No matter what Liu's family think, just after one night, they can let the students they see in the school keep their mouths shut and do not testify. This is not what ordinary people do.

If so, Liu Yun's family is very powerful, then she should not have come here impulsively to fight back at the beginning. She also got a body injury in such a stupid way. Of course, it's no surprise that Liu's parents may be so powerful.

In any case, no matter Liu's parents or maybe something else, Mucheng was a little upset.

It's really like what Yu Jingying said. Is this year really a bad year?

"Mucheng, did you hear what I said?"

Yu Jingying looks at Mucheng in a daze and pushes Mucheng.

Mucheng then came back to her senses, smiled and said, "Miss Yu, let's go to visit at the weekend."

"Hey? Not with your uncle Lu? "

Mucheng shakes his head. "It's not that he doesn't want to go with him. After the worship, he still needs to go with him. But how about I take my uncle Lu with me? I'm going to say goodbye together. "

"What do you say goodbye to? What do you think of heaven and earth? " Yu Jingying rolled her eyes directly. "Take your uncle Lu? Thanks to your thinking. "

Mucheng thought about it, but it didn't seem to be very reliable. Thinking about that picture, let Lu Jinting go to worship Bodhisattva or something, there was always a funny feeling.


Ying Xueqin came out of the hospital and soon went to the imperial court group.

In the president's office, I met Lu Jinting.

To be honest, he should be a barrister. He should learn how to fight with students. He feels ashamed.

If it's known, he has no face.

However, this is also Lu Jinting. I have known Lu Jinting for many years. He has never had a woman around him. Now I finally have a woman. Even if it's for this reason, I have to go to meet my curiosity.

After that, I met Mucheng, and finally met the little girl who let Lu Jinting ice melt. He was also satisfied with his curiosity and had to do a good job.

I went to the hospital and got to know about it. When I came back, I followed Lu Jinting's report.

"How is it?"

Lu Jinting put down his other work and began to study hard, which made Laoying feel surprised.

"Jin Ting, you also have today."

Laoying joked first, not directly saying what he knew.

Lu Jinting's black eyes twinkled, "Laoying, I have today, are you surprised? I'm not a monk. "

"Ha ha Monks have more feelings than you. Before you, but even the Iceman can't match, I doubt whether you have the heart and temperature. However, they are not afraid of being frostbitten by you? "

"Obviously not."

"Hahahaha I wonder how you get along with other girls in private. I heard that last time at Wang Lao's birthday party, you were a finger twister! Unfortunately, I didn't see it. "

Lu Jinting's cold face did not change because he should learn to tease frequently, nor did he plan to listen to his nonsense.

"Come on, what's going on?"

Should learn to laugh frequently, laugh completely without a little aggression, "what else can there be? It was bought. This kind of behavior of brain damage can't be separated from these situations. It's either threatened or bribed. It's too technical. "

Lu Jinting 's dark eyes are very fierce.

Should learn to be diligent and baa has been scared, Lu Jinting's expression is his normal.

As for what kind of love, there is such tenderness of women and so on, we should learn to think frequently, definitely not.

He continued, "but whoever bought it, it's up to Jinan. I have a lot of things to do. After I find out, I won't be needed, will you? "

Lu Jinting's black eyes swept over, and he should learn to smile frequently. "Don't look at me like this. I met your little girl, and I know almost everything. It's easy to find the person behind the scenes. The rest, give you, give your hero a chance to save the beauty, don't you? It can also make your little girl like you better. You can't bear to leave you because you're frostbitten. "

Words just fall, Lu Jinting's eyes light, with cold swept over.

Ying Xueqin was frozen immediately and surrendered in embarrassment I said the wrong thing. You and your little girl must have been growing up for a long time

Finish saying, Lu Jinting's cold and heavy eyes, actually have the tendency of softening.

Ying Xueqin is very surprised. I really want those people who are afraid of Lu Jinting to have a look. Ice also melts.

As they say, Lu Jinting has met a very happy girl.Ying Xueqin thinks about Mucheng, the little girl she met before, but she can't see anything different. She is younger and more clever.

However, since I can get such a liking from Lu Jinting, it's certainly not easy.

"I'll take care of the rest."

Lu Jinting finally opened his mouth, which was said before Ying Xueqin. It's unnecessary for him to be so overqualified.

"Well, I'll go back first."

Ying Xueqin is ready to leave. However, he suddenly says, "Jin Ting, I have to say something. You have no weakness before. No matter how they attack you, you can resist them and fight back decisively. But now that you have women, it's bound to be your weakness. The weakness is either hidden from anyone's knowledge, or it is strictly protected, and no one can move it. "

I believe that Lu Jinting understands the meaning of "learning frequently".


He just gave a light answer, and Ying Xueqin smiled, "OK, I'll go first. Hope to see me next time. Can I help you prepare the prenuptial agreement? I promise I won't refuse. "

Lu Jinting said coldly, "no need."

"Alas? Is it not necessary for me to come and go, or for a prenuptial agreement? "

This question, Lu Jinting just looked at Ying Xueqin coolly, but did not answer him.

Ying Xueqin has doubts in his heart. Looking at Lu Jinting's appearance, he felt his chin thoughtfully. Doesn't he need a prenuptial agreement?

If this is the case, it seems that these two words can only be used to describe yingxueqin's heart.

All kinds of inner questions, but should learn to be diligent in the end did not get the answer from Lu Jinting.

There's no answer, but it's scary enough.

He couldn't help but ask again, "so like that little girl?"

Lu Jinting still didn't answer.

Ying Xueqin shrugs, "OK."

Although there is no answer, but should learn frequently heart, but seems to have some discretion.

So, little girl Mucheng, it should be true love, right?

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