water weaving into a woman's long skirt.

This scene is quite strange.

It was as if the entire crow's dream was just a piece of cloth laid flat on the ground, and now this piece of cloth was picked up and gently worn on the body.

The beautiful and quiet scene disappeared, and nothing existed in front of Lu Yuan's eyes except the beautiful woman with black hair and a long skirt with patterns all over the shore.

  But quickly.

Starts of light began to appear in the field of vision far away.

Those lights are getting closer and closer.

 Suddenly, I discovered that there were planets emitting a faint light.

 Unknowingly, he came to the vast starry sky and universe.

Lu Yuan was marveling at this unexpected turn of events when the woman in black dress in front of him slowly raised a hand, and her index finger, as pale and cold as the moonlight, gently pointed at the distant starry sky.

 In a flash!

 A dark river filled with the aura of decay, death, and withering appeared mightily from her fingertips.

In an instant, it swept towards the vast starry sky.

Wherever this pitch-black river passes, planets that emit gleaming light are swallowed up one after another

Lu Yuan watched helplessly as the vast and bright starry sky in front of him quickly went out one by one like a "power outage" and quickly fell into deathly silence.

The breath of death and decay permeated the entire starry sky. Wherever the dark river passed, all vitality was harvested, and all creatures returned to the embrace of Hades.

 I don’t know how long it took, but everything was over.

Far away, we were surrounded by desolation and silence, and our whole body was immersed in an indescribable shock.

The woman with long hair and black skirt turned her head and looked at him quietly.

Lu Yuan seemed to read a meaning from those black eyes -

 “This is the real river of Hades.”


Lu Yuan woke up from his sleep, opened his eyes, and saw the shock that had not completely dissipated.

 He was still in the shuttle cabin and did not see Lan Chen.

Looking out the window, the shuttle seemed to be landing slowly, and there were faint shadows of forests and land below.

Lu Yuan withdrew his gaze, sat on the chair and frowned, deep in thought.

 What does the crow dream you just experienced mean?

 Why did the woman in the black dress show him the scene of the Styx sweeping through the starry sky after he mentioned the Nightmare Girl?

Do you want to tell him that she is very strong and the problem of the Nightmare Girl is nothing to worry about, so that he can continue to hug her thigh with confidence?


This is the only way to explain it?

Lu Yuan's mind was in a mess and he couldn't figure it out for a while.

At this moment, the door to the front cabin opened automatically, and Lan Chen walked out quickly.

 “Get ready, we’ll be there soon.”

Lan Chen greeted him.

Lu Yuan hummed and stood up from his seat.

He looked at the time and saw that the shuttle had been flying for nearly twelve hours, and they were now over a small state in the southern part of the Far Star Federation.

 Further ahead is a dense primeval forest, and the entrance to Ember Mountain is hidden within that primeval forest.

“The entrance to the Ember Mountain secret realm was discovered within the territory of the Far Star Federation. They have a natural advantage, and this advantage extends all the way into the secret realm.”

Lan Chen stood next to Lu Yuan, following him and looking down below, and said.

Lu Yuan put aside the matter of the crow's dream, thought for a while and asked Lan Chen: "What is the specific form of joint exploration?"

Lan Chen twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "It's said to be a joint exploration, but in fact it's not all about separate things.

This joint exploration operation has established a contribution ranking list. In name, the final harvest will be reasonably distributed based on the ranking data.

 But in fact, I just thought that if someone else is lucky enough to get something good, I can forcefully get a share of the pie under the banner of reasonable distribution.”

Lan Chen turned to look at Lu Yuan, and solemnly told him: "Anyway, remember, when you enter the secret realm, there will be no one except us, Huang Xiong.

 The other members of the exploration team cannot be considered partners.

If they really come across something good, they will rob it more fiercely than anyone else, and it is not uncommon for them to kill them secretly."

Lu Yuan’s eyes flashed for a moment, he nodded and said no more.

 After the shuttle entered the airspace of the primeval forest, it flew for half an hour.

He didn’t know how far he had gone deep into the forest. Lu Yuan was wondering how the person who discovered the entrance found it, when the scene of the secret entrance finally appeared in front of him.

 A huge light curtain that is almost a thousand meters high.

There is a mysterious and strange light flowing in it, showing the shape of a huge whirlpool. At a glance, it gives people a sense of déjà vu as it is the entrance to an unknown realm.

Under this light curtain, there are a large number of modern mechanical equipment, shuttles, mechas, and armed forces.

 There are people coming and going, and all kinds of aircraft are flying around.

 Lu Yuan even saw a dark gray super-giant mecha that was hundreds of meters tall and looked like a beast, standing quietly in the open space in front of the light curtain.

"what is that?"

Lu Yuan blurted out subconsciously.

Lan Chen replied: "The Ice God mecha of the Far Star Federation is one of the few god-level mechas in the world.

Just such a mecha is enough to easily destroy ten very large cities in an hour."

Lu Yuan looked steadily at the dark gray mecha like a steel behemoth underneath, thinking in his mind: If he were in his ultimate form and at full power, could he beat this thing?

 (End of this chapter)

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