Fire Fist of the Rebirth Pirate Comes to the World

Rebirth of a Pirate - Fire Fist Descending Chapter 146

"I don't want to discuss how Styx was lost with you, all you have to do now is tell me everything you know."

The loss of the Hades King could be big or small, depending on what kind of people it ended up in the hands of, ordinary people were fine, but if it was a pirate or someone with a heart, under the lure of this weapon that could threaten the stability of the world, few people could remain indifferent, once they were ruled by their own deepest desires, then all that would bring the world would be disaster!

"Ace, now is not the time to be a hero, I know much better than you what will happen when the Underworld falls into the hands of Don Quixote Dougherty, so leave the rest to me."

"No, we'll take care of our own pirate group's business." It's come to this, and Ace can't back down anymore, "I'll let you know when we get the stuff."

"You" the two stared at each other, but never saw one side defeated first, Dorag stared for a long while, and finally turned away with a light sigh, "In that case, you can see for yourself, but I'll do what I promised you." Saying that, Dorag said to the distant Cornelius, "You come with me, winged little girl, I have something here that suits you perfectly."

"Eh? Me?" Suddenly being called out, Cornelis asked softly in surprise, and Dorag nodded in response.

It wasn't just Cornelis who was startled, most of the people present were in a state of shock, Cornelis was arguably the weakest person in the entire group, completely unable to intervene in combat, and the healers scavenged from Moria's ship didn't help Cornelis much as an unofficial healer. For that, Cornelis had felt sorry for herself more than once, though, and no one on the entire ship had ever considered her a liability.

"Yes, but I want someone to go with her." That statement represented Ace's distrust of Dorag, picking Cornelius out of all these people, and who knew if he was using Cornelius as a bargaining chip to hold himself back? The candidate for this guard, of course, was none other than Ennilu. The two of them, Cornelius and Aenilu, nodded to Ace, who gave them an affirmative look, after all, it was Cornelius' good fortune to be taught by Dorag.

Sensing the trio's distance, Yuna's pretty face was slightly different, "That person, is he really trustworthy? After all, he's been acting so weird that I've always felt there was something wrong with him."

"Don't worry."

Ace, who was also wondering if Dorag had other agendas, patted the other's fragrant shoulder and replied persuasively, "He's just trying to warn me, telling me not to be too arrogant or be fooled by what I see with the naked eye. Although, this move he's making right now really boggles my mind forget it, let's talk about the escaped Lilith."

Ace clearly didn't want to continue this conversation, as he was worried that if he doubted it, it would hurt his relationship with Dorag, and why he thought that was only because the other man was Luffy's father.

"Well." Yuna still followed Ace's request, though there were still words left unsaid.

"That woman, very cunning, now that I think about it, she saved us in the first place because of the design drawings of the Underworld in my hands" At this point, Ace specifically observed Yuna's expression, and as expected, the other party was completely unsurprised by the item Ace was talking about, perhaps this clever woman had already guessed it a long time ago, but had never spoken up to break it.

"Based on how the other party has been acting, I'm guessing that she must have expected that we would find out at once that something had been stolen from her and then hunt her down, she can't escape, so"

"So, you think she's still on this island?" The look in Yuna's eyes was so clear that she thought it matched Ace's thoughts.

"Well, what makes her better than us is her familiarity with the terrain, Fishman's Island is her best hiding place, she wants to wait until we're hopelessly gone before she comes out, it's a little longer but it's undoubtedly the safest way to go."

"And where would she hide?"

"You remember she said that she judged our location based on the hairs left on our bodies, and that this was the way she could safely escape our search, but it would be too risky and have too many coincidences if we relied on that alone, so I think she must be hiding somewhere absolutely safe, and somewhere we wouldn't suspect or search. "

Absolutely safe places were not unavailable, or at least, places that had been confirmed as safe by the enemy would be incredibly safe. Especially for outsiders who came to a foreign land, they would subconsciously believe that any place they were unfamiliar with was possible, and instead, they would be a hundred percent confident in certain places where they had stayed safely.

"So, any place we've stayed is likely to be where she's hiding now!" Yuna's eyes lit up, emitting a strange color.

If the enemy was thinking backwards according to their own ideas, then just reverse it.

"Right." Ace nodded, now that they had safely stayed in three places other than the Golden Noah beneath them: the Fisherman's Café, the Sea Dragon Palace, and the Sea Forest Cemetery.

Chapter 26: The Fox's Trail Returns

"Damn, the trail's broken again!" In the meantime, Ace, who walked out of the Fisherman's Café, still had a tightly knitted brow, for no other reason than the fact that the owner's wife, Shari, had personally told them that there wasn't a beautiful silver-haired woman who had been here, so the Fisherman's Café could be ruled out, yet before that, they had also come to the Sea Dragon Palace and the Sea Forest and gotten the same answer.

There was no sign of the woman's visit in these three places, not at all. As for the Golden Noah beneath their feet, do you think there's anyone in the world who could safely hide under the noses of Dorag, Big Bear, and Ace?

And this at the same time all but highlighted the fact that the previous theories of both Ace and Yuna were completely overturned.

Breezing back to the ship, Ace collapsed heavily on the couch in the hall, scratching his head in irritation, and Yuna laughed at the sight of him, walking into the kitchen to get out a can of soda to wake the other up.

"What the hell went wrong?" Ace kept asking himself that question along the way, whether it was time or place, Ace took into account all the factors he knew at this stage, yet that was it, Lilith's whereabouts still hadn't been revealed in the slightest, how could that put his mind at ease.

"Still thinking about that." Yuna smiled a full smile, handing over a can of Coke in her hand and taking a seat on the couch across from Ace, "Don't worry, at least we're still in the driver's seat, she won't get away with it."

The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on the ball and get out of the way," he said.

"I know all this, but we don't have any clues at the moment, so this is like looking for a needle in a haystack." Ace just had a headache at the thought of Lilith's cunning and versatility, and he still hadn't understood how the other man had managed to break free of his Pale Inferno chains.

"Actually" Yuna pursed her cherry lips and looked at Ace with unmoving eyes, "I don't think we're wrong, or at least I would have done that if it was me-- 'Hide where the enemy thinks it's safe, that's where he'll suspect the least.' , and yet the places we've been to have no trace of each other at all, which really doesn't make sense."

"It's an illusion," Ace closed his eyes gently and murmured softly, "Putting an illusion on all the people who have seen her, so that no one has 'seen' her, but that's a bit reluctant, at least, Lilith's illusions are of little use to me, I didn't feel anything different at all along the way, there must be something else The reason's, we just didn't think of it."

"But where could she go? Morgan and the others are scouting around, and these days, because of the carnage in the Chambordy Islands, the road between the fishermen and the islands is completely blocked, and no one can escape."

Ace was silent, his head in the clouds himself, was it hard to tell if he really wanted to leave things to Dorag? But if he didn't, Hades would be taken away from Fishman Island by that woman, and thus fall into the hands of the world government, and then he would be in even more danger.

"What exactly is to be done?" With his mind in turmoil, Ace's brows were already knitted together.

"Oh, boss, you're so crafty, you drank my Coke while I wasn't there!" A thunderous blare suddenly sounded in both of their ears, and when Ace took a closer look, it was Hulk's big face that caught his eye.

"It's a weapon I use to store energy!" Looking at the half gone can of Coke in Ace's hand, Hulk bawled his eyes out, causing Ace and Yuna to both snicker, and the sadness of the party seemed to be swept away.

According to Hulk himself, he is not a powerhouse, but rather the heir to a superior martial art that allows him to turn the food he eats into mere energy, thus gaining physical abilities that surpass those of normal people, meat or soda can be used as energy, but the downside is the overwhelming demand for food, which is why he is not accepted by the major restaurants and has to wander around while practicing his culinary skills.

"Well? Why is that smell again, and on you, boss?" I saw the nose of the older brother in front of Ace sniff around for a while, and placed his gaze straight into Ace's left hand, "Boss, you're hiding something good, let me see it."

"You mean this?" In surprise, Ace showed his right hand, which was empty except for Coke, "Nothing, huh? You're mistaken."

"There's no mistaking it." Hulk looked certain, "I smelled this scent once, in the Dragon Palace, but you weren't next to me at that time boss, that's why I asked you what you had run into."

"You said you remember the smell?" A sudden flash of light went through Ace's mind and he remembered what Hulk had said about the smell.

"That's natural, as long as I've smelled it and never forgotten it, I'm a future eclipse god!" Hulk patted his chest proudly, but didn't notice the growing brightness in the eyes of Ace in front of him and Yuna on the other side, followed by a loud cry from Ace.

"I thought of that!"

"I thought of that too."

Two shouts simultaneously resounded in this wide hall, Ace raised a long smile and Yuna lightly revealed her white teeth, their thoughts coincided. Thinking of this, Ace looked at Hulk with a gloomy face and placed his right hand heavily on the other's shoulder under the other's fearful and inexplicable expression, "Hulk ah, the boss is in trouble, you won't not help, right?"

"When of course it's no problem." Hulk, who was already cold and sweaty from Ace, replied evenly, deeply afraid that his opponent's fist would land on his head in the next moment.

"Very well." Aeson smiled with joy and pointed his palm at Hulk with a flourish, "Remember the smell, then, and take us to her master."

"What do you take me for, boss?" After a moment of silence, the hall continued to echo with Hulk's exasperated voice for a long time.

"So that woman was actually hiding here, no wonder we never found her!"

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the newest addition to your collection, the newest addition to your collection, the newest addition to your collection.

The Tower of the Hard Shell, almost everyone has ignored this place from the beginning, for no other reason than that no one has been able to enter the steel fortress that has protected the White Star Princess for seven years, and after the death of Vander Deacon three days ago, the White Star Princess moved back to the chambers that King Neptune prepared for her the next day. , fled into the now empty walled fortress, now set up but still heavily guarded around the Hard Shell Tower, but she was perfectly capable of using illusions to confuse the guards so she could swing into the Hard Shell Tower and hide until the Aether Bandits left.

Unfortunately, Lilith hadn't counted on Ace having a brother who could record the scent, but what would have happened if Ace hadn't met the Hulk a week ago on the Chambordy Islands?

"There's no mistaking it, she's in there!" Withdrawing his nebula-like, white-blue ghost eyes, Ace grinned and walked slowly towards the door of the hard shell tower.

while at the same time

"Is that really true? Mr. Ace is now over at the Hard Shell Tower." By Ace's orders, Grace and Morgan, who had come to the Dragon Palace, informed their captain of the purpose of being at the Hard Shell Tower now, and before Neptune could react, the White Star Princess was so happy that she immediately mounted her beloved Megalo and ran towards the Hard Shell Tower. Neptune didn't even have time to stop her, he just watched his daughter go to the pirate, he was so angry that he threw a tantrum on his throne, and Grace and Morgan could only laugh bitterly below.

"Alas, the daughter is too old to stay." As if he had aged several decades, Neptune gradually collapsed on his throne, looking in the direction of the White Star Princess's departure, both pleased and worried.

"Please wait a little longer, Mr. Ace, this time I must tell you my heart" the White Star Princess who was riding on the Love Shark Megalo couldn't hide the joy between her eyebrows.

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