Fire Phoenix

Chapter 48 A Boy was Born

Yun Canglan had the power to bring Shui Minghan from heaven down to the depths of hell with just a word or look. He was unable to breathe when he saw the cold indifference in her eyes as she looked at him, and all he could do was to feel the pain growing in his heart.

She used to ask to see his feather mark all the time, but she didn't care about it now. She had told him the feather mark hadn't bloomed because he didn't trust her completely, yet here it was in full bloom and she treated him with an icy demeanor.

Yun Canglan was glad when she saw the feather mark had bloomed, but only because it meant she was one step closer to going home. Shui Minghan had betrayed her, so the relationship would not be salvaged as far as she was concerned. Add to that, when he left her for a year, he was with another woman. Whether he had relations with the woman before or after he left was unknown.

"What are your feelings for me now?" Shui Minghan wouldn't believe that she had no feelings for him, and had moved on.

Yun Canglan looked directly through him as she told him, "I haven't had feelings for you since the day you betrayed me."

The moonlight shone sporadically through the thick clouds overhead, and lightened the dark, desolating the atmosphere.

As Shui Minghan turned to go, the realization hit him, and he decided he would win her back.

At the crack of dawn in the following morning, Yun Qin and Yun Qi burst into the bedroom shouting for Yun Canglan to wake.

"The baby was born! Mistress, get up! She gave birth to a baby boy!"

Today when she could finally sleep in late, they were so loud. Yun Canglan rolled over sleepily. "Stop yelling, and let me sleep some more. I'm exhausted." She mumbled half asleep.

Yun Qi yanked her quilt away, shouting, "You must get up, Mistress! We are leaving the Feng's House today. Tan Yueyue had a baby."

Yun Canglan abruptly sat up and screeched, "Fuck you! I said I wanted to sleep! I don't care about Tan Yueyue at all!" Her face was sleepy and sexy, but the words that fell out of her red lips were explicit and sharp.


Mistress of the Feng's House."

Feng Gui was embarrassed but remained silent. He felt stuck in the middle between his beloved wife and parents, and he didn't know what to do, so only said sorry to Yun'er over and over in his mind.

Yun Canglan was not angered at all, and her smile grew wider.

"Thank you for your guidance!" She answered rolling her eyes when nobody noticed.

Yun Canglan stepped in front of Feng Gui and in a gentle voice told him, "Congratulations, darling, you finally have a son."

Her words shocked everyone within the hall. There was a surprise on Feng Tian and Chu Qing's faces, while Feng Gui panicked rushing to explain, "Yun'er, this is not true, Yun'er..."

Feng Gui was about to explain to her, but Chu Qing stood up and shouted: "You are talking nonsense. Feng Gui only has one wife, and that's you."

Yun Canglan kept smiling, even though she hated Chu Qing's reaction. If it weren't for the fact that Feng Gui had once saved her, she would surely kill them all.

Chu Qing continued her criticism, "What do you mean, Feng Yun'er? Did you listen to the gossip of servants? You should care for your husband, and treat him as a god. Feng Gui saved your life. Remember, you should be grateful..."

Chu Qing's eyes widened suddenly, as she saw Tan Yueyue walking outside. Feng Tian and Feng Gui also saw that Tan Yueyue had strolled carrying a baby in her arms.

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