Chang'an Temple.

Huangfu Liyue had finished bathing and walked out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe.

Mu Jingchen was sitting on the bed with a book in his hand, reading it with gusto.

She sat next to him, leaned over and took a look, and asked, "Does the wound on her body still hurt?"

He put down the book in his hand and replied softly: "It doesn't hurt."

With that, he lifted the quilt and let her get in.

She was about to hug her with an open hand, but she moved a little back, avoiding his hug.

"No, you have a wound. I can't touch you, otherwise it will be easy to touch the wound."

Mu Jingchen couldn't help her, held her face, gave her a goodnight kiss, and said softly: "It's getting late, go to sleep."

Huangfu Liyue was about to reach out to turn off the light when there was a rapid knock on the door.

"Princess, the second prince is here."

It's the voice of a maid.

Huangfu Liyue looked at Mu Jingchen and wondered: "It's all so late, what is Ye Ting doing?"

With that, she got out of bed and put her coat on her.

"Jing Chen, I'll go out and have a look, you first have a good rest."

Mu Jingchen did not speak, watching her leave the room.


When Huangfu Liyue came down in her pajamas, she saw Huangfu Ye Ting pacing downstairs.

"Ye Ting, has something happened?"

"Sister, Lingxi is gone!

Just now, I was afraid that she would be unable to fall asleep late at night due to the influence of Gu poison, so I made someone stew a bowl of calming soup and delivered it to her personally.

Unexpectedly, after arriving at her residence, the maid at her residence told me that the father sent someone to spread the word and let her go.

I was afraid that cooling the Anshen soup would affect the effect, so I sent it to the father, but the lights in the father's bedroom had been turned off, and he had already gone to bed! "

Seeing his anxious look, Huangfu Liyue looked at the time subconsciously.

It's almost eleven o'clock.

At this time, it's the bedtime in the palace, where can Ji Lingxi go?

"Have you sent someone to find it?"

Huangfu Yeting nodded heavily.

"I have sent someone to look for it. Lingxi is not very familiar with the environment in the palace and doesn't know anyone, so I came and ran here to see if she is in your sleeping hall."

"She never came."

After Huangfu Liyue gave him this answer, she said again: "But don't worry, Princess Lingxi has left the residence, there are so many guards in the palace, someone must have seen where she went."

Huangfu Yeting's face was anxious.

"I have sent someone to look for it. I am afraid that something will happen to her at this late hour."

Huangfu Liyue chuckled lightly when he saw that he was so uncomfortable.

"Ye Ting, this is the palace, not the wilderness, what can happen..."

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly thought of something, and the words in her mouth stopped.

Tomorrow the queen was going to untie Ji Lingxi's Gu, but she suddenly disappeared tonight.

Could it be...

"Go and take a look at Huangfu Yuncheng's residence!"

Huangfu Ye Ting immediately understood, and said in amazement: "Sister, you mean..."

Before the two had finished speaking, a guard ran in outside the door.

This guard is Huangfu Ye Ting's subordinate.

"Second prince, I have already asked the guards in the palace. Some guards saw Princess Lingxi heading to the prince's palace!"

Huangfu Ye Ting's expression turned cold, and realizing the seriousness of the matter, he ran out without hesitation.

"Ye Ting!"

Huangfu Liyue wanted to follow him, but was stopped by the guard at the door.

"Princess, you are still in ban, so you can't leave the Chang'an Temple at will."

Standing at the door, Huangfu Liyue looked at Huangfu Ye Ting's distant back, very worried in her heart.

Since Ji Lingxi broke off his marriage contract with Huangfu Yuncheng, the king has not allowed them to meet again.

Because Ji Lingxi and Huangfu Yuncheng's love Gu in their bodies will make them feel affectionate with each other.

In addition, the two hadn't seen each other for many days, and the two Gu worms in the body were already agitated.

If they were allowed to stay together now, they would be unable to bear the influence of the love gu and make mistakes.

She could also guess that the only one who wants Huangfu Yuncheng and Ji Lingxi to unite now is the queen!

Unexpectedly, the queen could stretch her hand so long after being restrained in the hospital!

She wanted Ji Lingxi and Huangfu Yuncheng to produce rice and cook mature rice. At that time, Ji Lingxi could only marry her son!

Such a vicious act is really shameful.

Huangfu Liyue eagerly wanted to go out to see the situation, but couldn't take a half step out of the Chang'an Hall, very distressed.

At this moment, Mu Jingchen got dressed and walked downstairs.

He looked at Huangfu Liyue's worried expression, and whispered: "I'll go and see."

"But, your injury..."

"It's okay."

Leaving these two words, he took a steady step out of the Chang'an Temple.

Watching him leave, the worry on her face did not diminish.

It's been so long, if Ji Lingxi and Huangfu Yuncheng had done something wrong, the situation would be even more complicated.

She looked out the door, wishing Huangfu Ye Ting and Mu Jingchen could stop this ridiculous thing in time.

"Liyue, what's the matter?"

When he was worried, a voice of Feng Shu suddenly came from behind him.

Huangfu Liyue was taken aback, then turned to look at Fengxuan.

Seeing that Feng Su was neatly dressed, he questioned: "Auntie? Didn't you rest long ago?"

Feng Su's face was calm, and he replied, "I heard Ye Ting's voice in the room just now, so I came out to have a look. What happened?"

"It's okay, Ye Ting is here to find Princess Lingxi, aunt, it's late, please rest quickly."


After Feng Su nodded, Huangfu Liyue went upstairs.

Feng Su did not return to the room to rest, but watched her go upstairs before turning around and leaving the Chang'an Hall.

The prince's bedroom.

Huangfu Ye Ting rushed in, ignoring the obstruction of the guards at the door.

In Huangfu Yuncheng's room, he saw an unsightly scene.

Ji Lingxi was thrown down by Huangfu Yuncheng, his fragrant shoulders were half exposed, and most of his skirt had been torn apart.

Huangfu Ye Ting only felt his blood surge, and his anger went straight into his chest.

Before he could think, he rushed to the bed and grabbed Huangfu Yuncheng.

Then, he took off his jacket and put it on Ji Lingxi, and helped her up.

Seeing her blurred eyes, he shook her shoulders and asked, "Lingxi, are you okay?"

Ji Lingxi's face was crimson, looking at his concerned eyes, stretched out his hand to push him away, and asked coldly, "What are you doing?"

Huangfu Ye Ting was taken aback by her reaction.

Before he could speak, Huangfu Yuncheng grabbed his collar and pushed him away.

Huangfu Yuncheng's complexion was red, and his shirt was half open.

The effect of the drug made him very dissatisfied with Huangfu Ye Ting who suddenly disturbed him.

"Get out!"

After standing still, Huangfu Ye Ting gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Wang, do you know what you are doing! You treat Lingxi like this, how will she behave in the future!"

With that said, he took a few steps forward, grabbed Ji Lingxi's wrist, and ordered: "Follow me!"

He wanted to take her away, but she didn't want to.

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