Fire Fist of the Rebirth Pirate Comes to the World

Rebirth of Pirates - Fire Fist Descending Chapter 195

As a person who had eaten the Natural Burnt Fruits, Ace had a deep-seated aversion to the cold and harsh environment, not to mention the restraint of the ice and snow on his abilities.

If it wasn't for the fact that this was a new world, Ace would have thought that he was in the first half of the "Winter Island".

"Whew, it's cold!" Yuna took Naz's hands, exhaling a light breath of heat and rubbing them tenderly in her palms, but she realized that she had underestimated the top of the animalistic ability of the dragon fruit, currently with the powerful properties of Naz's body, a pair of small hands just as warm than any of them.

In comparison to the rest of the group, not to mention the physically weaker Cornelius, even Brooke sneezed, causing laughter around her, and Hulk laughed even more, can a skeleton catch a cold?

"It's so cold here, if you're not careful, don't say you'll catch a cold, even if you get frozen."

Ace nodded and asked Doda to take out a few thick cotton clothes from the storage room for everyone to put on in turn. "Everyone be careful, don't go too far away from your neighbors later, it's hard to find them if you get lost in such a heavy snowstorm."

Hall, Lilith suddenly raised her head with a feeling, only to see countless ice shavings overwhelmingly swirling with the storm, completely hiding the continuous dense clouds above, and there seemed to be obvious vortex-like clouds that were forming at an extremely swift pace.


Lilith had woken up in the blink of an eye and realized that the center of these vortex-like clouds was the so-called "eye of the wind"!

When the surrounding cold air around such a central location, in a positive counterclockwise direction, the bottom air will also rotate while moving towards the low-pressure air flow, the faster the air flow, the wind speed will naturally be higher, but when the eye of the wind to reach a certain limit of the peripheral air loss rate, the huge centrifugal force will make the outside air will be excluded to the storm outside the region, this result, will also create a vacuum like a windless environment.

Eventually, there is only one phenomenon, that is, under the eye of the storm, the central temperature will continue to plummet, and the unspeakable cold will freeze everything in the region, living and non-living, into solid ice!

This is the biggest weakness of the Black Fever Pirates - not a single professional weatherman on the entire ship!

So for a natural disaster like nature, Ace is either by sheer superior strength, or all by sheer luck!

This luck is just too good to be true!

"It's just a bunch of random idiots!"

Lilith didn't know whether to laugh or cry now, and looking at the speed at which the wind-eyed cold stream was forming, it seemed to be within arm's reach of them.

"Everyone, now hurry up and run as fast as you can to the base of the hill." Lilith shouted out, pointing to the rolling snowy mountains in the distance, "We need to get to the foot of the mountain right now and make a hole for all of us to hide in."

As soon as Lilith spoke, everyone froze.

Ace looked around at the strange looks coming from all around him, full of confusion. Saying such things out of the blue."

"No chance to explain now!" Lilith herself wasn't a professional weather forecaster, but she had been drifting the seas on great voyages for years, and had done some unsavory deals, so naturally most of them weren't going the normal way. In this regard, she was somewhat experienced in sailing, and thus through a hint of the sea, combined with some meteorological knowledge, she judged the current situation.

"If we continue to stay here, we'll all die!" Lilith didn't have the leisure to explain them all, and shouted out a near threat.

"What are you mad at again?" Yuna frowned slightly, although Lilith's style had always been baffling, there were still signs, she didn't seem like the kind of person who would do nothing, so she secretly stayed on her toes.

"I'm just asking you, do you believe me?" Lilith was only looking at Ace, or rather, she was just asking for Ace's opinion to begin with.

"Ah, of course." Ace nodded with a smile, though he didn't understand why the other woman was asking.

Lilith renewed her smile and smiled easily, no longer hesitating, and took Ace by the hand and ran like a madman, leaving a sudden silence on the floor for those who hadn't slowed down in half a day.

"I said, what's going on?" Enylu frowned and said something, and everyone shook their heads, expressing their confusion at this.

Yuna looked slightly glazed over, made a quick decision, greeted her companions behind her, picked up Naz and immediately rushed towards the snowy mountain in the distance, "Although I don't know what that woman really wants to do, but right now there's no better way, right? Everyone, keep up!"

Everyone, including Aneeru, thus plunged headlong into the sprint with a dazed thought, but before they had run far enough, the piercing chill from their faces had vanished.

The wind, stopped.

Just when they still couldn't figure out what was going on, a crackling sound sucked all their attention away, and everyone heard distinctly that the sound was coming from behind them, and naturally there was only one thing behind them, the Golden Noah, but at this point, the rather large pirate ship had turned into a stiff piece of ship-like ice.

"Momma!" Brooke shrieked, her feet had turned into a shadow, and she was rushing forward lifelessly, and for a moment everyone was resigned to the fact that they were each doing everything they could to grow another pair of legs.

"It's just ahead, make a hole in the foot of the mountain." The snowy mountain was already in sight, Lilith immediately shouted, Ace took a deep breath, the firelight of his right fist skyrocketed, the incandescent pillar of fire had dissolved the foot of the mountain into a deep cave.

"Get in!" Before Ace could speak, Lilith had thrown him into the hole, her eyes flashing harshly, her four fox tails flicking hard behind her, the entrance to the hole buried under a heavy blanket of snow.

"Holy shit, this is going to force us to die!" Seeing that the hole had been covered up, Hulk immediately cursed, the others didn't make a sound, not that they didn't want to curse, but they couldn't bear to put that already short time on something so useless, the Gold Noah had been frozen, and according to the speed of the cold air flow, I'm afraid their time was only just two to three seconds.

That was too short!

The tallest Hulk seems to have been able to feel the hair on the top of his head begin to freeze, and then immediately it will be the turn of the ears, eyes, mouth and nose

"Spell it out!" Aneeru's eyes flashed with determination, his body suddenly flashed with dazzling lightning and rushed forward with an unstoppable momentum, only this time the lightning was a bit strange, it pushed everyone in front of him along with it, and the crowd howled in pain at the same time, but where did Aneeru care, regardless of whether the others could withstand the lightning's shock and speed, instantly melting away the cave that had been buried a second ago. With everyone in tow, they plunged in, and with a loud rumbling sound, the hole was once again hoarded with snow.

The entire island had suddenly become a veritable "Iceland".

Chapter 10: Forcibly Kissed

Just for a brief moment.

The winds danced wildly and the snow flew clear across the sky!

The depressing scene of dark clouds overhead similarly disappeared without a trace, a windless and silent environment, strangely and naturally descending on any corner of the island.

Everything was because of the "eye of the wind" right above the island.

The cold, exhaustion and sudden sleepiness destroyed his not quite awake even, endless dusk, occupying all his perceptions, the only thing he could feel at this time was the warmth at his hand, he struggled to look back, but he only saw a pair of scarlet pupils as clear as crystal.

"Ha, ha, ha-!"

The silver-haired woman who was sleeping beside him rubbed her eyes and sat up with a sleepy look on her face.

It was Lilith who reminded herself to make a cave at the foot of the snowy mountain to settle down.

He slowly looked to his side, not only Lilith who was looking at him with a seeming smile, but also Yuna and Aneeru who had all escaped into the cave at the last moment, escaping the tragedy of being nearly frozen. At the thought, he looked around at each of the people lying around, but fortunately, they were all just unconscious and unharmed, which made Ace go up to wake them up one by one.

After waking up, Yuna, who was clearly still a little unconscious in her head, mumbled in a confused voice, "Ace where are we now?"

After waking up with a cold sweat still on his forehead, Ace, with the help of a small fire lit by his fingertips, was finally able to see every corner of the cave, watching his companions gradually wake up one by one, Ace also adjusted his rapid breathing, calmed down and slowly said, "It's fine, it's fine, it's just that it seems like we were almost frozen into ice sculptures. "

Yuna, who was sleepy-eyed, snapped awake at the news, and then saw the small, tender hand lying still in the palm of her right hand, before she finally let go of it.

"Ah, I remember now, it's you guy!" Morgan woke up and, with the superior system of the fisherman, was one step ahead to adapt to his current surroundings, but the next moment he remembered what had happened before he passed out.

"If there's such a terrible blizzard, why didn't you tell us earlier, it's fine if you finally do, but why did you seal the hole that the captain created, are you trying to get us killed?"

In response to Morgan's questioning, the others looked very bad, Lilith's last act was undoubtedly to shut them all out of the cave, if it wasn't for Ennilu's desperate attempt at a critical moment, they wouldn't have just been electrocuted, there might have been a few ice sculptures outside the cave by now.

"I was just trying to look out for the greater good, if I hadn't sealed the hole, we'd all be freezing to death right now, so you should be thanking me!" Not only did Lilith not have an apologetic look on her face, but she laughed even more derisively, "In the end, we're all fine in the end anyway, aren't we, and men who are too calculating are not pleasant, oh."

"According to you, we still have to thank you?"

Ennilu seemed to be laughing at the woman, if it wasn't for her, Ennilu wouldn't have had to turn half-elemental at the end and push everyone together into the snow cave in a full blown electrical blast, even though he had possibly lowered the voltage, the companions Ennilu touched were still cramped up with electricity, and to top it off, Cornelius was injured as a result! And it's because of him, Aneeru!

It was not meant to be, but it was true that Cornelius had been wounded by Ennilu's own hand, and with that, he would never forgive Lilith!

"You want to fight me?" Feeling the other party's undisguised high killing intent, Lilith fell indifferent and waved her hand, "What a scary man, immediately after being rescued, he turned his back on me, compared to my captain's brother, he is indeed much worse."

That said, Lilith didn't let down her guard against Aneeru, and some chilly phosphorescent purple flames curled up, making it even more evil in the tiny cavern.

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