"Dragon country youngster He Tuo transferred to Chelsea for 1.5 million euros!"

"The hope of the whole village, there is another foreign player from the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Shocked, Chelsea's magnanimity!"

Various media outlets rushed to report the news of He Tuo's purchase.

Chelsea hurried to help him apply for a passport, for fear of long nights and dreams.

He Tuo also took advantage of this time to pack his luggage, said goodbye to his teammates one by one, and told them to fight for the opportunity to stay abroad.

Thanks to Mr. Genbao's cultivation since childhood, he set off with Chelsea scouts.

"He, go straight to the academy base at Chelsea."

'The club plans to put you in the academy for a year and when you're 17, if you do well, you'll be promoted to the first team.

"You must work hard, I am optimistic about you!"

Chelsea scouts are concerned that Ho Tuo will waste talent.

But He Tuo's mind is far more mature than he imagined.

As soon as he arrived at the base, He Tuo went directly to the training ground to start training.

The Chelsea Under-16 head coach is very pleased with this.

The youth league starts early, and it will officially start in five days.

The academy manager is struggling with how to line up for the new season.

"Knock knock."


"It's my boss, Ho."


The Academy head coach opens the door to his office.

"He, what's wrong with me?"

"Come in and say."

He Tuo shook his head.

"Boss, I'm here to say something."

'Let me start and I can lead the Chelsea Academy to the title.'

If someone else comes to him so bluntly to ask for a chance to play, and brags about such a big bull, the head coach will kick him out directly.

But looking at the young man in front of him who exuded a powerful aura and was full of spirit, he suddenly felt credible.

"You'll be the starting team tomorrow and the rest will depend on your performance."

He Tuo smiled, and that was enough.

All he needs to do is start one game and he can guarantee that the manager will never be able to substitute him again.

The next day, the youth league officially started.

Chelsea have a total of 27 Academy games to play, including 40 cup games.

Few people pay attention to the youth training game, but because of He Tuo's joining, the Dragon Country football software "Crazy Ball Emperor" has opened a column to constantly report on He Tuo's performance.

Fans' daily comments, from "Come on, He Tuo, perform well!" "

gradually became: "He Tuo's game still needs to be watched?" Wake up to another big win! "

BBC Evening News:

"Dragon Guo's youngster He hat-trick led the team to a 4-0 victory over Manchester United's academy!"

"He made two passes and two shots, and Liverpool Academy failed miserably!"

"With 35 goals and 13 assists in thirteen games, He Tuo helped Chelsea win the half-time championship!"

"He's crazy again! The semi-finals of the Academy Cup were a big four, beating the Newcastle Academy!"

"Chelsea chairman Abou came to watch Ho Tuo play with a satisfied smile on his face!"

He Tuo completely showed a faulty performance in the youth league, a perfect combination of strength and dribbling.

A year later, his superb performance in the youth league earned him 31 C-level chests and 9 B-level chests.

The 9 B-level templates also improved He Tuo's attributes.

Name: He Tuo

Age: 17

Height: 179

Weight: 80 kg

Shots: 77

Stamina: 78

Steals: 75

Ground passes: 78

Air passes: 80

Dribbling: 99

Header: 67

Strength: 99

Vision: 77

Imagination: 81

That's enough to make it to the Premier League.

On July 1, 2004, He Tuo was having lunch at the youth training base.

French fries, fish cakes, polenta, a lunch full of English flavors.

Outside the youth training base, a customized Mercedes-Benz big G stopped steadily.

The door opened, and a pair of long legs landed first.

Red-soled heels, delicate black silk, paired with hot leather pants.

The hot body is matched with a face that conforms to the oriental aesthetics.

This is exactly the commissioner that Chelsea arranged to pick up He Tuo, McAco.

At the same time, he will also be responsible for He Tuo's follow-up living arrangements and serve as He Tuo's life steward.

Mai Kom wore sunglasses and made a clattering sound.

The young players passing by stopped one after another, staring intently and drooling.

"Did anyone see what?"

"Ah, he's here, in the cafeteria."

Maiko immediately rushed to the cafeteria.

The little player who was asked for directions is still reminiscing:

"She just took one look at me and must have liked me!"

He Tuo didn't know anything about this at this time, and was still enjoying the fried fish pieces.

Since his strength has grown, so has his appetite.

Eating three times as much in one meal as an adult is easy.

Mai Ko was behind him, looking at the young man who was munching on fish pieces, and he was a little suspicious.

But this knife-like muscle line and highly personalized hairstyle are obviously what he is.


Maiko stepped forward and tried to ask.

"You are?"

He Tuo chewed the fish pieces, and his confident temperament caused Mai Ko's eyes to ripple.

"I'm Maikom, I'm here to take you home."


Maiko smiled charmingly:

"yes, go home."

'The Chelsea first team have decided to call you up.'

'Your perfect performance in the academy has earned their trust.

After Mai Ko finished speaking, he thought that He Tuo would be extremely excited.

As a result, He Tuo just slowly swallowed the fish pieces, and then got up to pack his luggage.

Mai Kom is blind, this kid is very good at pretending!

(Collect!) )

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