Multiple champions are in Group G.

Group G can't even be called a death group.

But the competitiveness can be imagined.

As soon as the results of the draw are out.

Jose Mourinho locked himself in the coach's room.

Eat bread and drink milk every day.

Didn't go out for two whole days.

He played the tapes of the other three teams over and over again.

Finally, on the third day, he got up tremblingly.

The door to the coach's room was opened.

The teaching assistants were all waiting at the door, their faces full of anticipation.

"How's that, boss."

"Something's been studied!"

Mourinho spoke.



"Could it be a header bombardment?"

The teaching assistants nodded.

"Not bad, not bad."

Mourinho spoke again.



"It's a defensive counterattack!"

"Master, I've come to my senses!"

"Defensive counterattack, header bombing!"

"High, really high!"

Mourinho shouted with all the strength he had left before he fainted.

"Fried chicken thighs, put cumin!"

Ate bread for two whole days in a row.

Mourinho felt like he was about to turn into bread.

Seven days later, Chelsea will face the first round of the Champions League group stage.

The opponent is Paris Saint-Germain from Ligue 1.

Jose Mourinho has a constant emphasis on control in training.

September 8th.

Chelsea A-block training ground.

Jose Mourinho was in the centre, making tactical arrangements.

"Attention midfielders."

"Paris like to play in midfield."

"Their 442 formation is a big threat."

"The main threat comes from the midfield."

"So you guys, you have to control the midfield!"


"Whoever wins the midfielder wins the world!"

Mourinho's counter-attacking tactics are useful.

Thanks to the midfield.

He has very high requirements in the midfield, attacking and defending.

Paris have a strong midfield.

Eder, Coredon, Roten, etc.

Mourinho knows it's going to be a tough fight.

On the selection of starters.

After thinking about it again, he still decided to let He Tuo start.

Start a young player in the Champions League.

The opponent was Paris Saint-Germain, a move that caused dissatisfaction among fans.

"I'll admit Ho has been doing well lately, but isn't it bad to use young players so often?"

"The Premier League is the Premier League, the Champions League is the Champions League, and I am not optimistic about He's performance in the Champions League."

"I know Mourinho likes him, but Mu Shuai, don't be carried away by love!"

Stamford Bridge, 11 September.

A number of media professionals are already waiting for interviews.

The commentators have also taken their seats in the commentary seats.

Everyone is looking forward to the start of this game.

In the Dragon Country commentary room, Director Zhan delivered commentary to the fans alone.

"Fans and friends."

"UEFA Champions League Group Stage Group G First Round."

"Chelsea vs Paris Saint-Germain, it's about to begin!"

There is still half an hour left before the start of the game.

He Tuo went to the court to warm up.

In the press area next to the exit of the passage.

He saw an acquaintance, Hannah.

Hannah arrived as promised.

It's just that Hannah's face is not quite right.

Next to her was a high-spirited woman, pointing her nostrils at He Tuo.

He Tuo stepped forward to say hello.

"Hannah, you're here."

Before Hannah could speak, the woman next to her answered first.


"I'm Hannah's boss, and my name is Jessica!"

He Tuo: Who asked you?

"Hannah, remember to interview me after the game."

He Tuo just wanted to turn around and leave, but Jessica spoke again.

"Don't worry!"

"I'll interview you with Hannah after the game."

"Maybe we can have dinner together!"

Looking at Jessica's press card, white.

Hannah smiled awkwardly.

Thinking about the relationship again, He Tuo understood.

Hannah was pressed by her superiors?

That's just the way it is.

Jessica sees that Hannah is able to interview Ho Tuo.

With a shy face, he used the reason for superior coordination.

Hannah was asked to accompany her as her affiliated reporter.

And she will become the signature of He Tuo's post-game interview.

That's right, the prize money will be hers too.

The reputation will also be hers.

In short, everything will be hers.

After thinking about it, He Tuo looked at Jessica.

"Excuse me, what did you just say your name was?"


Jessica was about to speak, but was interrupted by He Tuo.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter."

"May I ask you what you're doing here?"

"Of course I'm interviewing you."

Jessica was overjoyed, thinking that she had received He Tuo's attention.

"No, no, no."

He Tuo immediately vetoed it.

"The person I designated is Hannah, not you."

Jessica was stunned, he didn't expect this young man to be so direct.

"Hannah is still in Xi and can't conduct interviews on her own."

"Last time, didn't she interview me alone?"

He Tuo frowned.


"Hannah, you're going to interview me alone after the game."

Before Hannah could nod, Jessica glared at her viciously.

"You dare!"

He Tuo raised his eyebrows.



"That's right, it's you."

He Tuo pointed at Jessica.

"Get out of the way!"

"Otherwise, I wouldn't mind asking Mendes to call your boss!"

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