Fortunate Life of the Rural Beauty

Chapter 171 Learn to be smarter

When Chen Shi saw his second brother getting better, his eyes were red with excitement, and the two brothers led each other into the upper room.

Ms. Zhang came out of the kitchen with a smile and took Mr. Wang with her to the kitchen to work. Chen Atang and A Lu led Dahu and Dabao to eat sweets in the living room. Several other people went to the upper room and the west room. The old lady led her three sons to sit on the kang, and the rest of them sat on chairs under the kang, listening to Chen Shi talk about his affairs in Fucheng, with Chen Ayu supplementing.

Chen Shi's family has rented another large shop. The shop is on two floors. The first floor is a tavern and sells braised skewers for takeout, and the second floor specializes in braised skewers. The braised skewers are sold not only in the tavern but also in specialty stores, employing twelve workers. He said that he didn't have enough money now and would buy the shop when he earned more money in the future.

Mrs. Hu was so busy running between the kitchen and the west room that she was afraid of missing any information about Chen Shi's family.

Before Chen Shi returned home, the old lady beat Mrs. Hu privately, saying that if she dared to ask for things from Chen Shi overtly or covertly again, she would tell Chen Ye all the things she had done before and ask Chen Ye to divorce her. Chen Ye and Chen Agui also taught Hu a lot, telling her not to ask for things at will, otherwise the brotherhood will become weaker and weaker.

Therefore, the words You can't just make yourself rich, you should also buy a shop for your elder brother rolled in Hu's throat countless times, but she still suppressed it.

Chen Shi smiled at Chen Afu and said, Afu, Third Uncle wants to thank you. The idea you came up with has changed the life of Third Uncle's family drastically.

Chen Afu smiled and said, It's mainly because my third uncle is capable.

I secretly thought that Chen Shi was shrewd, but he had the same problem as Chen Ye, that is, he had a good reputation and liked to brag. No wonder he was slaughtered by Hu. His family had ten taels of silver and he would blow out eleven taels.

After hearing this, Mr. Hu immediately said in a sharp voice, Afu, you have helped your third uncle's family, and you have to help your uncle's family. We are all relatives, so how can we tell the difference. Our family can be considered your benefactor. Well, if that shallow-sighted person took fifty taels of silver and defrauded you and sold you back, could you still sit here upright...

Mom, what are you talking about? Chen Agui stopped Hu with his eyes wide open.

Chen Ye also darkened his face and cursed loudly, You bitch, you are so uncomfortable during the Chinese New Year. If you dare to take the money and do bad things, your hands will be burned before you can spend the money. People stamped down. You idiot, I have scolded you so many times and you still talk nonsense. Go, go, get out and work in the kitchen.

Seeing that the man was angry, Mrs. Hu curled her lips and had to turn around and go to the kitchen.

Hu's words made Chen Ming blush with anger. Chen Afu sneered and thought to himself, her head was really caught in the door, she would say nice things like this.

Chen Agui quickly apologized to Chen Afu on behalf of Hu.

Chen Shi asked what was going on, but Chen Ming didn't want to talk about it in public, so he waved his hand and said, It's a shame, let's talk about it later when we have time.

Chen Afu knew that because Sanfang had made a lot of money, Dafang would definitely have some ideas. In addition, Dafang and Mrs. Chen had helped her a lot these few times, so she remembered her feelings and thought she should help Dafang.

Then he whispered to Chen Agui, I bought another piece of wasteland, about five acres, and I want to grow watermelons. When I was in Fucheng, I bought some watermelon seeds from the Western Regions from the Hu people, and I listened to him talk about some treatments. A special method of seeding. If you can trust me, brother, allocate a few acres of land to grow watermelons with me, and I will give you some sprouts grown from watermelons from the Western Regions. He said modestly, This is also my first time growing melons. There’s no guarantee that we’ll make money.”

The parents of Tang Tingting, a good friend in her previous life, were melon farmers. Chen Yanyan followed Tang Tingting to her home several times and often listened to her talk and learned some secrets about watermelon sprouting. By reusing the space environment, she believes that the watermelons grown will be more delicious, just like the cucumbers grown in the summer.

Although Chen Agui is not very smart, he also knows that he will not suffer any loss if he follows Chen Afu. He immediately nodded and said with a smile, If you follow Ah Fu, you will definitely make money. If you lose, I will admit defeat. Once the winter wheat is harvested, I will use five acres to plant melons.

After hearing this, Chen Ye and Mrs. Chen both smiled and nodded happily. Both of them were shrewd, and they had long noticed that Chen Afu would be unusual after he recovered from his illness. Look at Chen Shi listening to Ah Fu, everyone is happy.

Today's dish is very rich. The old lady led her three sons and Chen Agui to sit on the kang to eat, while the others ate at the table on the floor, divided into two tables.

During the meal, Mr. Hu sang and chanted again, and recounted with great expression the difficulties that Mr. Chen had in raising Mr. Chen and Mr. Chen.

Chen Ye liked to hear these words the most, and he laughed loudly.

Chen Ming and Chen Shi both picked up their wine bowls to thank Chen Ye for his efforts. The three brothers recalled the hardships and sweet memories, and talked about the hardships of the past and the good life now.

Mrs. Hu was so angry that she felt tight in her chest. She just said something nice, but it was of no use if she didn't pay for it.

Chen Aman was next to Chen Afu and whispered to her from time to time, making Chen Aju envious and jealous.

Because in the countryside, Chen Afu's clothes are not outstanding, usually fine cloth or dark-colored silk. But Chen Aman dresses well. Although the quality is not very good, the color is tender and the style is good-looking. She also looks fair and pretty. She always smiles and everyone likes her.

After the meal, Chen Shi's family took out the gifts. I bought a gold hairpin and some soft food for the old lady. There were a large bag of food and supplies for the first and second rooms respectively. The gifts were the same, worth three and four taels of silver respectively. This gift is already very important.

Chen Ye and Chen Ming said words of thanks. Mrs. Hu curled her lips and wanted to say something, but she stopped when she saw Chen Ye staring at her.

Everyone chatted and laughed for a while, and Chen Ming and others were about to go home. They agreed that they would all come to the big house for a reunion on New Year's Eve and treat guests in the second room on New Year's Day.

Chen Atang announced, I will go to my second uncle's house to live with A Lu.

Chen Aman also stood up and said, I'm going to sleep with Sister Afu too.

Mrs. Chen said to her, I haven't been back for so long. Aman wants to sleep with her.

After hearing this, Chen Aman immediately hugged the old lady's arm and said yes with a smile.

The old lady glanced at Chen Aju, who was sitting far away, and whispered, Your sister Aju has been looking forward to your return. Now that you are close to Afu, you should get closer to Aju more. Aju is a Bangchui, she listens to Hu Cuicui on everything. Hu Cuicui often instigates her to do bad things, and it doesn’t matter if she shrinks her neck. In the end, she is the one who takes care of it. Ah Ju can’t listen to what I say, and she doesn’t have the patience to listen, so she and I just She knows how to hit people, but her mother is always used to it. You two ladies are easy to talk to each other. Talk to her more, guide her more, and make her smarter...

The old lady didn't have any trouble. She originally wanted Afu to talk to Aju more and take care of her more. But Ah Ju offended Ah Fu so much that she was embarrassed to tell Ah Fu. He had no choice but to let Amanduo get close to Aju, so that Aju could learn to be smarter and hang out less with Hu Cuicui.

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