First Law

Chapter 218: beggar

Philips nodded seriously, "Yes, magic crystals are the common currency in the Alchemy Continent. They only believe in the charm of magic crystals themselves, and they are all magic crystal fans. As for pennies, they basically don't recognize it."

Karen smiled. He was not so surprised by the magic crystal coin. The currency itself is a manifestation of power. Pennies are issued by the world-wide organization, the epic power Penny Bank, and are used throughout the world.

The reason why it is defined as a common currency is that it is guaranteed by the epic title. For example, low-level continents such as the Aegean Continent basically rely on pennies to exist, so that the trade exchanges of a continent can basically be maintained.

Of course, if one side is strong enough to refute the influence of an epic organization with its own capital, then it can issue currency itself.

It is generally called a niche currency in the world.

What surprised Karen was the courage of the Alchemy Continent. It was able to completely adopt its own independent currency, and it operated very well. Even the East India Continent used pennies. Obviously, the overall strength of the Alchemy Continent was much higher than that of the East India Continent. The mainland, as for the Aegean mainland, is even more advanced by many grades.

"I have kept the magic crystal coin, please contact me first, I know it will be difficult, but I have figured out a way." Karen wanted to talk more about the Alchemy Continent, but there were already two people waiting at the door , Judging from the back, it should be Louis and Vuitton, and said: "Philips, don't be too rigid in doing things. A continent cannot be so perfect. If you want to find a loophole, you can always find it. If not, I will ask Louis to help you. .”

"Don't!" Philip quickly rejected Karen's idea, he was afraid of these bosses in the wasteland, as long as he went to the golden port, he would never return empty-handed.

He naturally understood what Karen was referring to. No continent could do without living beings. As long as there are living beings, there are interests. As long as you make a fuss about interests, you can find the dark side of the power itself.

Philips had a deep understanding of Louis' ability. This person has no moral bottom line at all. As long as he has enough interests, he can betray him anytime and anywhere.

Karen is not confident that he can use this kind of person, maybe he accidentally sold his golden port.

"Boss, I'll go back and prepare, and I'll give you news tonight. However, it's best not to have too much hope. After all, what you want is a precious talent in the Alchemy Continent."

Karen told him not to be in a hurry, good things can't be done in three or two days, and when he delivered it to the door, he saw Louis bowing and saluting.

As for Vuitton next to him, he was curled up, his clothes were tattered and full of stains, blood scars could be vaguely seen from the broken hole, obviously he was seriously injured in the wasteland unification war,

The once beautiful golden mane was now stained with gray, whether it was weeds or dust, like the spikes of a thorn tree, but it was spherical.

Rhine's body is generally very fat, especially Vuitton, who is tall, but now he looks thin, like a beggar in a snowy night, which suddenly makes people feel a little pity.

What's more important is that the opponent's two cuffs are empty, obviously the two most proud arms are gone.

Karen has seen it in the video, and the appearance of Iris directly cleans Vuitton's two arms.

"Come in." Karen said in a low voice, and went straight back to the room.

Louis walked quickly, and followed in a few steps over the steps, but Wei Deng was very slow, walking with a rattling sound, which was the sound of iron chains on his feet rubbing against the floor.

"Let him solve it." Karen ordered without looking at it.

"Boss..." Louis glanced at Karen and wanted to talk about the danger of Weedon. After all, Karen drove him out of the wilderness, but he didn't speak, so he took out the key and opened the iron chain on Weedon's feet.

"Louis, you wait at the door first, I have a few words to say to Vuitton." Karen poured a glass of hot water, hesitated for a while and poured another glass, saw Louis walked out, turned around and took the other A cup of hot water was handed to Vuitton, "Take a sip?"

Wei Deng raised his head and stared, his pupils seemed to burst into flames, and his head suddenly pushed forward, hitting the cup directly.


The cup flew straight out, hit the wall and turned into crumbs, the hot water was scattered all over the floor, and the heat was steaming.

"What's the matter!" Louis hurriedly opened the door and rushed in, looking at the steaming floor not far away, he casually slapped the door on Weedon's face.

Vuitton stood upright, letting Louis' slap land on his cheek.


The voice was crisp, and the dark cheeks immediately turned red, but the whole person still didn't respond at all, letting the disheveled hair cover his cheeks.

Karen couldn't help laughing, war is indeed a tormenting thing, he just turned a good orc genius into this beggar, "Louis, it's okay, he won't do anything to me, it's okay, don't be casual Come in." Try to be as gentle as possible.

But Louis sensed Karen's impatience. He knew he was a little reckless this time. After all, Karen never liked to be interrupted when she was talking.

"Yes, boss, I'm waiting outside." He said more carefully, emphasizing the word 'waiting'.

The room was quiet again. Karen turned around and took out a cup from the drawer. After hesitating for a moment, she took out the tin box containing oriental leaves, took out two leaves and put them in the cup before pouring boiling water Immediately, a refreshing fragrance spread in the room.

"Oriental leaves, you must have heard that those oriental creatures come here only once every five or six years." Karen put the tea in front of Weedon, sat on the bed again, covered the cup and picked up a book, and read Then he drank hot water, as if he had forgotten Wei Deng.

The room was quiet again, only the occasional sound of drinking water and flipping books could be heard.

The heat of the tea leaves was slowly transpiring, and the eyes hidden in the disheveled hair unconsciously burst into tears. This clear fragrance was the most painful sneer in Vuitton's eyes.

He was caught, bound by a chain by those wasteland kobolds, and frozen out like a wild dog.

Just three days ago, he was still singing loudly with the wonderful girl in the noble's palace, but now he is completely a beggar.

The stiff neck finally loosened a bit, raised his head slightly, and looked at the room through the gap in his hair.

The most conspicuous thing is Zhang Aiqin’s mainland map, which is hung on the east wall. There is a deck chair under the map. Next to the deck chair is a bookshelf stacked thickly. On the other side of the bookshelf is a tea rack with some simple boiled Tools for tea.

As for the other corner, there is a neat bookshelf. In front of the bookshelf is a desk with a magic desk lamp, quill pen and duck blood ink. These are normal office supplies.

There are a few pots of flowers piled up in the corner, not many flowers, mostly green leaves, a bit green, but also a bit chic.

As for the largest area is the soft bed that Karen is lying on now, the mattress is almost half the height of a person, with lace sheets and a cup like a bauhinia flower. At first glance, it looks like a little girl's room. Of course, this is Maria. Arranged, she will occasionally be here with Karen.

On the whole, the room is very simple, without any particularly luxurious tools or weird decorations. Compared with his palace, it is hundreds of grades worse. If he hadn't seen Karen with his own eyes, he would only feel that this It's the guard's room.

"You live here?" His voice was hoarse, as if a fishbone had been stuffed in his throat.

"The Golden Lion Fortress is basically here. There are office towers in Gold Shining Town, all the special rooms in the Black Sea Club, and the Golden Harbor is more luxurious." Karen didn't put down the book, but simply said something.

Vuitton couldn't help laughing, with a bit of self-mockery, "Why do you want to see me, aren't you happy to see me in despair now?"

Karen put down the book, stared at the other party carefully, and suddenly asked, "Are you happy to see me now?"

Wei Deng was taken aback for a moment, but the anger accumulated in his heart was suppressed by this questioning, and he coughed violently a few times.

"Are you blaming me?" A strange smile appeared on Karen's stiff face, "I'm sorry, sending Louis over is the easiest way, I don't like trouble, as long as it saves time and effort I will adopt it, as you can see, his performance is very good, not only let you find but also attract Qatar.”

Vuitton's heart ached, and Karen's every word was like a steel needle stuck in his heart. As Karen said, without Louis, he would not have lost so completely.

More importantly, it lost the trust of Qatar, and even destroyed its two most powerful rotten hands.

He wanted to resist, as long as he stood up and swooped down, and strangled Karen's neck, he could send this rival to purgatory and let him try the pain he suffered.

However, he didn't take any action. He didn't have the capital to resist. The anger in his heart kept swelling, but he couldn't turn it into motivation.


He let out a long breath, and the faint will to resist disappeared along with it, "What do you want, kill me?"

Karen shook his head: "Do you think I will kill you if I waste my time seeing you, then my time is too worthless." He didn't want to ridicule such a former opponent, "Whedon, I want to know Qatar, you should have had the longest contact with him in this wasteland, except in Kabul."

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