Fire Phoenix

Chapter 87 Reunion of the Nine Prominent Figures

The day was sunny, but the torrid summer was cooling down. The sound of frogs and cicadas were everywhere. People hurried along joyful expressions in Can City.

Willows were on both sides of Fog Lake, looking like a green ocean. Mist covered the lake, giving the appearance of a fairyland.

In the middle of Fog Lake, tall, stately tower rose like a beauty standing in the middle of the lake, beckoning people. It was the Fengyun Restaurant, a place people yearned for in Can City. The mysterious reputation of the Fengyun Restaurant was nothing next to question of how it rose above the water like it did.

At the edge of the lake, a white sheet of lotus flowers sent the delicate fragrance mixing into the mist, filling hearts with happiness and refreshing the mind.

Early in the morning, Fog Lake was crowded with people. Powerful people had somehow rented small boats, stopping near the Fengyun Restaurant. Ordinary people who came early stood along the shores and craning their necks to watch the Fengyun Restaurant. Ordinary citizens who came late climbed up on the roofs of nearby houses or trees. By noon, even the branches of willows around the lake were full of people.

The sun was overhead heating the earth intensely. Sweat dribbled down people's faces, but more and more people came to Fog Lake.

The reunion of the Nine Prominent Figures attracted the attention of people from the world over, all wanting to catch a glimpse of them. Adding mystery to the event was the rumor that Mister Night Phoenix, the top of the Nine Prominent Figures would be present at the reunion. People from the seven kingdoms across the two continents wanted to see Mister Night Phoenix.

Mister Night Phoenix's attendance alone had increased the popularity of the reunion. Scholars, calligraphers and painters of the seven kingdoms had traveled great distances to witness this grand occasion.

It was near noon and spectators were in danger of becoming giraffes, and a small boat came in view headed to the Fengyun Restaurant. It was a plain boat, and the boatman was old, but as soon as the boat crossed the isolation line, the crowd burst into an uproar.

Only the Nine Prominent Figures were allowed to cross the isolation line.

People stretched and twisted their necks as long as possible trying to see who had arrived.

However, when the man stepped out of the cabin, people were a little disappointed. It was only Mister Feng Gui.

Although Mister Feng Gui was one of the Nine Prominent Figures, he lived in Can City. People were already familiar with him.

Feng Gui arrived early because he believed since the reunion of the Nine Prominent Figures was being held in Can City this year, and he was a half owner of the restaurant, he should be on hand to receive guests.

Mister Feng Gui wore a robe of green and a bland smile gracing his handsome face, but his eyes remained empty. Even though people knew him, admiring ladies started screaming.

When the boat stopped, Mister Feng Gui stepped out onto the stone board of the restaurant, and was about to enter the restaurant when a sound of amazement cam

his manner, but Mister Jue Sha didn't care about it at all.

Mister Yao Xi ranked second among the Nine Prominent Figures. He thought he should lead the way, but Mister Liu Huo didn't care about his feelings. Mister Yao Xi held his anger in check, after all, Mister Liu Huo had a strong force.

Four gentlemen came in together, shocking numerous ladies on the shore. Many ladies fainted, and were sent to the hospital. The hospitals were extremely busy today. Medicines for curing heatstroke and nose bleeds were out of stock.

Before people calmed down, a deafening screaming came from the other side of Fog Lake, sounding scary. A boat glided slowly. Unlike the previous boats, the body of the boat was painted golden yellow, sending out a dazzling light in the sun. The light was so sharp that onlookers couldn't help close their eyes.

A man in lavish clothes stood on the deck, with an oar in his hand, which looked very weird. There were two beautiful ladies standing behind him and their black hair rippled in the breeze, making the men on the shoreline drool.

Though the men didn't walk out of the cabin, everyone knew that the man in the cabin was sure to be Mister Zi Zhu. No one else would use golden powers to paint the boat and precious gemstones to decorate it except Mister Zi Zhu.

When the boat drew alongside the restaurant, Mister Zi Zhu exited the cabin slowly. He had a baby face and wore a golden robe, and arrogant smile, which looked very strange. He looked around for a while snorting, and walked towards the Fengyun Restaurant.

The onlookers were not angry with his arrogant attitude at all. After all, they were not as rich as Mister Zi Zhu. He could bury anyone with his money.

People were all jealous of his wealth.

Mister Zi Zhu was about to go in, but saw the surface of Fog Lake became red. He raised his head and looked to the shore. The onlookers were fewer, so the shore was not as crowded. People stopped screaming. No! People stopped breathing!

Mister Zi Zhu began to scan the surface of Fog Lake as he might be on to something.

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