Husband and wife are calculating this and that. I wish all the benefits in the world would belong to them.

And their dreams are still going on. Like caiya, they are all dreaming and calculating anyone except themselves.

I'm not tired.

Relatively speaking, the living relaxed Mucheng, because of a period of busy, all forget the interesting person caiya.

When she looked back and wrote the script, she suddenly remembered that there was a hateful character in it.

Just in time, she should meet Cai Ya and find some inspiration from her.

But before you go, you have to prepare for it.

She called Lu Jinting in a hurry.

"Honey, give me some support. I want a check that can't be cashed. I'm going to fight. "

Lu Jinting signed the document with his head down. Hearing Mucheng's request, he couldn't help laughing.

"Baby, are you bored again?"

"No, I have no inspiration. I'll tell you, I just wrote about such a role. I thought about it. The more I wrote, the more I wrote it, the more I wrote it, the more I wrote it, the more I wrote it, the more I wrote it, the more I wrote it, the more I wrote it, the more I wrote it, the more I wrote it, the more I wrote it. However, there are many things that I didn't write carefully enough. It seems that I have to interview Cai Ya carefully, and I can hear the most real ideas in her heart. "

"Are you sure you can hear it?"

"It doesn't matter if you can't hear her. You can also speculate on her behavior. Besides, when caiya comes to Jiangcheng, she wants to hook up with you alone. If there is no one behind her, it is absolutely impossible. "

"Well, she --"

Lu Jinting just wanted to say, but was interrupted by Mucheng, "don't tell me first. It's interesting to wait for me to have a look. You told me in advance. It's just like the spoiler. It's disgusting! "

Lu Jinting smiled, "OK, I won't tell you. When you come back, I'll see how much you can find out. Pay attention to safety! "

"Don't worry, brother Avenger has been following me."

"Well, I want Arvin to give you the check. What else do I need? Let's talk about it together. "

"Haha, not for the moment. Then I'll get ready. "

Mucheng hangs up the phone, but Lu Jinting doesn't hold back and laughs in a low voice.

It's no surprise that Ji Nan, who is on the side, is not used to the several high-level officials who come with him.

Although the soft side of the president and the side calling his wife "Baobao" have been seen by them, in fact, Lu Jinting, who left his private life, is still seen as the intimidating and domineering president.

But such a person, once tender, strong contrast, not to say how cute, simply too creepy, OK?

In particular, I have seen it with my own eyes. Several general managers carefully exchanged eyes with each other, and they all thought the same.

It's better not to be tender. It seems to be more uncomfortable.

After that, Lu Jinting went back to work, cold and indifferent, which made them feel comfortable. It was a habit.

After Ji Nan was left in the office, Lu Jinting spoke in a cold voice.

"Is there any movement?"

"On the other side of the capital, they started and put people in the company, but everything is under our control. As for several shareholders, they are also in secret contact with Han Qi. "

"Well, these people don't move first, and they will deal with it together in the future. How are we doing at the top? "

"With the help of Mr. Huo, it's going well."

"But." Ji Nan's tone changed. "Cai Ya went to the women's prison a few days ago. It was Xia Yu who met her."

On Lu Jinting's cold face, there was a frown.

"What did they say?"

"Xia Yu's chips are that she knows her wife's secret. She makes Cai ya do something to trust her. She may even get out of prison early."

At first, the accusation of Xia Yu didn't last that long, but as long as he did some less excessive means in it, he would be prolonged again and again. Especially, the people in the Jiang family can't let her go.

"Ah --"

Lu Jinting sneered.

Ji Nan doesn't speak, waiting for Lu Jinting to make a decision.

"See you, but keep an eye on them. In addition, if Cai Ya has any action, let her do it. But everything depends on the safety of his wife. "

"Yes, president."

Cai Ya and Xia Yu's movements, no matter how careful they are, will not expect that Lu Jinting has reached the point of monitoring them all.

At the moment, when caiya hasn't got any useful information from Xia Yu, Mucheng is ready.Mucheng calls Cai Ya directly and makes an appointment with her.

When Mucheng is on the phone, she will not forget to show her vitriol and strength to caiya at the moment.

"Now, come out to see me. I'll wait for you in the cafe on the first floor of tynya. If you don't come at three in the afternoon, you know the consequences. "

In a word, I just hung up.

Mucheng thought he was funny, and then he changed clothes.

At this time, the clothes must be selected with a mind. To reflect her image in caiya's heart, only money has no taste, and she is suspicious. However, to negotiate with her, she must show new strength.

However, most of Mucheng's clothes are mainly comfortable. It's not easy to find an obvious one.

In the end, she chose a famous brand suit in the public awareness, which she thought of setting up her own studio, when she was the boss, she might need some clothes. But, forgive her for so many years, it has always been Lu Jinting who has bought clothes. Her taste has not been affected by Lu Jinting. Just like this, Lu Jinting almost threw it to her, but Mucheng felt that she had spent money or had to throw it away.

Fortunately, I didn't throw it. Now I have a combat suit.

She also made up her face, which was sharp. She stepped on high-heeled shoes. Before going out, she took several self portraits and sent them to Lu Jinting.

"I went out to fight. Do I look like a bad witch? "

After a while, I received Lu Jinting's reply.

"Baby, it's still beautiful!"

Mucheng chuckled, but she didn't chat with Lu Jinting anymore. She was slowly brewing her emotions.

Tingya also belongs to the hotel under the imperial court. In the first floor of the coffee shop, Mucheng arrived early, pretending to be reserved and high-end sitting, waiting for caiya's arrival.

Cai Ya is still on time. She arrived at three o'clock.

She is still a fairy floating, cold weather, but wearing a white dress, only a knitted cardigan.

Don't it be cold to show so many legs?

Of course, Mucheng was just thinking for a while. Caiya's beautiful appearance attracted a lot of eyes. Mucheng simply pulled the half opened box door and cut off all the eyes.

Of course, she didn't want to be watched for a while.

After she closed the door, caiya smiled.

Mucheng seems to be a little ridiculed and angry, "what are you laughing at?"

Caiya shakes her head gracefully, while Mucheng looks at caiya with contempt.

Then Mucheng sat down and said to caiya, "are you aware of leaving school?"

Poof -

after Mucheng finished, he almost couldn't help laughing.

Quickly down the eyes, hard grip the palm, only to restrain their own no different performance.

Because she just said this, there is a kind of feeling in animation.


Ha ha, don't their characters often say this word?

Caiya responds, not hurriedly, sips coffee lightly, just looks up, looks to Mucheng.

"Mrs. Lu, why do you think I want to fight for your husband? It's hard not to be every beautiful woman. Do you want to kill all of them? There are too many beautiful women in the world. Have you stopped them? Don't say now, in the future, Mrs. Lu is old and weak. It's easy for Mr. Lu to change his mind. Does Mrs. Lu have to live such a sad life? "

Mucheng didn't speak, his face was extremely ugly, and even a little iron.

It seems that Cai Ya stabbed her in pain.

"If I could, I really want you women to stay away from my husband one by one."

Caiya shakes her head and smiles, as if she is looking at a childish child. She has sympathy and pity in her eyes.

Yes, she is pitying Mucheng, who is Mrs. Lu.

"Mrs. Lu, you can't do that. The reason for your pain is not that we are beautiful women, but that you are not confident at all. If you have self-confidence, and self-confidence can keep Mr. Lu from changing your mind, then you can not be so worried about gain or loss, or even not afraid of Mr. Lu changing your mind at all, you can find a better man. "

"Don't talk nonsense to me. Who do you think you are? "

Mucheng rudely interrupts Cai Ya's behavior of pouring chicken soup into her heart, which makes her so angry.

"Tell me, when will you leave Jiangcheng?"

Caiya frowned and said, "Mrs. Lu, I will not leave Jiangcheng."


Mucheng puts the prepared "props" check on the table."These money, for ordinary people, can lead a good life. If you're not that greedy. "

Cai ya did not look at the check. "Mrs. Lu, why do you decide that I have other thoughts about Mr. Lu? Are you not wronging good people like this? "

Mucheng sneers at Cai Ya's innocence.

She directly asked, "then Cai ya, I ask you, do you have any other thoughts about my husband? Don't like him? "

Cai Ya is silent and does not deny.

Mucheng sneered. "When a bitch wants to build a memorial archway? How could there be such a good thing? "

"Mucheng! You really don't have the quality. How can you talk so hard? "

"Why, don't you call me Mrs. Lu? I can't hear you? Then you ask, in this world, which woman will speak well to the woman who wants to rob her husband? I'm very kind. "

Mucheng will be a arrogant, powerful, not very high-quality woman, full of performance.

At the moment, the little girl in her heart was overjoyed.

It's amazing.

I just want to slap Cai ya.

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