Lu Jinting pinched Mucheng's cheek with a big hand and didn't pay for her innocence.

A low voice, with an irresistible hegemony.

"Baby, I can't do it now, but when I want it, I have to."

Well, although there is no autonomy, it is better than coming now.

She forced a smile. "Then you have to wait for me at least after graduation."

Lu Jinting is silent. He pats Mucheng and sends her away. "Go play."

Mucheng Dudu said, "it seems that I can play more. I also have my job. I am also a woman who will be a screenwriter in the future... "

Lu Jinting chuckles, "yes,"

obviously, his response is not sincere.

Mucheng doesn't care about him. Can't he avoid the rich people who don't have the concept of money?

She quietly returned to the lazy sofa in her study, which was her exclusive.

Holding the IPAD drawing, I don't know how to suddenly think that the hero and heroine are not going to have a child?

No -

what kind of children do you have? You're not married, you're not fucking!

What a fool she is!

Mucheng raises his face to Lu Jinting and expresses his resentment mercilessly. He should let him know his dissatisfaction with his eyes.

Lu Jinting didn't look up. For a while, he just said, "what's the matter?"

Mucheng said coldly, "what did you do to me just now? How to have children without marriage? I don't want my children to be illegitimate! Hum! "

Lu Jintang raised his head in time and looked at the little girl with a slight smile, as if he was more than heinous.

"Didn't you say that yesterday? Marriage? Isn't it natural to talk about having children today? Baby, what's in your little head? "

Mucheng is willing to bet that Lu Jinting looks at her eyes at the moment and absolutely despises her.

Mucheng retorted discontentedly, "yesterday was about yesterday, today is about today. Uncle Lu is in a series. Is it a series after a series? Do you want to have another episode tomorrow to discuss what school the children go to? "

Lu Jinting picked up her eyebrows and chuckled, "it's necessary!"

"I hate it!" After all, Mucheng is still a little happy, thinking with a smile. It seems that the scene is very warm, but it's just a little hard, "I won't discuss it with you. I'm still a kid. I don't want to be that far. Come on, hurry up and make a lot of money. After all, raising children is a big investment. "

After that, Mucheng chuckles at Lu Jinting, and Lu Jinting seems to have a real motivation to make more money because of her words.

But what's more dynamic is the warmth now.

Lu Jinting is not a cold machine that only knows about work. On the contrary, when he has a little girl named Mucheng, in addition to working in the daytime as usual, when he faces the little girl at night, happiness is even more addictive.

Now, it can't be carried out immediately for making children, but the process of making children can be enjoyed at any time.

Lu Jinting was a little girl that charming smile hook, simply close the computer, get up, step by step approach her.

Mucheng smiles well. Lu Jinting suddenly gets up and looks at the eyes. It's the expression of feeling again.

Mucheng can't help but hold the iPad, as if it can stop Lu Jinting, but it seems to be very thin. She curled up into a group like a nest in a small sofa, a small group, especially pitiful.

But it can't stop the big devil from approaching.

Mucheng is like a girl of a good family who is going to be violated. "What are you doing? Don't come here. Can't you say something? "

Lu Jinting stood in front of Mucheng and looked down at the poor girl.

He didn't do it in the first place.

On the contrary, there is a kind of fierce lion. Before eating the little white rabbit, he looks at her in fear, but he will enjoy it.

"Baby, what are you afraid of?"

"What do you think I'm afraid of? You don't have a job. How can you work hard and get angry? "

"You hooked me."

Mucheng immediately raised a voice to retort, "I didn't have it, you wronged me. Where did I hook you? "

"You just smiled at me."

"am I just ticking you? Don't pollute yourself, just look at other people as dirty as you. How pure my smile is. You think more about it. "

Lu Jinting stoops, and Mucheng shrinks immediately. She stretches out her small hand to stop him. "No, no, help me..."The message of asking for help, born by Mucheng, has become an interesting drama to welcome or reject.

Finish saying, oneself all some ignorant, looked at Lu Jinting that to have the deep meaning smile, oneself really was born cannot love.

At last she was dying, though there was no hope of escaping.

"Uncle Lu, can't you let me go today? It's really easy for you to lose me. "

Lu Jinting directly holds up such a small group of little girl and easily holds the study, and answers her as she walks.


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