Fire Fist of the Rebirth Pirate Comes to the World

Rebirth of a Pirate - Fire Fist Descending Chapter 125

"Yes, all for justice!" With a slight sigh of grief, Fire Mountain condensed a military salute.

A trapped beast was especially terrifying.

This was a feeling that the Black Inferno Bandits gave to all the navies nowadays, as they constantly closed in on the fallen captain, surrounding him in the center one by one, and then backstabbing the navies as if they were fighting for their lives.

"Hahahaha you guys are shooting yourselves in the foot!"

At this moment, Aneeru seems to be a selection of people to devour the barbaric beast, all over the thunder flashing, the four drums on the back has been all beaten, violent lightning power from the sky was guided to the ground, and then from the ground to its body, now Aneeru, is simply a human meat grinder, even the original dominant yellow ape does not dare to oppose it directly.

Thor Mode, activate!

No one can guarantee that they will be able to defeat this ferocious lightning monster in front of them, and now that he has become the "God of Thunder", Aneeru is even more ferocious, as if he has gone mad, and his strength has increased by many times, and he can casually hit a red tree with a single finger, and even a Rear Admiral would be killed in a single shot!

It's true that soldiers are tough, but there's a tipping point, after all, soldiers are human, and being human makes you vulnerable.

"How can we beat these monsters?" The devastation came into view, and a navy who clearly couldn't stand the sight even dropped his gun on the spot and started howling with a headache.

"Yeah, yeah, even Admiral Sakaski lost, didn't he?" There was one and then there was another, and as the navy's mind wavered, people gradually began to agree.

"Let's just retreat this isn't running away, it's preserving the battle right?"

The remaining dozens of navies actually responded with a bang, pouncing out of the battlefield like wolves and tigers, but in the next moment, fierce golden light like a shining thunderbolt spanned a distance of more than ten meters and thundered in front of their eyelids, the wind pressure it brought up even made the lead deserter not dare to blink his eyes!

"Do you want to die?" Yellow Ape's calm, watery voice suddenly sounded!

"Ah, no, no, I you that" bean cold sweat dripped down from the forehead of the lead deserter for a moment, he looked at the golden lightsaber against his eyelids with a pale face, shivering all over, almost didn't even drop his pants in fright.

Ignoring the already frightened deserter, the yellow ape's hand fell, and the other man's head immediately flew out a dozen meters away.

"The righteous navy does not need soldiers who are not upright and determined. Do you want to die gloriously on the battlefield, so that your names will be remembered forever by your descendants, or do you want to just flee in your lairs and become a turtle who can't hold his head up for the rest of his life, think about it yourselves!"

The yellow ape said word for word, his tone filled with unquestionable ruthlessness, and the bad old man who was usually unobtrusive finally revealed his hideous fangs in front of the world.

"Great General Yellow Ape,"

"Yellow Ape Admiral!!!"

"Long live the Yellow Ape General!!!"

"Guys, fuck them up!"

Pistols, cannons, and blades Even with these weapons that were useless against natural abilities, the navy still rushed forward without turning back, those in front fell, those behind followed, and in the face of the unstoppable lightning, the navy chose the most terrifying approach: meat shield!

The morale of the navy is soaring, it begins a mad comeback!

"Let's see how long you can hold out for eight feet of Qiong Gouyu!"

At first with Ace's example, the yellow ape knew that there was only one way to face this siege cannon like battle condition, and that was to consume!

Took until Enylu ran out of steam, or until the Navy had no one else.

As it turned out, Yellow Ape he bet right.

Aene Lu's Thor Mode was closer to offense, facing the Yellow Ape's diffuse light bombs, Aene Lu in Thor State could only choose to break force with force, but the consequence was that countless shells coming from the ground exploded recklessly on his body.

Abandoning his flexible and versatile tactics in favor of using the geometrically multiplied strength-enhancing Thor Mode, Aeniru lost his greatest credential for dodging: elementalization.

"Ennilu, how are you?" Morgan, who was hiding behind Enylu, carried Ace on his back, and because of the previous blend of ghostly and domineering energy, there would be no more of that purple flame not doing what he was told.

"Fine," said Enylu, without turning back, exactly, now.

"Hey hey hey what was that?" Grace gave a shout, and everyone looked in the direction he was pointing, and in the next moment, everyone's hearts went cold.

There were five warships on the far side of the sea, and they were all pointing their guns in the direction of here! A few Lieutenant General-like people, killing the orders to the lieutenants around them.

"Damn it" now with wounds all over his body Ace looked around the situation and bit his lips in death, could it be that he was really going to die here?

"Ennilu! Hurry up and leave!" shrieked Cornelius, and from a distance, it was actually the warship's cannon pointed at Ennilu, who was transformed into Thor, his now huge body, almost like a living target.


Glancing lightly at the crowd behind him, Aneeru smiled a bitter smile, how do you expect me to leave?

"Boom, boom,"

Amidst the uninterrupted explosions, Ennilu, who had been thrown from mid-air, gradually recovered his body, but he looked really bad now, his foot bones seemed to be cracked, and fine droplets of blood were oozing out of his pores, and if it weren't for the fact that he was still breathing between his nose and breath, the people who saw him might have taken him for a dead body.

"Ennilu," everyone around him surrounded the other, and Cornelius was even more of a tearjerker.

"It really took us a lot of work,"

Yellow Ape!!!!

"Damn it!" Grace's eyes narrowed, a red laser was instantly projected onto the yellow ape, and the revolver in Yuna's hand kept firing towards the other side, but without surprise, none of them had a single effect, for no other reason than the fact that the yellow ape was light.

Perhaps because he didn't want to meet any more changes, the yellow ape didn't relax one bit, but the sickening killing intent was increasing.

"It's time for you to hit the road!" The golden light between his fingers, and the yellow ape's face flashed with relief that it was all over!

It's not that easy when it's over!

"I heard that." Ace, who had been seriously injured, suddenly opened his eyes and murmured.

"Ace, what are you saying?" Yuna, who was closer, heard Ace's voice and was worried.

"Through the sky-like shattering bar, Mirrored!"

With the last ounce of strength, Ace pulled out Kikuchi's text zemune and pointed it at the yellow ape, and a rippling mental attack went straight to the opponent's brain, and the yellow ape actually paused for an instant.

"Everyone, hurry up and jump into the sea!" Ace now yelled, grabbing the people around him and throwing them into the sea.

"Jump into the sea?" Everyone was confused, there were quite a few power users among them, if they jumped off like that, it would be like committing suicide!

"Hey" Doda and Brooke were horrified, they're power users! Instead, Grace and Yuna made a quick decision and hurriedly grabbed the people around them and jumped into the sea, and Cornelius carried Ennilu on his back and resolutely followed everyone else.

"Ace, you,"

"I hear it coming to get us!"

"Hear? Who?" Yuna was confused, she had been focusing her attention on her surroundings since the beginning, to say that if someone was coming she would have noticed it first.

"We, we have a companion, don't we?" Ace's eyes actually got a little moist, and he pulled Yuna in and started to scream loudly.

"There's another companion?"

And on the surface of the sea, seeing all the pirates jumping into the sea without any life, the generals on the warship were in a state of bliss, and the flying squirrel immediately ordered to aim at the nine men in the sea, all the shells ready, just missing the next order to fire.


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