First Law

Chapter 227: time to act

Wars are always full of unpredictability. When everyone thought that the orcs would end the wasteland in just one day, it has been three full days now, except for some small fluctuations in previously stable areas. Outside of expansion, there is basically no substantive offense.

On the wasteland, the air support formation composed of 300 giant albatrosses has completely become the protagonist, bombing a specific area every hour.

In this way, the number advantage of the orcs is useless, and they even have to beware of all kinds of weird weapons in the wasteland.

But what is even more strange is that when the human race wanted to take advantage of the turmoil in the wasteland to attack the orc race, they found that they could still get powerful units such as the poisonous cloud porpoise and cloud porpoise fighters, and even the giant monsters that belonged exclusively to Shining Gold Town. Pig, let the people suspect that the orcs didn't start the war at all.

Even Patton, the commander of the human race, did not believe that the orcs would be so tenacious and capable of financially supporting a bilateral war.

For three days, Karen didn't meet anyone. All he did was wait for all kinds of information on the wasteland, and occasionally talk to Merlin beside him. Apart from the daily necessary meditation, this archmage basically While enjoying all kinds of delicacies in Gold Shining Town, as for the advice to Karen, according to his own words, "Hongfaer is very good, he can't change other people's teaching methods at will."

Although this reason sounds reasonable, in Karen's eyes, it is a complete miser's excuse.

But at least under the leadership of Merlin, Karen was able to calm down and meditate, and could continuously deduce the structure of the evolution of the undead within a few hours.

Three days later, the rash advance of the Greedy Wolf Legion had a new impact on the orc war in the wilderness. This legion directly rushed into the city of Desa, forming a stable stronghold in the center of the wilderness, and then began They are constantly making contact with the orcs, hoping to open up the main artery of the wasteland from east to west.

At the same time, in order to avoid the bombardment of the giant albatross, the orcs' unique flying mount Wyvern was dispatched. This kind of sub-dragon with poisonous forks on both feet obviously overwhelmed the albatross. In the first collision, it was fifty The cost of the Albatross' fall ended.

Of course, this is a normal phenomenon. The albatross is a bomber type, and the wyvern is a pure air combat type. The collision between the two is naturally different.

In order to deal with the Wyverns, the shrewd lords valued a unique unit of the Black Sea, the long-billed gull.

A bird with a long, spiky beak and two knife-like claws. Although the opponent is still not an opponent of the Wyvern, if you add three Golden Winged Griffins, you can basically fight evenly. .

Soon, the wasteland fell into a battle for air supremacy, and whoever could occupy the air supremacy would be able to move forward on a large scale.

"Middle Mississippi counts in tugging!"

"The wasteland east is completely lost, and the three legions headed by Tanlang have connected with Desa City."

"The ice sheet is taking advantage of the fire, basically controlling the northern part of the wilderness."

"Scattered explosions began to occur in the Golden Harbor, which had a very bad impact on the various caravans."

Karen checked the information again, but still did not give Merlin the order to set off, even though Philips had repeatedly reported that the ships they needed were ready.

Merlin wanted to train Karen, so naturally he would not interfere too much in practice, but everything that happened this week was vivid in his memory, and he could see the young man's control over the wasteland.

Don't talk about ordinary people, as far as he is concerned, he thinks that the wasteland can't survive the orc invasion for three days. After all, even the human race is retreating in the face of the orc's edge. Relieved, some areas even began to counterattack the orcs.

This is very unreasonable.

But Merlin knows that the reason why a genius is a genius is that there are many unreasonable things. The more unreasonable Karen behaves, the more unique his vision is.

He didn't say much, just watched everything about Karen with his eyes.

The wasteland has entered a new war period, and it seems that new tactics will appear every week.

Magic Crystal Cannon Battle, Underground Tunnel Battle, Air Strike Battle, Bubble Battle, Storm Giant Tree Wind Blade Battle.

Campas, the priest of the God of War, rubbed his forehead. His current task is to oppress the wasteland, and strive to completely smooth the wasteland according to Karen's request.

When Karen asked him to launch a war on the wasteland, he also thought it was ridiculous, but now it has been half a month, and the orc army has exhausted eight parts of their strength, but they still haven't touched the Golden City.

Watching the orc army enter the city, Campas shook his head. It seems that it is more difficult to deal with this group of wasteland lords than humans. At least humans will fight head-to-head in important city-states, but these lords are completely different. Similarly, they do not have such a strong sense of protection for their own territory.

Often after the orcs occupy the territory, they will be suddenly attacked by other territories while stabilizing the territory.

In half a month, the population of the orcs lost on the wasteland has reached 50,000, which is equivalent to half a legion, and it is almost the number of deaths in a large human race.

But what made him feel ridiculous was that the deaths of these creatures were not worth it, and most of them fell suddenly when they were stabilizing their territories.

I am very dissatisfied with the current war, but there is nothing I can do. The 500,000 legion seems to be stuck in the quagmire and cannot be pulled out. If it wasn't for Karen who still promised military assistance to the orc legion, he would have let the orc get out of here. Break free from a child's play war.


Campas recalled the word again in his mind, and looked at the gate. The orderly came again, and what he brought must be the latest progress in the wilderness war.


Lao Gao, who frowns in Campas, is not surprised by the necromancers, but this information shows that in a territory in the northwest of the wilderness, three necromancers appeared on the first day, and the number of necromancers reached ten on the second day. Seven, and counting.

Necromancers are the best at using corpses, and Campas seems to smell a dangerous smell.

Sure enough, on the fourth day, necromancers frequently appeared in various territories of the wasteland, and those dead warriors would become opponents that must be wiped out in a blink of an eye.

As for why necromancers became popular so quickly, it was not because of Karen, but because a lord accidentally found a relic, and found a way to quickly command the corpse from the relic.


After a few simple rune processing, the tombstone can become a tombstone that can control the corpse. This is the secret of this group of territories to control the corpse.

Campas looked at the unremarkable tombstone in front of him, very puzzled.

The only difference is that there are three seven-pointed star-shaped runes on it. After he embedded a magic stone in the center of the three runes, a dozen corpses stood up not far away, and opened their claws to Nearby orc warriors attack.

crunch! crunch!

The corpse made a crisp sound every two steps. This clumsy attack mage made people laugh, but it was these things that provided the wasteland lords with a lot of means of attack.

Install a particle hedge cannon on the corpse, place an infectious agent in the corpse, and help explode the fruit on the corpse.

No one knows what the corpses will do to those lords. What makes Campas most incomprehensible is who invented such a weird method, even a creature without the slightest magic power, as long as it follows this method, it can achieve The point of controlling the corpse with ease.

At this moment, in the Golden Lion Fortress, Karen is also holding a newly processed tombstone, but he looks more delicately.

As a necromancer who already has a certain foundation, Karen can't understand a lot, but in the field of undead, he must be much more than ordinary people.

The seven-pointed star array has been the most stable magic array since ancient It can be seen in many magic fields, but this is the first time for these inverted seven-pointed star towns, especially the combination of the three , just forming a stable triangular formation. If these triangular formations are enlarged, it happens to be the most basic undead control formation.

This is the simplest, but Karen feels that even if he spends his whole life, he will never think of it, and he has never seen it in the notes of many necromancers. To be able to achieve such precision and simplification must be found in the realm of the undead. Very deep sedimentation.

Those who can reach this level, the creatures on the Aegean continent are guaranteed not to be able to, unless the bone demon.

Picking up the Coca-Cola next to him, he drank it in one gulp, "Master, you can finish your tea, let's set off now, Golden Harbor."

Merlin has stayed in the fixed position for half a month. The moment Karen spoke, he swiped his finger forward, and a gap appeared in the space like a piece of paper. "Is the Golden Port right?" After confirming, ten Colorful runes immediately appeared between the two fingers, clicking on the crack carefully, like a painter creating an immortal painting, when the last rune was embedded in the crack, he grabbed Karen.

call out!

Instantly disappeared into the crack.

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