First Minister of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 305: 3rd rise

"Get up, get up!"

Zhu Yuanzhang stretched out his big hand like iron pliers, grabbed Fang Guozhen, lifted him abruptly, then moved his **** to the side, revealing half of his position, and pressed Fang Guozhen to his side.

Lao Fang was also a man who fought at sea. He was strong in body and strong in muscles and bones. He was stunned to make Lao Zhu play with it like a chicken, and his face could not help but be embarrassed.

"Brother Fang, do you know why we have to seal you the King of Yue, why don't we let you sit by our side?"

Fang Guozhen pondered a little. Although he jumped repeatedly, he was definitely not stupid. In other words, a fool was not capable of jumping repeatedly.

"High-ranking, I think the only thing worth commending for this minister is that there are still some warships, and they have some skills at sea. Besides..."

"What else?"

"Among the other three, in terms of military strength, the minister, the minister is the weakest!"

"Hahaha!" Lao Zhu couldn't help laughing loudly, and patted Fang Guozhen's shoulder hard, "Brother Fang is indeed a smart person, then we won't hide it, and seal you the King of Yue, we can promise you A few things... First, we will give you a real seal, so that you can enjoy the fief and act cheaply. Second, you will not betray us, and we will not destroy your Fang family... We are also heroes in troubled times, and good men who fight against the Yuan together. Hope to have a friend like you, brother!"

Zhu Yuanzhang grabbed Fang Guozhen's arm and shook it for a while, "Brother Fang, what do you think?"

Fang Guozhen was quite shocked... With what he knew about Zhu Yuanzhang, this person was really reluctant to tell lies, and basically did what he said.

Why is Fang Guozhen willing to come? It's as he said, in terms of overall strength, he is not even as good as Chen Youding, and he also asks Zhu Yuanzhang for food.

If Lao Zhu couldn't even tolerate him and swallowed it directly, then those two people, even the whole world, would underestimate Zhu Yuanzhang.

In the top four in the Southeast, Lao Zhu is the number one, Zhang Shicheng is the second leader, Chen Youding is the third leader, and Fang Guozhen is the fourth... It is about the status of a little India at the end of the Yuan Dynasty. As long as he can play, the three big brothers will be more polite to him.

It is precisely because of his accurate understanding of his status that Fang Guozhen is very satisfied with King Yue.

Even Fang Guozhen judged that this state would not last long, after all, Zhu Jiajun's momentum was too fierce.

However, Zhu Yuanzhang's remarks were far beyond Fang Guozhen's expectations, giving him a fief and allowing him to be hereditary. This seems to contain a mystery, and it is too late to understand, but it is not a bad thing.

Being able to sit firmly on the side of the master is also considered to be favored by God.

"In the upper position, Guozhen has nothing to say. I am willing to serve the higher position as the master, and I will always be loyal!"

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help laughing, and immediately got up, took a nine-headed crown from the tray behind him, turned around, and came to Fang Guozhen, and said with a smile, "They prepared this hat for us, they made two, let us Choose. We chose one to wear for ourselves, and the rest will be given to you. You can try it out first, and let them adjust it later.”

Fang Guozhen trembled when she saw this well-crafted nine crowns, and her eyes were straight.

The emperor wears twelve, the prince is nine, and Zhu Yuanzhang presents himself with the remaining king's hat, which means it is self-evident!

He trembled and wanted to pick it up, but his eyes met Zhu Yuanzhang's, and he couldn't help lowering his head, "Thank you for the hat."

With a smile, Zhu Yuanzhang put the nine crowns on Fang Guozhen's head with his own hands, and asked him to raise his head and take a closer look. It was very Zhou Zheng and Lao Zhu was very satisfied.

"Brother Fang, do you think the Han family's crown is much more comfortable than the Mongolian's?"

Fang Guozhen was greatly excited, and quickly said: "What the superior has taught me is that Guozhen will never give his life to the Yuan Tartars again... Guozhen, Guozhen is willing to follow the superior, expel the captives, and restore China!"

This man seems to have read Zhang Ximeng's articles a lot, and his slogans are very skilled.

Zhu Yuanzhang was also happy when he saw him being so eloquent, and nodded again and again.

"Very good, very good! Brother Fang, you have to take down this nine crowns first, let them adjust a little, and give it to you together with the python robe and the big seal!"

Fang Guozhen was reluctant to part with it, so she took off her nine crowns, and when she left, she was reluctant to take a peek, and then she left.

Zhu Yuanzhang was in a good mood, a hat, a throne, tied a dragon at sea!

After figuring out Fang Guozhen, Zhu Yuanzhang's next task was to sacrifice to heaven and earth.

Also, there is no such building as the Temple of Heaven and Earth in Hangzhou. Lao Zhu only brought many civil and military personnel to the temporary altar in the southern suburbs, read the sacrificial text, and then returned hastily. The whole process was very brief.

It's over until the big guy feels nothing, and it's over.

Although we advocate thrift, it seems not good to make an enthronement ceremony in such a hurry!

Just when the big guy hesitated, Li Shanchang stood up and told the big guy, don't worry, the real key is to worship Yue Fei, and the superior has an important announcement in front of Yue Wang's grave!

At this time, the big guy realized that daring to sacrifice to the sky is just a passing scene.

In fact, this is also in line with the concept formed along the way, that the heart of heaven is the heart of the people, and the will of heaven is the will of the people, so the action of sacrificing heaven and earth can naturally be simplified, and the key lies in the people's heart!

So how to win people's hearts?

The answer is about to come out.

Zhu Yuanzhang led the so-called civil and military, plus Fang Guozhen, and other messengers from various parties, gathered the people of Hangzhou, and scholars from all over the country rushed to Yue Fei's tomb.

The sacrifice to the sage Zhu Jiajun was once done. The last time was to sacrifice to Zongze in Zhenjiang, but this time it fell to Yue Fei, and the scale was more than ten times larger.

The last time it was Song Lian who read the sacrificial texts. He went through history, talked about the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, and the inheritance of China was so continuous that Zhao Song was defeated in Yashan, and the society was cut off... And he believed that the hearts of the people would not die, and he was determined to expel the Hulu and restore China. the true meaning.

Song Lian asked himself, and then rewritten the article. Maybe the words could be more beautiful, but the pattern and tolerance were extremely difficult to surpass.

Because of this, Zhu Yuanzhang's enthronement document, he absolutely did not dare to use the knife, and even did not dare to touch it.

Such a big thing can only let Zhang Ximeng come.

With five thousand years of history there, how can we interpret it, and how can we continue the past?

Everything depends on Mr. Zhang's big pen... After all, it still depends on Zhang Ximeng.

Sure enough, Zhang Ximeng lived up to expectations, wrote this article and handed it to Lao Zhu. Other outsiders had no chance to know the details. He originally thought that Lao Zhu would read it out in public.

Who knew that after meeting Fang Guozhen, Zhu Yuanzhang told Zhang Ximeng on the way to sacrifice to heaven, and he would still read the article, and Lao Zhu would just announce those specific strategies.

Zhang Ximeng was stunned. He wrote an article and asked him to read it. It was not difficult and did not have much impact on the whole process.

The only problem is that this edict of enthronement has an extraordinary status.

In later generations, it is necessary to recite and dictate the full text.

Didn't you see old man Song Lian read it once, he was so grateful, and engraved in his heart!

Come to think of it, this is Lao Zhu's chance to leave the limelight for himself.

In the end, Zhang Ximeng had nothing to say. He could only wear a red robe and strode proudly in front of Yue Fei's tomb. He then held up the sacrificial text and read it aloud in front of everyone.

"Since the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, the prosperity of China, the general trend of the world, the continuous division and integration, carefully sorting out the context, above the dynasty, there are still two ups and downs, each with a history of more than a thousand years..."

This beginning of Zhang Ximeng shocked many people.

It's so daring. The dynasties of the past dynasties have changed. It's a well-known thing that everyone must divide for a long time. However, Zhang Ximeng said that there are two more ups and downs on top of the dynasty. Let's see how you surpass the dynasty. How to interpret history?

"In ancient times, the floods were raging, the Yellow River was thousands of miles away, people's livelihood was difficult, and the tribes of China were difficult to protect themselves. Therefore, there were wise men who came forward to gather the strength of the people, control the floods, and form a country. This is the beginning of the Xia Dynasty..." Qiang sacrifice read sacrifice

The memory of the Great Flood is something that almost every civilization has in common. It seems that thousands of years ago, it rained heavily all over the world, and the flood tested everyone.

At this time, in the Eastern Shenzhou, Yu took up the axe, led the people, split the mountains, dredged the rivers, went one after another, and finally subdued the flood.

Without yielding or asking for help from the gods, we just rely on ourselves to tame the torrent and turn the land of the Central Plains into a land of China suitable for people to live and reproduce.

Since then, the land of China has shown a different style of painting from that of other places... After the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, the enfeoffment system came to an end, the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States period, there was no war all the time, where should the world go?

At this time, that man stood up!

"The book is the same as the text, the car is the same track, and the world is unified... The first emperor's merit, merit is in the future. Qin and Han achieved a unified pattern, along the way, until the fall of the Song Dynasty, and they fell together again."

Hearing this, the scholars present had already started to nod their heads.

Especially Song Lian, it is even more bright.

Because the last sacrificial text said that after Zhao Song, the road of scholar-bureaucrat and king sharing the world came to an end.

But how to look at it specifically, it seems that it has not been clear.

This time Zhang Ximeng made up for it.

From Dayu's flood to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, this is almost two thousand years. Zhang Ximeng summed it up as the first rise and fall, that is, the period when the countries of China gradually expanded outward and occupied the land of East Asia. .

Since it is easier to open up to the outside, the packaging system has been created.

But in the Warring States period, there was no more land that could be enfeoffed, and countries began to roll up, and continuous mergers appeared. The so-called rule of three generations came to an end at this time.

The second ups and downs started with Qin Shihuang opening up a unified pattern. After Qin and Han improvement, it reached a climax in the Tang Dynasty. With the An-Shi Rebellion, this pattern declined until the Mongols moved south and the Song Dynasty perished. For thousands of years, a reincarnation has been completed.

"The Yuan court is brutal, the people are angry, the world is turbulent, and heroes rise together... This is the third time China has risen. The core of this rise is that the king is no longer only ordered by the sky, but also upholds the hearts of the people, governs the world, and nurtures the people. , the ruler and the people are of one mind, and the upper and lower ranks are of the same virtue..."

"Therefore, China will win! Ten thousand people will win!"


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