First Law

Chapter 294: 1 friendship is enough

The flashing gold shop's brand name is not very outstanding on Monroe Street. At first glance, it is an ordinary shop, but now it has become the most eye-catching shop on the entire street.

Thirty thousand magic crystal coins for a watch is considered a luxury even in the Alchemy Continent, and the profits contained in it can be imagined.

Steward Sith stopped in his tracks, he was undoubtedly about to peel a piece of flesh from Karen's mouth now.

Kittens and puppies are still three points fierce, not to mention a treacherous businessman like Karen Heise, once Karen resists hysterically, he can't help but get a headache.

Cursing, getting out, the ending, he can completely think of it, the only way to avoid the embarrassing situation is to be able to come up with suitable things in exchange.

This is an unchanging rule in the business circle, as long as it can make each other profit, no one will object to the business.

What should he come up with?

They have them, West Sperin has them, and West Sperin has a wider sphere of influence than the Duke of Sith, if you want to surpass West Sperin, you have to come up with something that really hurts your heart .

Military cooperation?

Or are other continents smuggling this cake?

Or more royal business?

Every profit is outrageously large, but every one of them hurts the Sith butler very much.

As the steward of the Sith Mansion, he knew how much effort was put into winning these orders, and some even used the military's high-level relations and the personal honor of the Duke of Sith.

But now that West Sperin Mansion is taking the initiative, it is absolutely impossible to get the desired cooperation without something real. The use of force has become invalid after West Sperin's intervention.

"Excuse me, are you the steward of Sith House?"

While hesitating, a voice interrupted Sith steward's contemplation. He looked up at a normal Alchemy Continental student, and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong? Who are you?"

"I'm Paqi, a student from Alchemy Academy. I'm here to send you a message. Someone over there will let you in." Paqi raised her hand and pointed to the door of the glittering gold store, faintly hidden under the transparent curtain. A figure could be seen smiling at him.

The full name of Almighty Academy is Almighty Ten Thousand Alchemy Academy, a top alchemy university in mainland China.

Even though it was far away, the standard black gown made Sith in charge immediately be sure that it was Karen.

"Thank you!" The Sith manager smiled politely, and walked towards the door non-stop. With Karen's invitation, it will undoubtedly be easier to open the situation. It is also the most appropriate way for Karen to put forward conditions before he refute. Negotiation techniques, even he has already thought of the opening rhetoric.

The room in the Glittering Gold Chamber of Commerce is not big, there are two rooms inside and outside. The inside is the warehouse and Karen's office. The outside is decorated with traditional blue and white stripes. There are thirteen spaces on the wall, which are obviously for displaying goods, but because the magic watch is out of stock, the wall is empty at the moment.

Except for a few oil paintings pasted on the window, there is almost no shop appearance.

Standing in this business hall, the Sith manager was stunned for a moment, he didn't see anyone from Sisperin, only Karen was sitting on a chair drinking tea, the chair on the other side was empty, and there was also a A cup of tea, slowly steaming out, obviously just poured, it should be prepared for him.

"Mr. Karen, you know I'm coming?"

Karen smiled, and didn't make too many detours, "Hehe, Sith Mansion and Xisperin are very competitive. In the past two days, people from your mansion have been wandering around my door, and the housekeeper came here in person. Knowing that you are really a fool, you came here this time because you want to talk to me about the magic watch."

"You know?" The Sith steward was obviously taken aback, although the intention was already obvious, but he was still somewhat surprised, "Could it be that Sisperin has already?"

He wanted to say whether the other party had already obtained the cooperation, but he didn't finish.

Karen nodded, "You're right, they got it. I plan to open seven branches on the west coast of the Alchemy Continent, and then hand over all of them to West Sperin Mansion."

"This... this..." Sith steward stammered two words 'this', but he couldn't continue. If the other party had already got an agent, then it would be meaningless for him to come here. He was in a state of frustration. Suddenly, he thought of the most critical word in Karen's words.

west coast!

If it is divided by Monroe Harbor, then there is also the east coast, and the main sphere of influence of the Sith Mansion is mainly on the east coast.

Immediately said excitedly, "Mr. Karen, the east coast hasn't selected a partner yet, right?"

Karen chuckled, "That's right. After my investigation, I think there are a few that are more suitable, but after screening, I think Sith Mansion is the best partner."

"Us?" Sith's steward was a little bit stunned. Now he has a very thorough understanding of the profits of the magic watch, which is outrageous.

Many businessmen are staring at this cake eagerly, wanting to get a piece of it. To put it bluntly, as long as Karen's request is not too much, the cooperation can basically be finalized.

But now, it seems that Karen is begging them to cooperate, which makes his well-prepared rhetoric completely useless, just like bringing bullets and cannons up to fight and the opponent surrenders directly, I couldn't help laughing, "Kay Mr. Lun, what are you playing?"

"It's nothing, this is what I have considered comprehensively. The strength of your government is qualified to cooperate with me. If you rely on me alone, although you can expand the magic watch to the entire Alchemy Continent, it is estimated that it will take five years, ten years or even longer." time, and your government will also obstruct my expansion path, so why don't I seek cooperation from local forces."

Steward Sith shook his head, he still couldn't understand the person in front of him, this calmness made him a little bit overwhelmed, but one thing is clear, he got what he wanted most without any cost.

But I was a little unwilling, not giving something, really uncomfortable panic.

"Mr. Karen, we really didn't pay anything, and took advantage of this for nothing. You are being kept under wraps. If you want anything, just say it, or I will really doubt your intentions." The Sith steward put it bluntly.

Karen smiled. He could understand the feelings of the other party. A piece of pie fell from the sky for nothing. Everyone would think about it for a while, especially the magic watch is so popular. He can find anyone to cooperate. Although the Sith Mansion has some influence, But by no means top notch.

Of course, Karen has her own plans. The magic watch is just a good start to the magic of the wasteland. The real power of magic lies in magic machinery and alchemy equipment. Around the Aegean Continent, the most advanced in this regard is the Alchemy Continent.

In this year's development, Karen has suffered a lot. In order to get a small filtering technology of the Magic Forge, she begged her grandpa to sue her grandma. Can't even buy it.

At that time, he thought that no matter what, he had to open a door in the technical field of the Alchemy Continent. Although Sith and Sisperin were not the top forces, there was one thing about them that Karen liked the most.


Both factions started with arms smuggling, and then they have inserted their hands into various areas of the Alchemy Kingdom. In the whole year of last year, 60% of the things smuggled out of the Alchemy Continent were contracted by the two dukes' mansions. .

Enchantment is a continuous development process that requires long-term investment.

Right now, Flash Gold Town is just getting started. As it moves forward, there will be more and more technical difficulties and cutting-edge equipment. He must have friends in the Alchemy Continent, so it is best to give up some of the profits at this time. s Choice.

"Hehe, to be honest, I really didn't ask Mr., so how about a friendship? If one day I really encounter difficulties, your government will help me if you are willing. Of course, this is not a hard condition. It depends entirely on your government." It means." Karen smiled lightly, and now he also wants to learn from Qatar.

In exchange for some favors, I can't ask them now anyway. If I really ask for it by then, these big forces basically rarely refuse. Even if they refuse, they will probably give themselves some corresponding compensation.

Anyway, he saw that Qatar had obtained a lot of resources with this hand.

"Friendship?" The Sith manager smiled strangely. He had never seen such a free and easy master. He naturally knew Karen's little plan, but when he heard that it was not mandatory, he compared it with the chips he had prepared in his heart and found that it was suitable. many.

I have already accepted this statement in my but I still asked, "The West Sperin Mansion agrees."

Karen nodded without saying anything more.

"Okay, I like happy people, Karen, I can make up my mind without the duke's consent. If you encounter any difficulties in the future, I can help you deal with them as long as they don't go too far. I think you are also an honest person. From today onwards, this friend will be made."

It looked so cool, as if he was about to act out of righteousness and punish the evildoer. Only Karen knew that the other party was just showing that he was taking advantage.

If something happens, I don't know what to do.

However, who knows how much the advantage is?

The two of them chatted about the specific details of the cooperation in the hall again. With Monroe Harbor as the center point, Sisi Mansion will win the agency rights for all regions in the east, while Sisperin will be the general agent for the west coast.

They get the goods from Karen, each of which is 20% lower than the market price, but the price is determined by the Glittering Gold Chamber of Commerce, and the whole continent has a uniform price. At the same time, the jewelry box, packaging, certification, and store decoration have been negotiated, and must be guaranteed. Glitter gold magic watches all remain unified.

At the same time, although there are store employees, a store manager must be selected, and Karen's store will conduct special training.

After the Sith manager left, Alice came out of the cubicle, and asked cautiously, "Karen, is everything we need to talk about done?"

"Almost, send someone here to watch. We have to go back to the Aegean continent. Churchill sent me a message. There is a problem with the human race and the orc race."

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