First Law

Chapter 400: bamboo book

Karen's voice is undoubtedly very deceptive, but the elf queen knows exactly what she should do now.

Today's elves have reached the time of life and death, and the current situation is slowly committing suicide, especially now that the civilization invasion of Jinjin Town is getting more and more serious, and the idea of ​​​​keeping one's own place has changed.

This kind of civilization invasion makes all the elves breathless, but they must be forced to accept it.

Many people want to rely on their own ability to change their destiny, and blindly follow the previous method to develop, which is always a dead end.

The benefits of the material itself have been fully proved. If you want to obtain the material, you must pay, and there is risk in paying. It is almost impossible to get your own benefits without taking any risks at all.

The Elf Queen knew that she had to take risks, but she revealed the whole truth, and only exchanged for such a little bit. It was too disappointing, but what could she want.

She was not good at this kind of transaction at all. The long-term blockade made him completely lose the ability to entangle in interests. In front of Karen, a shrewd lord, he looked like a little kid with no hair.

"I can give you three conditions, as long as you propose, I will do my best to fulfill it." Karen said quickly,

In any case, he wanted to open the threshold of the ancient elves. The hesitation of the elf queen in front of him had proved that the other party had plans to make a deal, but she lacked heavy weight.

Karen is very aware of her abilities, if she possesses property, it is naturally inexhaustible, but these elves' backgrounds cannot be bought with money at all, and if they want to exchange such materials, they must be exchanged with equally precious things, which Karen does not have.

The history of Gold Shining Town is too short, and this kind of experience that needs to be accumulated through countless generations is exactly what this territory lacks, but this does not hinder his promise. His words have a shelf life like gold.

"Your Majesty, I know that such a request cannot be satisfied, but you can try my promise."

The queen sighed softly. The three conditions were really nothing, but there seemed to be nothing more valuable than this, especially since she couldn't put forward any valuable conditions at all. She glanced at Karen and saw that the other party's attitude was very He was kind, so he could only ask tentatively: "Can you give me the sky island?" Seemingly feeling that his request was too much, he hurriedly added: "This is a condition, as you said, I will do my best."

Karen smiled, that kind of smile for no reason, more like a smile after the conditions are met,

Standing up and walking out from the temple, half an hour later a transfer certificate of management of the sky island was placed on the Elf Queen's desk.

The Elf Queen couldn't believe it, it was a bit too casual, but she still took this certificate and let Minnie enter Kong Island.

The handover was extremely smooth. The alchemy field in the center of the sky island, the governing hall, and the various magic towers, including the most fundamental energy system of the sky island, except for the living beings, including the seven sky islands in the center of the sky island, were all handed over to Lu Yin The spirit of the island.

The method was clean and neat, which stunned the elders including Minnie, especially the parameters of the core reactor. Karen taught them without reservation, and at the same time issued orders. Anyone who is willing to follow the Elf Queen, It is completely possible to live on the green island.

As for the rest of the creatures, they will temporarily live in Sith II, and the space opened up will be used as a research institute. At the same time, Gold Town will do its best to build a floating research center exclusively for elves.

The elf queen was completely moved, and she couldn't find any reason to refuse. This man's behavior completely conquered her.

This time without hesitation, he led Karen to the center of the eternal tree.

A series of wooden doors opened wide, and Karen followed closely behind the elf queen.

This is a tunnel like a throat, it seems to be moving forward in the roots of plants, and a person is allowed to pass in front of it.

The tunnel is not bright, but there are doorways inside.

There are round bubbles on the tunnel, like some kind of parasitic fungi, all of these fungi cling tightly to the tunnel wall, and there is a trace of green energy ejected out every breath.

The complex fungus is the root of the Eternal Giant Tree. By continuously absorbing the surrounding magic power, it is transformed into the unique life energy of the Eternal Tree. Because of the existence of these densely packed fungi, the Eternal Tree can be distinguished from other species.

The more you go down, the more dense these fungi are, and the fungi species also begin to diversify. There are moonlight fungi emitting moonlight, disc-shaped reflective fungi, red mold like red spots, and some worm-like fungi. In the weird bacteria that are constantly wriggling.

These bacteria have different forms and different abilities. Some are responsible for producing energy, while some absorb the impurities produced in the tunnel, and some clean up the turbulent airflow in the tunnel.

It is impenetrable, but surprisingly clean, without a light source, but exceptionally bright, giving Karen the feeling that she has entered another completely self-sufficient world.

This is the first time I have come to the inside of the Eternal Tree, it is very strange and weird.

Karen's purpose is very clear, that is, he wants to find a way to break through from the ancient books of the elves. Obviously, these bacteria should be one of the ways.

This place is far from reaching the secret room. What did the strange bacteria and this long tunnel in front of him make him capture? He couldn't help but think about whether there are countless such weird fungi inside the giant castle in Qatar City. Maybe it's not a strain, it should be something special like a strain.

These bacteria have different forms, but they act according to their own principles in an extremely orderly manner. They overlap with each other to form a complete ecological chain. They inhabit this tunnel and form an independent circulation circle.

"How old is the Eternal Tree?" Karen asked in a low voice.

The elf queen shook her head, "I don't know. It existed when I took over the giant elf tree. It should be because of this eternal giant tree that we have elves. It may have been planted by the forest goddess."

Karen was a little disappointed, anything that was related to the gods was tantamount to having no origin.

But now he has affirmed that the Eternal Giant Tree should exist at the same level as Qatar City, and the tunnel in front of him completely proves his conjecture. These fungi seem to be like the skeletons of Qatar City.

Although Karen is not a master of fungi, at least he knows some of them. Among them, the crescent fungus and the scorching sun fungus do not exist on the same continent, especially since the two are still in a state of complete hostility and cannot live together at all.

But now it not only grows well here, but also forms a unique pattern, which can only be mutated in a long-term stable environment.

Obviously, many years ago, someone modified this giant tree, and at the same time transported completely different strains into the giant tree pipe. Combined with the recent move of the eternal giant tree to the green island, this should be an extremely huge creatures.

As for the lack of wisdom, it is very likely that some kind of special accident happened, or the loss of a special disaster. Although the Eternal Giant Tree is powerful, it is far from being the top in this world.

If you want to complete the leap from an ordinary creature to a huge creature, you must constantly improve the details.

After a few thoughts, Karen slipped out of the tunnel, one quickly sank, and fell on a thick patch of morning glory, and then one skillfully ejected, the whole person appeared in front of a wooden door.

Turning his head and looking, behind him was a sea of ​​pink trumpet flowers, full of various big trumpets, each with thick petals, obviously each petal has a special ejection track , and being able to eject here after falling down is obviously specially arranged by the Elf Queen.

The wooden door is very narrow, perhaps because it has been too long, the wooden door is covered with damp wood slag, it seems that the wooden door will shatter if pushed lightly.

The Elf Queen pushed open the wooden door, and what came into view were desks with scattered books.

There are copper, iron, gold, and pages woven with grass rings, and one of the rolls is particularly conspicuous when it is tied together with bamboo sticks.

The pages of the copper book are the most, and basically record the ancient magic that has been experienced. Karen is not interested in these spells. What he is interested in is the bamboo slips. Those are older, and they must contain older messages.

"These are our essence, the foundation of the entire elf tribe!" The elf queen proudly picked up a copper book, "This is the method of space distortion, and many people want to master this spell, this spell."

Karen nodded, that is indeed the case, Gold Town is eager to make a breakthrough in space, but this knowledge is too advanced, so far it has only mastered some methods of space development.

However, he is not interested in this method now. His purpose is very clear, just to see if the elves have recorded the most fundamental things in the world.

"Can I have a look at that bamboo book?"

As far as Karen could see, there were ancient books made of thin bamboo. These ancient books were tied together with thick twine, which looked very old.

This is also the first time that Karen has seen this kind of The elf queen did not refuse, and took the initiative to go up and open it. This is a map, which seems to be written with some kind of living blood. The heaviness of history.

Three continents are painted here and there, the one on the left looks like an ear, the one on the right looks like a slap, and the one in the middle looks like a cork. yellow line.

It is no exaggeration to say that this picture has no sense of beauty, let alone simplicity, and it is simply incomprehensible.

"This should be the mainland of the Far East." The Elf Queen pointed her finger at the ear-like continent, and said gently: "It is said that there are no continents in the world at all, and the land seems to be ejected from the eyes of the sea. The first block is the Far Eastern Continent."

Far Eastern continent?

Karen murmured and asked himself, those thick yellow lines impressed him the most, as if he had seen it before, compared the map again, focusing on the direction of the Far East Continent, what obvious fork in the yellow line, leading to The Far East continent seems to be connected to the Black Sea at the other end.

This is... that muddy loess intersection?

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